
Set up WooCommerce Product Builder settings at Dashboard/ Product Builder/ Settings


A. Design

In the Design tab, you can choose the product builder templates, customize the button on the product builder page, customize on mobile mode, and other advanced features.

  1. Template

You can select available product builder displays in 3 templates: Classic; Modern; Ajax.

Ajax template: With this template, all steps will be visible on a page, and customers can load Ajax to add the product to the cart, preventing the entire page from being reloaded.

Classic and modern templates share the same style with a bit different in some details:  Each step will be visible in one page.



2. Text color.

3. Background color.

4. Primary text color.

5. Primary background-color.

6. Button icon.




7. Distance from bottom:  The space between the bottom and the control bar.

8. Control bar text color: Set the color for the text on the control bar.

9. Control bar background color: Set the color for the background on the control bar.


* Design the control bar on mobile




10. Display share link: Enable this option to show the share link of the selected products on the preview page.

11. Display get short share link for the customer: Enable to display the Get short share link on the front end applied for Ajax template


12. Remove short share link records after x day(s):  Set after x day(s) the short share link records will be removed.

13. Clear Section: Clear session after adding to cart

14. Clear filter: Clear filter after selecting.

15. Custom CSS: Re-design the product builder page as your desire.


B. Email

1. Enable: to show the email button on the preview page, click that button to send an email including the selected products.

2. Header: Add the default header.

3. From Enter certain address the email sends from.

4. Subject: Enter the subject of the email.

5. Body Message: Add the content of the message, you can use a shortcode to write the email content.

6. Message thank you: The messages display after sending email.


C. Print & PDF

After assembling a set of component products, you can export the selected product list to a PDF file and print it on the preview page.

Go to the Print & PDF tab to configure the PDF page.

  1. Print button: Enable to display the print button on the preview page, and use the print function.
  2. Download PDF button: Enable to display the Download PDF button on the preview page, and use the download PDF function.
  3. Show short description: Enable to display the product short description in the PDF file and printed file.
  4. Header of layout: Customize the content of the header using available shortcodes.
  5. Footer of layout: Customize the content of the footer using available shortcodes.