WooCommerce Photo Reviews

Created: 11/2017

Latest update: 5/2024 – Updated version: 1.3.12

By VillaTheme

Thank you for using our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!



What is WooCommerce Photo Reviews?

WooCommerce Photo Reviews is an ultimate review plugin for WooCommerce which helps your customers leave reviews with photos and videos on the WooCommerce products frontend page; Review reminder emails can be scheduled or manually send to remind the customer to review the product. After evaluating the product, the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin will send Thank you emails with WooCommerce coupons to customers. Other than those features above, you can also import reviews from AliExpress and Amazon via the extension, as well as export and import reviews via CSV file; Add and edit reviews manually in the backend; Customize the Review and Review form sections to make them decorated; Share reviews among products; Shortcode reviews allows display reviews anywhere you want and many more useful functions…



The plugin allows customers to post reviews including photos. This feature will help you to create social proof of your product and increase the conversion rate.

  • Photo review: Post customer reviews for WooCommerce with photos and videos and shows it on the front end.
  • Anchor link: Support the anchor link which redirects to the review form to leave a review when the customers click on the Review now button on the review reminder email or review filters.
  • Maximum picture size: You can set a maximum picture size that customers can attach to their reviews.
  • Maximum picture quantity: You can set a maximum number of photos that can be attached to a review.
  • Sort reviews: You can select to sort reviews by the Newest or Oldest.
  • Review Filter: This option filters customer reviews for WooCommerce by rating, containing pictures.
  • GDPR compliance: The plugin will display a message and a checkbox at the review form that allows customers to agree to share the review on your page.
  • Ajax pagination: This allows customers to move to the next reviews without reloading the page.
  • Verified badge: Displays a verified badge on customer reviews for WooCommerce next to their name, the admin can customize the badge with text/sample/icon.
  • Hide review author name: Displays the author name of the review with asterisks, which can be displayed as N***.
  • Image caption: Allows review authors to add a caption to each review picture.
  • Edit reviews: The admin can edit review text, rearrange or change review images.
  • Helpful button: This option allows users to mark reviews as “helpful” or “unhelpful”. The result will be displayed on the front-end under each review.
  • Additional fields on the review form: Create multiple optional fields and set values for those fields. Then customers can select these values when they leave a review. The Optional Fields option helps to provide more information about the product.


The plugin provides many design options for you to change customer reviews for WooCommerce to fit your website interface.

  • Front-end style: there are 2 front-end styles for you to select. The Grid style and the default style.
  • Number of columns: select how many columns to display customer reviews for WooCommerce with the Grid style.
  • Background color: This helps you to change the background color of the review section.
  • Text color: You can change the color of the review text.
  • Review date: Choose to display the review date on the front end.
  • Display Review Tab first: In some cases, the product description tab is displayed as default instead of the review tab. This option helps to display the review tab as default.
  • Review Rating Count: Display overall rating on the front-end.
  • Full-size images: This allows customers to display review images full-size.
  • Upload file button: Customize the upload file button on the review form.
  • Custom CSS: You can add your own CSS code to change the front-end design as you want.



Share reviews feature is an advanced feature which allows you to share the same reviews for a range of products in the same list.



You can set up email reminders to remind customers to leave reviews after they have purchased the product. The plugin will send a review reminder email to the customer, asking them to leave a review of the product. To encourage the customer to take pictures of the product and leave a review, the plugin will offer them a discount coupon.

  • Set a schedule after the order change to specific statuses, the emails will be sent to remind for reviewing the product.
  • Options to ignore sending review reminder emails to specific products/categories.
  • Custom sender email address.
  • Customize review reminder email templates: There are 2 types of the email template you can use to send review reminder emails, you will customize the review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.
  • Auto-login feature helps to log in to the website automatically when clicking from the Review now button on the review reminder email.



In case you sent a Review Reminder email to customers to ask for a review, but they have not left any yet, this feature would be helpful. It helps if you want to remind them of leaving reviews for the items they purchased, by resending the email in case they somehow did not leave one.

  • Set up a schedule to resend reminder emails: Repeat send reminder emails after certain days, at certain hours.
  • Customize the resend reminder email templates: There are 2 types of the email template you can use to resend review reminder emails, you will customize the resend review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original resend review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.



Coupons can be given to customers who have purchased and reviewed your products.

  • Send coupon email: The plugin will send an email with a coupon whenever a review that matches the requirements is published.
  • Multiple rules to receive a coupon: You can make rules to receive coupons, if a review is eligible a certain rule, the user/customer will receive a respective coupon.
  • Use existing coupons: The admin can select to send existing WooCommerce coupons as a prize.
  • Auto-generate coupons: The admin can set to generate unique coupons and send them along with the coupon emails, with all WooCommerce Coupon settings.
  • Conditions in each rule to receive a coupon: Set specific conditions in each rule to obtain a coupon.
    • Registered-account email is required: Activate this setting if you want coupons to be sent only if the author’s email address is registered with an account.
    • Upload required: Coupon will be offered only if the customer review contains photos or videos.
    • Verified owner is required: Coupon will be offered only if the reviews are rated by purchased customers.
    • Minimum required rating: Coupon will be offered only if the rating is equal or greater than this value.
    • Required categories: Coupon will be offered only if the reviewed products in these categories.
    • Exclude categories to give coupon: Coupon will not be offered for the reviewed products in these categories.
    • Required products: In this field, coupons can only be received by reviewing the selected products. Leave blank to apply for all products
    • Exclude products to give coupon: Reviewing the selected products will not receive coupons.
  • Configure coupon email: There are 2 types of the email template you can use: WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original coupon email template of the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.



The site administrators can add reviews manually.

  • Select products to add a review manually.
  • Add review information: Author, email, review title, content, rating, verified owner, review date, review images.



The plugin allows you to import/export customer reviews for WooCommerce using CSV files.

  • Export review: You can export existing customer reviews for WooCommerce to a CSV file. The exported file includes author, author email, comment date, comment content, rating, review image links, user ID…
  • Date: Select a time range to export customer reviews for WooCommerce.
  • Products: Select the products which you want to export customer reviews for WooCommerce.
  • Categories: Select the categories to export customer reviews for WooCommerce.
  • Rating: Select the review with the rating you want to export. For example, you want to export only 4-stars and 5-stars reviews.
  • Comment status: Select the comment status of the review you want to export. For example, you want to export only approved reviews.
  • Import Review: You can import customer reviews for WooCommerce using CSV files as well. The imported CSV file has the same configuration as the exported CSV file.



Since version, the plugin has included a new feature: You can directly import customer reviews from AliExpress and Amazon into WooCommerce using the Import AliExpress/Amazon Reviews to Woo Extention. You can quickly import reviews using the AliExpress and Amazon product IDs with this feature, and you can import reviews to any particular products on your WooCommerce website.

  • Connect the extension and import unlimited reviews with photos on any products on Aliexpress and Amazon pages.
  • Import reviews to a product which has the SKU the same Aliexpress or Amazon product’s ID.
  • Import reviews to specific products on your WooCommerce website.
  • Set a status for the reviews imported through Chrome extension, you can choose approved or pending.
  • Set the reviews imported by the chrome extension as verified reviews.
  • Import the vote up/down count of reviews
  • Option to upload review images to your server instead of using the original image URL.
  • Option to upload reviews with videos.
  • Import reviewers’ order info (except for logistics info) such as Color, Size… to Optional fields.



The plugin allows you to import customer reviews for WooCommerce from AliExpress by using AliExpress product IDs.

  • Import using product ID: Using an AliExpress product ID to import reviews from that product to a selected WooCommerce product.
  • Selected Ratings: Import reviews with expected rating: All reviews, only 5-star reviews, only 4-star reviews, only 3-star reviews, only 2-star reviews, or only 1-star reviews.
  • Included pictures: Select to import only reviews that include pictures
  • Mark imported review as Verified owner: The imported reviews will be marked with a “Verified owner” badge.
  • Download picture: If you select the download picture option, pictures will be downloaded to your website database. If not, the plugin will use the AliExpress pictures (with URLs to AliExpress.com) to display review pictures.
  • Country: Select a particular country and import only reviews from that selected country.
  • Number of reviews: Select several reviews that will be imported. A product on AliExpress.com can have thousands of reviews and you may not want to import all of those reviews. So this option will help you to set a limit on how many reviews will be imported.



WooCommerce Photo Reviews is available 4 widgets in Elementor:

  • Photo Reviews: To display a list of reviews on your website.
  • Review form: To display the review form for customers to post their reviews.
  • Rating: To display the product rating.
  • Overal rating: To display the last average rating of the product.

* Note: This feature is only available in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin premium version.



The plugin provides 4 shortcodes.

  • Overall rating shortcode [wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html product_id="" overall_rating_enable="on" rating_count_enable="on"]: This shortcode is used to display the overall rating
  • Product rating shortcode [wc_photo_reviews_rating_html product_id="" rating="" review_count="on"]: This shortcode is used to display the rating of a product
  • Review form shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id="" hide_product_details="" hide_product_price="" type="popup" button_position="center"]: This shortcode can be used for a single product page or review page of the reminder email.
  • Reviews shortcode (Usage with all available arguments) [wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page="12" cols="3" cols_mobile="1" use_single_product="on" cols_gap="" products="" grid_bg_color="" grid_item_bg_color="" grid_item_border_color="" text_color="" star_color="" product_cat="" order="" orderby="comment_date_gmt" show_product="on" filter="on" pagination="on" pagination_ajax="on" pagination_pre="" pagination_next="" loadmore_button="off" filter_default_image="off" filter_default_verified="off" filter_default_rating="" pagination_position="" conditional_tag="" custom_css="" ratings="" mobile="on" style="masonry" masonry_popup="review" enable_box_shadow="on" full_screen_mobile="on" overall_rating="off" rating_count="off" only_images="off" image_popup="below_thumb"]: This shortcode is to display all reviews or specific reviews of some products or categories

To learn more about How to use these shortcodes, please regard this documentation.



  • Multiple Language: WooCommerce Photo Reviews allows you to display different front-end messages, emails in different languages. This feature works with WPML and Polylang.
  • Preview: You can preview the emails created by WooCommerce Photo Reviews in the back-end.
  • Automatically update: You can update the plugin from your Dashboard during your support period. This option requires you to authenticate your purchase.


System Requires:

  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+
  3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Install Plugin:

Go to Plugin/Add New/Upload Plugin/Choose file/select plugin file zip woocommerce-photo-reviews.zip/Install Now/Active Plugin



How to use

After installing and activating the plugin, go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews to configure the plugin settings one by one.

First, in the General tab, enable the plugin on desktop and mobile to apply all the following settings.


How does it work

General settings

Go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews to configure the plugin general settings.

In the General tab

  1. Enable: Enable/Disable the plugin.
  2. Mobile: Enable/Disable photo reviews on mobile devices.
  3. Enable Multilingual: This feature will help you to display the front-end message and emails in different languages.
  4. Customer review photos folder: A Sub folder will be created in your root upload folder to store photos uploaded by customers.
  5. Import review photos folder: A Sub folder will be created in your root upload folder to store photos of reviews imported from AliExpress or imported with  CSV.
  6. Customer review photos prefix: Prefix for photos of reviews uploaded by customers.
  7. Import review photos prefix: Prefix for photos of reviews imported from AliExpress or CSV.




Review Form Settings & Design Reviews



1. How the Review form looks like.

Customers leave their reviews on the review form normally including the Review title; Rating; Review content; Attach images or videos, then click on the Submit button to post the review. The photo below is what the review form looks like:

2. Settings of the Review form.

You can configure the review form in the Reviews tab and Optional Fields tabs in the plugin back end.

a. In the Review tab, you can manage the Review form settings with these options below:


1. Review anchor link: The anchor link redirects to the review form to leave a review when the customers click on one of the 2 positions:

    • In the review reminder email: Click on the Review now button.
    • On a review filter on the front end.
Click on the Review now button to direct to the review form
Click on the filters to link to the review form


2. Restrict the number of reviews: Normally, reviews can just be posted by the customers who purchased the product, or in another word, they are verified customers. However, with the Restrict number of reviews, the admin can change how many reviews a customer/user can post.

  • None: Customers and users are not limited in how many reviews they can post.
  • One review no matter whether the customer bought that product or not: No matter whether the customers bought or not a product, they have 0ne chance to post a review.
  • One review and verified owner required (the customer must have bought that product): Only when customers who purchased the product, they are allowed to post one review.
  • By number of times the customer bought that product: Allow customers to post reviews in accordance with the times they bought a product.

* Note: To use this feature, you have to uncheck option ‘Reviews can only be left by “verified owners”‘ in WooCommerce Settings. Verified owner validation will be checked when customers submit reviews.


3.  Reviews orders: If the order has multiple line items to review, enable this option to allow your customers to submit reviews for all the order items in that order at one time. The option to leave reviews in bulk is available in the customer’s My Account page >> Orders (visit this documentation). Simply click the “Rate” button associated with the order they wish to leave reviews and they’ll be redirected to.

4. Ajax check reviews: Allow checking review content, customer information and restrict number of reviews without loading the page.

  • Ajax upload: Enable this option to make the page not reload after uploading media to review

5. Allow empty comment:  Allow customers to post reviews with empty content, only rating is required.

6. Minimum comment length: Require the review characters not less than a certain. Leave blank to not set minimum.

7. Include photos & videos: Allow customers to attach photos and videos to their reviews

8. Auto-play video: Enable to automatically play review videos

9. Upload required: Reviews must include a photo or a video to be uploaded

10. Maximum upload file size: The maximum size of a single picture or a video can be uploaded

11. Maximum photo quantity: The maximum number of upload files can be posted with a review.

12. Upload images requirement: This text note is displayed on the review form to warn the customer about the maximum photo quantity and maximum photo size they can upload.

13. Upload button text: You can change the submit review text on the review form in this field.

14. Upload button style: Design the submit review button, choose the background color and text color you want.

15. Enable review title: This option helps show or hide the title of the review form.

16. Review title Placeholder: Add the text of placeholder on the review title.

17. Thank you message: This message will show when the review is uploaded successfully

18. Thank you message if Coupon: If a customer leaves a review and receive a coupon for it, this message will show.

19. GDPR checkbox: Enable the GDPR checkbox with this option.

20. GDPR message: Add the content for the GDPR message



b. In the Optional Fields tab, you can create and add/remove custom fields to the review form.

  1. Enable: Enable if you want to add more the optional fields in the review form.
  2. Show optional fields from product variations: With this option, you can create the variations optional fields of the current variable product.
  3. Optional fields:
    • Name: Enter the optional field name.
    • Label: The label of the optional field, this label will be displayed on the front-end.
    • Placeholder: Add the text of the placeholder
    • Value set: Enter the values of this field. Customers can select between these values when they leave a review.
    • Units: This option is for the products which have a measurement system. For example cm, kg…
  4. Add new fields.
  5. Remove fields.




In the Reviews tab, the options below help to customize how reviews look on the front end.



a. General settings

  1. Sort review by: You can sort to display reviews in order: Newest first; Oldest first; Or Vote up high to low
  2. Update comment meta to use sort reviews by the vote count option: Vote can be changed over time, so click update to recalculate the vote volume if you choose sorting review with the Vote up high to low option.
  3. Sort review tab first: The Review tab is displayed under the Description and Additional Information tab by default. Enable this option to display the review tab first.
  4. Rating star color: Change the color of the rating star.
  5. Hide name: You can hide name of the commentators. There are 3 options:
    • None: Not hide the commentator name.
    • Only display first letter of each word in author’name.Eg:”Woo Photo Reviews”becomes”W**P****R******”
    • Display full first name and initial for surname.Eg:”Photo Reviews”becomes”PhotoR”
    • Display full of the last name and initial for the first name. Eg: “Woo Photo Reviews” become “W.Reviews”
  6. Verified owner: Mark the commentators as the verified owners. You can color for the text and the badge icon, when using “Text” or “Badge”, but you can’t customize color when using “Default” option.
    1. Default: Use this option if you want to use your initial Verified Owner badge instead of a custom badge supported by our plugin
    2. Text: Enter the specific text, for example: Verified owner
    3. Badge: A custom badge icon, for example:

b. Image caption

  1. Show image caption: enable the image caption option, allows your customers to post a caption with each review picture.
  2. Image caption text color: change the image caption text on front-end.
  3. Image caption background color: change the caption background color.
  4. Image caption font size(px): select the caption text font-size.


c. Helpful button

  1. Helpful buttons: enable to display the helpful button on each review.
  2. Helpful buttons title: change the text of the helpful button title on front-end.


d. Front-end design

  1. Front-end style: Select the front-end style. There are two styles, Grid and Normal.
    • Grid (Masonry) style

      Normal style

    • Settings for the Grid (Masonsy) style.
  1. Popup type: There are three styles you can select to let the images appear when the customer clicks on the review images:
    • Whole review: Display full review content when clicking on this review image.
    • Only image: Zoom out just this review image.
    • Off: Not zoom the review image.
  2. Cropped image: You can create a new cropped “thumbnail” image when uploading the image.
  3. Display full image size: Enable to display the photo of reviews with full size.
  4. Ajax Pagination & Filter: Enable this option to not reload the whole page when customers click next review pages or filters.
  5. Enable load-more button: By using this feature, the Load more button will appear, and when clicked, more reviews will be displayed.
  6. Max content-length: Set the maximum length for a review content, if a review content length is greater than this value so that customers can click the button “More” to load full review content.
  7. Display popup in fullscreen on mobile: Enable to show the review popup fully on the mobile.
  8. Display product summary on masonry popup:  Display the product information on the review pop-up when choosing the Whole review popup style.
    • Enable Ajax Add to cart: Not reload the whole page when adding the product to the cart on the masonry popup.
  9. Number of columns:
    • Number of columns on PC: Select how many columns of reviews you want to display with the Grid (Mansory) style on PC
    • Number of columns on Mobile: Select how many columns of reviews you want to display with the Grid (Mansory) style on mobile.
  10. Grid background-color: select the background color of the review module.
  11. Grid item background-color: select the background color of the item color.
  12. Grid item border-color: select the border color of the item color.
  13. Review text color: change the review text color.
  14. Show review date: Select if you want to display the review date.
  15. Custom review date format: Select the review date format.
  16. Enable box-shadow: Enable this option to create the box-shadow effect when a review is selected.
    • Settings for the Normal style.

    • a. Image popup: When customers click on the review image in the normal style, you can choose the image appears under below thumbnails or lightbox.
    • b. Ajax Pagination & Filter: Enable this option to not reload the whole page when customers click next review pages or filters.
    • c. Enable load-more button: By using this feature, the Load more button will appear, and when clicked, more reviews will be displayed.
    • d. Reviews container: Leave this field blank if ajax load more reviews works properly. If nothing happens when you click on button load more, product review template have been customized on your site. Just find the specific class or id of the closest container-the closest element(usually an “ul” or “ol” element) that wraps all reviews. Use dot(.) if it’s a class name and use hash(#) if it’s an id.

e. Custom CSS: Allows you to enter CSS code to change the plugin front-end as you want




Share reviews

Share reviews feature is an advanced feature which allows you to share the same reviews for a range of products in the same list.

  1. Group no:  The number of groups which have the same reviews.
  2. Products: Products which have the same reviews in each group
  3. Action: Remove group
  4. Add new groups: Click on the “+” button to create new groups.

Rating Counts & Filters

  1. Ratings count: Enable rating count on the front end.
  2. Hide if empty: Do not show Rating count & Overall rating if a product does not have any reviews
  3. Overall rating: This will display the last average rating of the product.
  4. Ratings count bar color: Select a color for rating count bar.
  5. Filter: Enable filter for reviews – Reviews with images, Reviews with particular rating, Reviews created by Verified owner
  6. Hide if empty: Do not show Filter if a product does not have any reviews
  7. Select Image filter by default: Enable this option to make the Image filter default
  8. Select Verified filter by default: Enable this option to make the Verified filter default
  9. Select Rating by default: Enable this option to make the Rating filter default with a particular rating or all ratings
  10. Filter area border color: Choose the Filter area border color.
  11. Filter area background color: Choose the Filter background color.
  12. Filter buttons border color: Choose the Button border color.
  13. Filter button color: Choose the Button color.
  14. Filter button background color: Choose the button background color.

Coupon Email

Coupons can be rewarded to the customers after they purchased and left reviews for your products. In the Coupon tab, you will configure settings to: Send coupons; Rules to send coupons, Coupon types; and set an individual email for each coupon type.



A. General settings

Go to Photo reviews > Coupon tab. You will configure general settings for the coupon.

  1. Coupon for reviews: Enable this option to offer coupons to the customers if their reviews are approved.
  2. Set email restriction: Reviews can be posted by users (no login), non-purchased or verified customers through the admin permission in the Reviews tab > Restrict the number of reviews. If you enable this option, only the verified customers who received the Review reminder email and clicked on the Review now button to rate the product will be eligible to receive the coupon.
  3. Review form description: Change the title on the review form to offer a coupon to the customers.
  4. Custom “from” address: Coupon email will be sent from this email address. If you leave blank, “From” address of the WooCommerce “From” address will be used.

B. Coupon rules

You can make rules to receive coupons, if a review is eligible a certain rule, the user/customer will receive a respective coupon. Rules are scanned from top to bottom and apply the first one found.

1. and 2. Create multiple rules to receive a specific coupon, add the name of each coupon rule. For example the rule 1 named: Coupon for review 1; And rule 2 named: Coupon for review 2.

3. Clone rules: Duplicate a new rule.

4. Remove rules: Delete a certain rule.


C. Conditions in each rule to receive the coupon.


  1. Registered-account email is required: Activate this setting if you want coupons to be sent only if the author’s email address is registered with an account.
  2. Upload required: Coupon will be offered only if the customer review contains photos or videos.
  3. Verified owner is required: Coupon will be offered only if the reviews are rated by purchased customers.
  4. Minimum required rating: Coupon will be offered only if the rating is equal or greater than this value.
  5. Required categories: Coupon will be offered only if the reviewed products in these categories.
  6. Exclude categories to give coupon: Coupon will not be offered for the reviewed products in these categories.
  7. Required products: In this field, coupons can only be received by reviewing the selected products. Leave blank to apply for all products
  8. Exclude products to give coupon: Reviewing the selected products will not receive coupons.


D. Coupon

  1. Select coupon kind: There are 2 kinds of coupon that customer can receive after reviewing the product: Existing coupon or Unique coupon.
    • Existing coupon: This kind of coupon is existed in Dashboard > Marketing > Coupons. You can follow this guide to configure WooCommerce existing Coupons. All you need to do is to choose a coupon code from the existing coupon to be a coupon for reviewing.

    • Unique coupon: This kind of coupon is generated by this plugin. Below settings are for unique coupon.
  1. Discount Type: You can choose a type of discount: Percentage discount, Fixed cart discount, and Fixed product discount.
  2. Coupon Amount: Set a value of the coupon respectively with the discount type. For example: 10% discount, $5 fixed cart discount, $15 fixed product discount…
  3. Allow Free Shipping: Enable this option if the coupon grants free shipping. A free shipping method must be enabled in your shipping zone and be set to require “a valid free shipping coupon” (see the “Free Shipping Requires” setting).
  4. Time To Live: Coupon will expire after x day(s) since it’s generated and sent
  5. Minimum Spend:  Allows you to set the minimum subtotal needed to use the coupon.
  6. Maximum Spend: Allows you to set the maximum subtotal allowed when using the coupon.
  7. Individual Use Only: Tick the box if you don’t want this coupon to be used in combination with other coupons.
  8. Exclude Sale Items: Tick the box if you don’t want this coupon to apply to products on sale. Per-cart coupons do not work if a sale item is added afterward.
  9. Include products: Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the “Fixed cart discount” to be applied
  10. Exclude products: Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the “Fixed cart discount” to be applied
  11. Included categories: Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the “Fixed cart discount” to be applied
  12. Exclude categories: Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the “Fixed cart discount” to be applied
  13. Usage Limit Per Coupon: How many times a coupon can be used by all customers before being invalid.
  14. Limit Usage To X Items: How many items the coupon can be applied to before being invalid. This field is only displayed if there is one or more products that the coupon can be used with, and is configured under the Usage Restrictions.
  15. Usage Limit Per User: How many times a coupon can be used by each customer before being invalid for that customer.
  16. Coupon code prefix: Add the prefix text to distinguish the generated coupon. For example: review_code


E. Coupon Email

In the Email section, you will customize the coupon email template which is offered for reviewing of the customers.

There are 2 types of the email template you can use:

  1. Email templates from WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin.  
    • Use WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin to design the Coupon email – you can use either free or premium version of the email customizer plugin. Visit this documentation to learn how to customize the review coupon email templates.
  2. The original coupon email template of the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.

The coupon email will use the plugin’s default email template if there is no WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin’s template selected above. Below are some customization options for the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin’s original coupon email template.

  • Email subject: Subject lines for emails sent to customers that contain discount coupon codes.
  • Email heading: The heading of emails sending to customers which include discount coupon code
  • Email content: The information included in the email sent to customers informing them of the coupon code they receive for leaving reviews




Review Reminder Email

Once the customer has purchased the product, you will set up email reminders to remind them to leave reviews in the Review Reminder tab.


A. General settings

1. Review reminder: Enable this option to send an email to customers asking for reviews.

2. Order status trigger: If an order status is one of those statuses selected in this field, review reminder will be sent.

3. Exclude Email addresses: Set the email addresses which will be not received review reminders.

4. Excluded products: Review reminder emails will not sent if the order includes these products.

5. Exclude categories:  Review reminder emails will not sent if the order includes these categories.

6. Exclude non-coupon given products: Products that do not receive coupons, you can select in the Coupon tab, will not appear in review reminder emails.

7. Schedule time: Schedule a time to send a request email after an order is marked as statuses chosen above.

8. Custom “from” address: This option allows to change the send – from the address with review reminder emails. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will use the default WooCommerce email address.


B. Review Reminder Email

There are 2 types of the email template you can use to send review reminder emails, you will customize the review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.

  1. Email templates from WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin: 
    • Use WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin to design the Coupon email – you can use either free or premium version of the email customizer plugin. Visit this documentation to learn how to customize the review coupon email templates.
  2. The original review reminder email template for the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin is customizable using contents and the options listed below.
  • Email subject: The subject of emails sent to customers to ask for reviews.
  • Email heading: The heading of emails sent to customers to ask for reviews.
  • Email content: The content of emails sent to customers to ask for reviews. You can use shortcodes to display necessary information.
  • Show star rating: Allow your customers to leave a review with 5 stars. The ratings would be set the status to pending approval
    If this option is enabled, there’s 5-star rating in the email above the “Review Now” button like below:
  • Button “Review now”: change the text of the review now button in the review reminder email.
  • Button “Review now” text color: Change the color of the review now text in the review reminder email.
  • Button “Review now” background color: Change the color of the review now button background in the review reminder email.
  • Product image width: Adjust product image width in the review reminder email.



C. Auto login and Review page

The customer will be directed to the Review form page to review for the purchased product on your website when they click the “Review now” button in the review reminder email.  In this section, you will be asked to let the customer logged in or disable the auto-login with certain user roles.


1. Auto-login: When customers click “Review Now” on the review reminder emails, their accounts should be automatically signed in. The link can only be used once and will disappear after 30 days if it isn’t used.

2. Disable auto-login if users have roles: You can disable the auto-login feature for certain user roles.

3. Review page: You can use the Review form shortcode to create a review page. Then select that page in this field. When a customer clicks on the Review now button in review reminder emails, they will be redirected to this page.

If you leave empty this field, customers will be redirected to the single product page of the purchased product to review when clicking on the “Review Now” button.





Resend Review Reminder

In case you sent a Review Reminder email to customers to ask for a review, but they have not left any yet, this feature would be helpful. It helps if you want to remind them of leaving reviews for the items they purchased, by resending the email in case they somehow did not leave one.

Go to Resend review reminder tab to configure resending review reminders and email resending templates.

A. Set up a schedule to resend reminder emails


  1. Enable: Enable this option to resend the Review Reminder email if the customer has not rated after the first email.
  2. Resend reminder email after: Set the time for how many days to send the next email
  3. Stop after: Set how many times you send the Review Reminder email.
  4. Resend email at: Set the exact hour to send the email in the day


B. Resend review reminder email templates

There are 2 types of the email template you can use to resend review reminder emails, you will customize the resend review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original resend review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.

  1. Email template to resend: Select a template and assign it to the time you send a review reminder email. This option is perfectly compatible with the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin – You can create multiple Review Reminder templates with the plugin and select the template you want here. Regard this documentation for more information.
    • In case there’s no available template to assign, the plugin will use the default (original) templates below to send.
  2. The original resend review reminder email templates in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.
  • Times: Assign the number which stands for the time you send the email to each corresponding email content.
  • Email content: Edit the email content and watch the preview before the real sending.
  • Remove: Remove the row that contains the time and email content
  • Add content: Add times and email content to resend the corresponding Review Reminder email




Manage Customer Reviews in Backend


Go to Dashboard > Products > Reviews, hover over the review you want to edit, and click on the Edit button.

A window will be opened with options for editting a comment/review.

  1. Name: Edit the name of review author.
  2. Email: Edit the email of review author
  3. Review title: Edit the title of review.
  4. Review content: Edit or add the content of review.
  5. Rating: Select the rating as you want.
  6. Add image: add or remove review images.
  7. Update: Update all the changed fields.




The plugin provides filters in the backend, which helps you save time when searching for reviews with mutual factors.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Comment

Step 2: Select the filter. See the specific explanation below.

Step 3: Click “Filter” button



  1. Filter with rating: This filter helps you search for all reviews with a specific rating. Select a rating you need and click the “Filter” button
  2. Filter with image: This filter helps you find reviews with or without the image(s) attached. Select the option you need > Click “Filter”
  3. Filter with product title: Add the product title > Click “Filter”. This helps you find reviews of a particular product



If you want to download the images of imported reviews from AliExpress to your server, go to Dashboard > Products > Reviews and check on all the comments you want to download review images then choose Bulk actions/ Download reviews images/ Apply.




If you want to set many reviews as verified owner, go to Dashboard > Products > Reviews and check on all the comments you want to set as verified then choose Buck actions/Set review verified/Apply.



Add Reviews Manually

Go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews/ Add A Review to add a review manually.

  1. Product: select a product to add review.
  2. Author name: enter an author name.
  3. Author email: enter an author email, this option is not required and you can leave this field blank.
  4. Review title: Enter the title of review.
  5. Content: type in the review text.
  6. Rating: select a rating.
  7. Verified Owner: select if you want to enable the verified owner badge for this review.
  8. Review Date: select a review time.
  9. Review Image: add review pictures.

Import/Export Reviews

You can Import/Export reviews using CSV files.

A. Export reviews

To export reviews into a CSV file, go to Dashboard/ Photo Review/ Export Reviews

  1. Start date: select a date range to export reviews.
  2. End date: select a date range to export reviews.
  3. Products: select to export reviews of specific products.
  4. Categories: select to export reviews from specific product categories.
  5. Ratings: select to export only reviews with these ratings.
  6. Comment status: select to import only approved reviews.

B. Import reviews using CSV files

To import review using CSV files, go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews/ Import/

Step 1: Upload  CSV file

  1. Choose File: Choose the review CSV file you want to import.
  2. Continue: Click Continue button to go next step.

Step 2: Setting & Mapping

Before importing reviews by CSV file, you will configure below general settings:

  1. Reviews per step:  The number of reviews imported per step.
  2. Start line: Reviews will be imported start at the chosen line in CSV file.
  3. Use product SKU instead of ID: Enable it to import reviews by CSV using SKU instead of ID
  4. Use product SLUG instead of ID: Enable it to import reviews by CSV using SLUG instead of ID
  5. Upload review image file: Enable if you allow to upload reviews with images in the CSV file.
  6. Upload review video file: Enable if you allow to upload reviews with videos in the CSV file.
  7. Date format: type the format of date displayed in CSV file and it must be followed correct date format https://wordpress.org/support/article/formatting-date-and-time/
  8. Import from shopify: Enable to import product reviews from shopify to WooCommerce if the Shopify to WooCommerce plugin is installed and activated.


You will be asked to map the column names in the CSV file with the respective product meta fields. There are some fields are required to map: Product ID; Author name; Content; Rating.


Step 3: Import CSV file

Click on Import button and wait.




Chrome Extension

WooCommerce Photo Reviews from version has updated a new feature to import reviews from AliExpress and Amazon by the plugin’s extension named: The Import AliExpress/ Amazon to WooCommerce. This feature allows you to import unlimited reviews. Moreover, you can select reviews to import individually or all reviews on AliExpress and Amazon.

1. How to configure the Import AliExpress/Amazon reviews to WooCommerce – Chrome Extension.

Step 1: Go to the Import AliExpress/Amazon reviews to Woo 

Step 2: Click Add to Chrome.

The request popup appears to ask for permission, click on Add extension.

You’ll see the extensions in Chrome as buttons on the toolbar.

Step 3: Now you can start connecting your domain(s) and importing reviews.

3.1. Connect your domain:

  1. Domain: Use the green “Add” button to add as many domains as you want. Then copy your domain and place it in the field.
  2. Secret Key: Copy the secret key which is associated the a specific site and paste here. You can find the Secret key in the plugin settings – Chrome Extension tab (view the documentation right below)
  3. Enable: Check/Uncheck the checkbox associated with each domain if you want to import the review to that domain, or exclude that domain from importing reviews to. If uncheck, even when the domain with the correct Secret Key is added, valid Chrome Extension settings are configured in the plugin settings, reviews would still not be imported to that domain.
  4. Save: Hit this button each time you add domain/secret key before moving to another page, to avoid losing info.


3.1.1. Single site domain

URL: You can get your correct site URL in WordPress settings >> General

Secret key: Simply go to Dashboard >> Photo Reviews >> Chrome Extension and copy the Secret Key (option (1) in the section right below. E.g.


3.1.2. Multisite domain

Site URL: In case you’re using multisite feature of WordPress, you can get the URL of your subdomain, like this:

Secret key: Simply go to the plugin settings in your subdomain and copy the key, just like above, then fill it in the associated domain in your extension.


3.2. Import reviews: Go to the Reviews section on AliExpress and Amazon and start importing reviews.

Important note: Please ensure you set up the Chrome Extension settings below before importing reviews here

  1. Import reviews on this page: Import reviews in bulk – All reviews on that page
  2. Import this review: Import each review individually – One review at a time

Reviews on AliExpress:

Reviews on Amazon:


2. How to import reviews with the Import AliExpress/Amazon reviews to WooCommerce – Chrome Extension

1. Secret key: Copy this secret key and insert into the extension, see this guide video below.

2. Look up for product ID by: When you import reviews, this plugin looks up for AliExpress and Amazon product ID by SKU of WooCommerce products by default. If you want to use an other post meta field, please change this field.

3. Import review to: If set, reviews imported with chrome extension will be added only to selected product(s). The “Look up for product ID by” option above will not be used.

4. Review status: All imported review will be set this status, you can choose approved or pending.

5. Set review verified: Set reviews imported with chrome extension to verified reviews

6. Review vote: Import vote up/down count of reviews

7. Upload review files: If a review has images or video, upload them to your server instead of using the original image URL

8. Import order info: Import reviewers’ order info (except for logistics info) such as Color, Size… to Optional fields


AliExpress Reviews

A. Import reviews from AliExpress

To import reviews from AliExpress, go to Dashboard/ Product and check on all the products you want to import reviews then click on the import reviews button on the manage tabs.

To import reviews for a single product, hover in the area next to the date column of the product then click on the import button.


A window will open with options for you to start import reviews.

  • Aliexpress Product ID: Enter the product ID on AliExpress.
  • Countries: Select a country where you want to import review from.
  • Ratings: Select which ratings you want to import.
  • Translate to English: Use translated content from Aliexpress if available
  • With images: Select to import only reviews with pictures.
  • Download images: If a review has images, download them to your server
  •  Verified owner: Mark the reviews imported from AliExpress as “Verified owner”.
  • Vote count: Count the ratings. Important note: If you noticed any reviews whose vote count aren’t imported, please remove those reviews and reimport them.
  • Number of reviews: Select how many reviews you want to import from AliExpress.
  • Phrases filter: Click to change the phrases filter settings.
  • Set review status:  Select the status for the reviews imported from AliExpress.


B. Aliexpress review masks

Search and Replace a word or a sentence in the review author and review content when importing reviews from AliExpress

Go to Dashboard/Photo Reviews setting/AliExpress Reviews

  1. Search: fill a word or a sentence that will be searched in review author and review content imported from Aliexpress to replace.
  2. Replace: Set the word or sentence that will replace the searched word or sentence. Leave blank to delete the searched word or sentence.
  3. Add: Add another search and research task for Plugin.
  4. Show review Country: Enable this to display the country of  the AliExpress review. This option only works for reviews imported since version 1.1.4.


C. Apply Phrases Filter

If you want to do search and replace with other reviews which were not imported from AliExpress, go to Dashboard/comments and check on all the comments you want to change then choose Bulk Actions/Apply Phrases Filter/Apply.


* The guide video on how to import AliExpress reviews with WooCommerce Photo Reviews.




Allow Reviewing Order on My account page

After customers purchase items, their order items will be visible on their ‘Orders’ list – ‘My account’ page.

The Review buttons will appear on My account page for the customer to review the items if these order’s statuses are matched with the statuses selected in the Review Reminder tab > Button Review on My account/orders.

When their order status changes and the Review Reminder email is sent, they can now leave a review on their Orders list.

Step 1: Go to My account > Orders

Step 2: Hover the “Rate” button > Select the item you want to leave a review

Step 3: You’ll be redirected to the Review section of the item you selected, you can leave a review there.


Elementor Widgets

WooCommerce Photo Reviews is available 4 widgets in Elementor:

  • Photo Reviews: To display a list of reviews on your website.
  • Review form: To display the review form for customers to post their reviews.
  • Rating: To display the product rating.
  • Overal rating: To display the last average rating of the product.

* Note: This feature is only available in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin premium version.


A. Photo Reviews widget

You can use the Photo reviews widget to display a review list of all products or specific products on your website. Create a review page or edit a page with Elementor.



  1. Choose the WooCommerce Tab in Elementor left side bar.
  2. Drag and drop the Photo reviews widget to the supported and desired position on the page.
  3. Design the Reviews page with Elementor, customize Photo Reviews on the left bar to design the Reviews page.


a. General tab

Go to General tab on the left side bar.

  1. Product Categories: Choose the categories that you want to display on review page.
  2. Product Status: Only display the reviews of the products which have these statuses.
  3. Show Ratings: Choose the ratings which will be displayed.
  4. Only Reviews With Images: YES/NO, select to display reviews with photo.
  5. Order by: Order the reviews by choosen fields.
  6. Order: Sort the review follow ASC or DSC ratings.
  7. Conditional tag: Choose on which pages this shortcode will work.


b. Pagination Tab

Go to Pagination tab on the left side bar.

  1. Enable pagination: YES/NO, paginate reviews.
  2. Reviews per page: Enter the number of reviews displayed per page.
  3. Use Ajax Pagination: YES/NO, select to not reload page when customers select other reviews page or select  a filter.
  4. Loadmore button: Click on the load more button to display more reviews, enable this feature, the review pagination will be overridden.
  5. Pagination next: The text if clicking to will see the next reviews.
  6. Pagination Pre: The text if clicking to will see the previous reviews.
  7. Pagination Position: Choose the position of pagination: Left; Right; or Center.


c. Filter Tab

Go to Filter tab on the left side bar.

  1. Enable Filter: YES/NO, select to enable filter.
  2. Select images Filter By Default: YES/NO, select to set images Filter by default.
  3. Select Verified Filter By Default: YES/NO, select to set Verified Filter by default.
  4. Select Rating Filter By Default: Select to set Rating Filter by default.
  5. Filter Area Border Color: Choose the color for area border.
  6. Filter Area Background Color: Choose the color for  filter area background.
  7. Filter Button Color: Choose the color for filter button.
  8. Filter Button Background Color: Choose the color for filter button background.
  9. Filter Button Border Color: Choose the color for filter button border.


d. Rating Count Tab

Go to Rating Count tab on the left side bar.

  1. Enable Rating Count: YES/NO, select to enable rating count on review page.
  2. Enable overall Rating: YES/NO, select to enable overal rating  on review page.
  3. Rating Count Bar Color: Choose the color for rating count bar.


e. Design Tab

Go to Design Tab on the left side bar.

  1. Display as slider:  Display reviews under a slider.
  2. Style: Choose style of photo reviews displayed on the review page: Masonry or normal.
  3. Popup Type: There are three styles you can select to let the images appear when the customer clicks on the review images:
    • Whole review: Display full review content when clicking on this review image.
    • Only image: Zoom out just this review image.
    • Off: Not zoom the review image.
  4. Col: Enter the number of  review columns displyed on review page.
  5. Column Gap (PX): Enter the gap between columns.
  6. Background Color: Choose the color for background.
  7. Review Background Color: Choose the color for review background.
  8. Review Border Color: Choose the color for review border.
  9. Review Text Color: Choose the color for review text.
  10. Star Color: Choose the color for stars.
  11. Verified Badge/ Text Color: Choose the color for Verified badge/text.
  12. Show Product: YES/NO, select to show product on popup.
  13. Enable Box Shadow: YES/NO, select to enable box shadow.
  14. Full Screen on Mobile: Display reviews full size on mobile.


B. Review form widget

You can use the review form widget to display the review form for customers to post their reviews.

  1. Choose the WooCommerce Tab in Elementor left side bar.
  2. Drag and drop the Review form widget to the supported and desired position on the page.
  3. Design the Review form with Elementor.

a. Product:

b. Type: Display the review form in the default type or in the popup type (click on the Write Your review button to display the review form under a popup).

* Note: If choosing the popup type, you will be asked to localate the review form button on the Left; Right or Center.

c. Hide product details: Use this option to hide or show the main product details.


C. Rating widget

  1. Choose the WooCommerce Tab in Elementor left side bar.
  2. Drag and drop the Rating widget to the supported and desired position on the page.
  3. Design the rating with Elementor.

a. Product:

b. Product review count: Enable to display the rating count.

c. Rating: Display a specific rating in the rank from 1 -5 star.


D. Overall rating widget

  1. Choose the WooCommerce Tab in Elementor left side bar.
  2. Drag and drop the Overall Rating widget to the supported and desired position on the page.
  3. Design the overall rating with Elementor.

a. Product:

b. Display type: There are 3 options for you

  • Both: Display both overall rating and rating count
  • Only Overall rating: Only display overall rating
  • Only Rating count: Only display rating count




Visit this tutorial video and read the detail written documentation below:


The plugin provides with 4 shortcodes.


A. The shortcode to display reviews.

Reviews shortcode is used to display all reviews or specific reviews of some products or categories. Usage with all available arguments:

[wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page="12" cols="3" cols_mobile="1" use_single_product="on" cols_gap="" products="" grid_bg_color="" grid_item_bg_color="" grid_item_border_color="" text_color="" star_color="" product_cat="" order="" orderby="comment_date_gmt" show_product="on" filter="on" pagination="on" pagination_ajax="on" pagination_pre="" pagination_next="" loadmore_button="off" filter_default_image="off" filter_default_verified="off" filter_default_rating="" pagination_position="" conditional_tag="" custom_css="" ratings="" mobile="on" is_slide="on" style="masonry" masonry_popup="review" enable_box_shadow="on" full_screen_mobile="on" overall_rating="off" rating_count="off" only_images="off" image_popup="below_thumb"]


  • comments_per_page: number of comments per page. comments_per_page='12'
  • mobile: ON/OFF, select if you want the shortcode to run on mobile devices. Example: mobile='on'
  • use_single_product: ON/OFF – Enable/disable to show reviews of a single product. E.g. You place this shortcode under a single product page and choose “ON”, it displays reviews of that product only; otherwise it displays reviews of all products. Example:use_single_product='on'
  • products: display reviews of which products, enter product IDs. Example:  products='99,100'
  • product_cat: display reviews of products in which category.  Use the category ID for this shortcode. Example: 16 is the category ID of a specific ID:product_cat='16'
  • order: sort reviews ASC or DESC. Example: order='asc'
  • orderby: select how you would like to sort reviews. ‘comment_author’, ‘comment_date’, ‘comment_ID’, ‘comment_post_ID’, ‘wcpr_review_vote’. Example: orderby='comment_ID'
  • If to sort reviews by vote, use this shortcode: orderby='wcpr_review_vote'
  • conditional_tag: enter conditional tags to select pages you want to display the review. In case you paste the shortcode in an area that appears on many pages, use this option to select which pages you want the shortcode to run. Example: conditional_tag='is_page(35)'
    Important note:
    To handle WP’s Conditional Tags, this plugin uses eval() which is very dangerous because it allows execution of arbitrary PHP code. Therefore, please only fill this field with proper conditional tags which are validated and/or provided by trusted developers.
  • ratings: select which rating you want to display. Example: display only 4 and 5 stars reviews, ratings='4,5'
  • only_images: ON/OFF select if you want to display only reviews that have images. Example: only_images='on'


  • pagination: turn pagination ON/OFF. Example:pagination='on'
  • pagination_ajax: do not reload the page when customers select another review page or select a filter. Example pagination_ajax='on'
  • pagination_position: select left/right/center. Example: pagination_position='center'
  • pagination_pre and  pagination_next: allows to show the Next and Previous button to redirect to next/previous review pages. Example: pagination_pre="Pre" and pagination_next="Next"
  • loadmore_button: allow to load next reviews by clicking the Load more button, use ON/OFF  to turn on or turn off this feature. Example: loadmore_button="on"


  • filter: show filter bar, ON/OFF. Example:filter='on'
  • filter_default_image: Select Image filter by default, ON/OFF. Example filter_default_image='on'
  • filter_default_verified: Select verified filter by default, ON/OFF. Example filter_default_verified='on'
  • filter_default_rating: Select rating filter by default. Example filter_default_rating='5'

Rating count

  • rating_count: ON/OFF select if you want to display the rating count module. Example:rating_count='on'
  • overall_rating: ON/OFF select if you want to display the overall rating. Example: overall_rating='on'


  • display as slider: Display reviews in the shortcode under a slider, ON/OFF. Example: is_slide="on"
  • style: select the front-end style masonry/normal. Example:style='masonry
  •  masonry_popup: display the masonry popup, you can choose review or image. Example:masonry_popup='review'
  • cols: number of grid columns. Example:  cols='3'
  • cols_mobile: number of columns on mobile. Example: cols_mobile='1'
  • cols_gap: gap between grid columns(px). Example:cols_gap='30'
  • grid_bg_color: grid background color. Example:  grid_bg_color='#000000'
  • grid_item_bg_color: grid item background color. Example: grid_item_bg_color='#3c3c3c'
  • grid_item_border_color: Grid item border color. Example: grid_item_border_color='Gold'
  • text_color: reviews text color. Example: text_color="'#ffffff'
  • verified_badge_color: verified badge color. Example: verified_badge_color='#29D50B'
  • star_color: rating stars color. Example: star_color='yellow'
  • show_product: show product summary on Masonry popup, ON/OFF. Example: show_product='on'
  • full_screen_mobile: Select to enable full screen on mobile, ON/OFF. Example: full_screen_mobile='on'
  • image_popup: Display the image popup, you can choose below thumb or light box. Example:image_popup='below_thumb'
  • enable_box_shadow: Select to enable box-shadow, ON/OFF. Example: enable_box_shadow='on'
  • custom_css: allows you to add your custom CSS code. Example: custom_css='.star-rating:before,.star-rating>span{top: 0;}'


  • If you’re using WPML and want to show reviews in all languages, add this argument to the shortcode, ON/OFF: wpml_all_languages="on"
  • If you’re using Polylang and want to show reviews in all languages, add this argument instead, ON/OFF: pll_all_languages="on"


Note: The filters and/or the overall rating will be hidden if there’s no review to filter/to show the overall rating.


B. The shortcode to display the reviews form.

[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' hide_product_details='on' hide_product_price='on' type='popup' button_position='left']

This shortcode helps you to display a review form.

  • Display in single product pages: Paste the shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] into the product description to display a review form for that product on the front-end. If you place the shortcode directly on a product page, the form will automatically apply to that product only.
  • Create a review page – General Review Form (For All Products):
    • When used alone [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] on a general page, the form applies to all products.
    • However, it may not be visible if accessed directly, as the form needs a specific link or channel to recognize which product the review is for. E.g. if you just add this shortcode, you won’t see it by simply accessing the page frontend, but via the review link inside a review reminder email, as guided through steps below.
    • Steps:
      • Add the shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] to any page, to create a review page
      • Go to Review Reminder settings
      • Find the Review Page option and set the page where you placed the form
      • By doing this, when a customer clicks the review link in a Review Reminder email, they will be redirected to the selected review page, where the form will display correctly for their purchased product.
  • Shortcode params:
    • product_id: Add a product ID into the shortcode, e.g. [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85'], by adding the product ID you can create a review form for a specific product and display it on any page.
    • hide_product_details: ON/OFF Allow you to hide or show product details. Example if you want to hide product detail: [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' hide_product_details='on']
    • hide_product_price: ON/OFF Allow you to hide or show the product price. Example if you want to hide product price: [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' hide_product_price='on']
    • type: POPUP or empty Allow you to show review form popup type or not. Example: [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' type='popup']
    • button_position: LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER Allow to show review form button position, left, center, or right. Example: [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' type='popup' button_position='left']

Our plugin is designed to collect product-specific reviews.

WooCommerce itself does not support a general store-wide review form – all reviews must be assigned to a specific product.


C. The shortcode to display review overall rating.

[wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html product_id="" overall_rating_enable="on" rating_count_enable="on"]

The review overall rating shortcode allows displaying the overall rating of reviews of a product anywhere you want. Usage with all available options:

  • product_id: display reviews of which products, enter product IDs. Leave empty if you insert this shortcode on a product page, so overall reviews will be of that product. Example:  products='99,100'
  • overall_rating_enable: ON/OFF, select if you want to display overall rating, just leave ON. For example: overall_rating_enable="on"
  • rating_count_enable: ON/OFF, select if you want to display overall rating, just leave ON. For example: rating_count_enable="on"


D. The shortcode to display product rating

[wc_photo_reviews_rating_html product_id="" rating="" review_count="on"]

This shortcode is used to display the rating of a product(s)

  • product_id: display rating of which products, enter product IDs. Leave empty if you insert this shortcode on a product page, so product rating will be of that product. Example:  products='99,100'
  • rating: Display a specific rating in the rank from 1 -5 star.
  • review_count: ON/OFF to display the rating count.


A. Compatibility lists

Plugin Author Compatible
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer VillaTheme Fully compatible
Elementor Elementor Fully compatible
Antispam Bee Pluginkollektiv Fully compatible


B. Compatibility guides.

1. WooCommerce Email Template Customizer

You can create Review reminder email templates and Coupons for reviews email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer available both in the free and premium versions.

Step 1: Download and install the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer.

Step 2: In the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer, Add new to build a new template. In this blank template, build a new template to make yourself, or select the templates you want – Coupon for Review or Review Reminder.

Step 3: In the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin, select the created templates in the Coupon email or Review reminder email

All full steps are presented in this guide

Override templates

Template Usage
/viwcpr-comment-field-html.php Add the custom fields(title, upload photo, policy, custom field) to the review form
/viwcpr-filters-html.php Filter reviews
/viwcpr-overall-rating-html.php Overall rating of the product, [wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html] shortcode
/viwcpr-pagination-basic-html.php Ajax pagination for the reviews page
/viwcpr-pagination-loadmore-html.php Ajax pagination with the load-more button for the reviews page
/viwcpr-quickview-single-product-summary-html.php Product summary on masonry popup
/viwcpr-quickview-template-html.php Masonry popup
/viwcpr-review-form-html.php Review form shortcode – [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form]
/viwcpr-shortcode-reviews-rating-html.php Star rating shortcode – [wc_photo_reviews_rating_html]
/viwcpr-shortcode-template-basic-html.php Normal reviews for reviews shortcode [wc_photo_reviews_shortcode]
/viwcpr-template-basic-html.php Reviews style – Normal
/viwcpr-template-masonry-html.php Reviews style – Masonry


Follow this guide on how to override VillaTheme plugins’ templates via a theme.


Extra Information

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