Created: 11/2017
Latest update: 5/2024 – Updated version: 1.3.12
By VillaTheme
Thank you for using our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!
What is WooCommerce Photo Reviews?
WooCommerce Photo Reviews is an ultimate review plugin for WooCommerce which helps your customers leave reviews with photos and videos on the WooCommerce products frontend page; Review reminder emails can be scheduled or manually send to remind the customer to review the product. After evaluating the product, the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin will send Thank you emails with WooCommerce coupons to customers. Other than those features above, you can also import reviews from AliExpress and Amazon via the extension, as well as export and import reviews via CSV file; Add and edit reviews manually in the backend; Customize the Review and Review form sections to make them decorated; Share reviews among products; Shortcode reviews allows display reviews anywhere you want and many more useful functions…
The plugin allows customers to post reviews including photos. This feature will help you to create social proof of your product and increase the conversion rate.
The plugin provides many design options for you to change customer reviews for WooCommerce to fit your website interface.
Share reviews feature is an advanced feature which allows you to share the same reviews for a range of products in the same list.
You can set up email reminders to remind customers to leave reviews after they have purchased the product. The plugin will send a review reminder email to the customer, asking them to leave a review of the product. To encourage the customer to take pictures of the product and leave a review, the plugin will offer them a discount coupon.
In case you sent a Review Reminder email to customers to ask for a review, but they have not left any yet, this feature would be helpful. It helps if you want to remind them of leaving reviews for the items they purchased, by resending the email in case they somehow did not leave one.
Coupons can be given to customers who have purchased and reviewed your products.
The site administrators can add reviews manually.
The plugin allows you to import/export customer reviews for WooCommerce using CSV files.
Since version, the plugin has included a new feature: You can directly import customer reviews from AliExpress and Amazon into WooCommerce using the Import AliExpress/Amazon Reviews to Woo Extention. You can quickly import reviews using the AliExpress and Amazon product IDs with this feature, and you can import reviews to any particular products on your WooCommerce website.
The plugin allows you to import customer reviews for WooCommerce from AliExpress by using AliExpress product IDs.
WooCommerce Photo Reviews is available 4 widgets in Elementor:
* Note: This feature is only available in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin premium version.
The plugin provides 4 shortcodes.
[wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html product_id="" overall_rating_enable="on" rating_count_enable="on"]
: This shortcode is used to display the overall rating[wc_photo_reviews_rating_html product_id="" rating="" review_count="on"]
: This shortcode is used to display the rating of a product[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id="" hide_product_details="" hide_product_price="" type="popup" button_position="center"]
: This shortcode can be used for a single product page or review page of the reminder email.[wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page="12" cols="3" cols_mobile="1" use_single_product="on" cols_gap="" products="" grid_bg_color="" grid_item_bg_color="" grid_item_border_color="" text_color="" star_color="" product_cat="" order="" orderby="comment_date_gmt" show_product="on" filter="on" pagination="on" pagination_ajax="on" pagination_pre="" pagination_next="" loadmore_button="off" filter_default_image="off" filter_default_verified="off" filter_default_rating="" pagination_position="" conditional_tag="" custom_css="" ratings="" mobile="on" style="masonry" masonry_popup="review" enable_box_shadow="on" full_screen_mobile="on" overall_rating="off" rating_count="off" only_images="off" image_popup="below_thumb"]
: This shortcode is to display all reviews or specific reviews of some products or categoriesTo learn more about How to use these shortcodes, please regard this documentation.
Go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews to configure the plugin general settings.
In the General tab
1. How the Review form looks like.
Customers leave their reviews on the review form normally including the Review title; Rating; Review content; Attach images or videos, then click on the Submit button to post the review. The photo below is what the review form looks like:
2. Settings of the Review form.
You can configure the review form in the Reviews tab and Optional Fields tabs in the plugin back end.
a. In the Review tab, you can manage the Review form settings with these options below:
1. Review anchor link: The anchor link redirects to the review form to leave a review when the customers click on one of the 2 positions:
![]() |
Click on the Review now button to direct to the review form |
![]() |
Click on the filters to link to the review form |
2. Restrict the number of reviews: Normally, reviews can just be posted by the customers who purchased the product, or in another word, they are verified customers. However, with the Restrict number of reviews, the admin can change how many reviews a customer/user can post.
* Note: To use this feature, you have to uncheck option ‘Reviews can only be left by “verified owners”‘ in WooCommerce Settings. Verified owner validation will be checked when customers submit reviews.
3. Reviews orders: If the order has multiple line items to review, enable this option to allow your customers to submit reviews for all the order items in that order at one time. The option to leave reviews in bulk is available in the customer’s My Account page >> Orders (visit this documentation). Simply click the “Rate” button associated with the order they wish to leave reviews and they’ll be redirected to.
4. Ajax check reviews: Allow checking review content, customer information and restrict number of reviews without loading the page.
5. Allow empty comment: Allow customers to post reviews with empty content, only rating is required.
6. Minimum comment length: Require the review characters not less than a certain. Leave blank to not set minimum.
7. Include photos & videos: Allow customers to attach photos and videos to their reviews
8. Auto-play video: Enable to automatically play review videos
9. Upload required: Reviews must include a photo or a video to be uploaded
10. Maximum upload file size: The maximum size of a single picture or a video can be uploaded
11. Maximum photo quantity: The maximum number of upload files can be posted with a review.
12. Upload images requirement: This text note is displayed on the review form to warn the customer about the maximum photo quantity and maximum photo size they can upload.
13. Upload button text: You can change the submit review text on the review form in this field.
14. Upload button style: Design the submit review button, choose the background color and text color you want.
15. Enable review title: This option helps show or hide the title of the review form.
16. Review title Placeholder: Add the text of placeholder on the review title.
17. Thank you message: This message will show when the review is uploaded successfully
18. Thank you message if Coupon: If a customer leaves a review and receive a coupon for it, this message will show.
19. GDPR checkbox: Enable the GDPR checkbox with this option.
20. GDPR message: Add the content for the GDPR message
b. In the Optional Fields tab, you can create and add/remove custom fields to the review form.
In the Reviews tab, the options below help to customize how reviews look on the front end.
Share reviews feature is an advanced feature which allows you to share the same reviews for a range of products in the same list.
Coupons can be rewarded to the customers after they purchased and left reviews for your products. In the Coupon tab, you will configure settings to: Send coupons; Rules to send coupons, Coupon types; and set an individual email for each coupon type.
Go to Photo reviews > Coupon tab. You will configure general settings for the coupon.
You can make rules to receive coupons, if a review is eligible a certain rule, the user/customer will receive a respective coupon. Rules are scanned from top to bottom and apply the first one found.
1. and 2. Create multiple rules to receive a specific coupon, add the name of each coupon rule. For example the rule 1 named: Coupon for review 1; And rule 2 named: Coupon for review 2.
3. Clone rules: Duplicate a new rule.
4. Remove rules: Delete a certain rule.
In the Email section, you will customize the coupon email template which is offered for reviewing of the customers.
There are 2 types of the email template you can use:
The coupon email will use the plugin’s default email template if there is no WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin’s template selected above. Below are some customization options for the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin’s original coupon email template.
Once the customer has purchased the product, you will set up email reminders to remind them to leave reviews in the Review Reminder tab.
1. Review reminder: Enable this option to send an email to customers asking for reviews.
2. Order status trigger: If an order status is one of those statuses selected in this field, review reminder will be sent.
3. Exclude Email addresses: Set the email addresses which will be not received review reminders.
4. Excluded products: Review reminder emails will not sent if the order includes these products.
5. Exclude categories: Review reminder emails will not sent if the order includes these categories.
6. Exclude non-coupon given products: Products that do not receive coupons, you can select in the Coupon tab, will not appear in review reminder emails.
7. Schedule time: Schedule a time to send a request email after an order is marked as statuses chosen above.
8. Custom “from” address: This option allows to change the send – from the address with review reminder emails. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will use the default WooCommerce email address.
There are 2 types of the email template you can use to send review reminder emails, you will customize the review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.
The customer will be directed to the Review form page to review for the purchased product on your website when they click the “Review now” button in the review reminder email. In this section, you will be asked to let the customer logged in or disable the auto-login with certain user roles.
1. Auto-login: When customers click “Review Now” on the review reminder emails, their accounts should be automatically signed in. The link can only be used once and will disappear after 30 days if it isn’t used.
2. Disable auto-login if users have roles: You can disable the auto-login feature for certain user roles.
3. Review page: You can use the Review form shortcode to create a review page. Then select that page in this field. When a customer clicks on the Review now button in review reminder emails, they will be redirected to this page.
If you leave empty this field, customers will be redirected to the single product page of the purchased product to review when clicking on the “Review Now” button.
In case you sent a Review Reminder email to customers to ask for a review, but they have not left any yet, this feature would be helpful. It helps if you want to remind them of leaving reviews for the items they purchased, by resending the email in case they somehow did not leave one.
Go to Resend review reminder tab to configure resending review reminders and email resending templates.
B. Resend review reminder email templates
There are 2 types of the email template you can use to resend review reminder emails, you will customize the resend review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original resend review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.
Go to Dashboard > Products > Reviews, hover over the review you want to edit, and click on the Edit button.
A window will be opened with options for editting a comment/review.
The plugin provides filters in the backend, which helps you save time when searching for reviews with mutual factors.
Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Comment
Step 2: Select the filter. See the specific explanation below.
Step 3: Click “Filter” button
If you want to download the images of imported reviews from AliExpress to your server, go to Dashboard > Products > Reviews and check on all the comments you want to download review images then choose Bulk actions/ Download reviews images/ Apply.
If you want to set many reviews as verified owner, go to Dashboard > Products > Reviews and check on all the comments you want to set as verified then choose Buck actions/Set review verified/Apply.
Go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews/ Add A Review to add a review manually.
You can Import/Export reviews using CSV files.
To export reviews into a CSV file, go to Dashboard/ Photo Review/ Export Reviews
To import review using CSV files, go to Dashboard/ Photo Reviews/ Import/
Step 1: Upload CSV file
Step 2: Setting & Mapping
Before importing reviews by CSV file, you will configure below general settings:
You will be asked to map the column names in the CSV file with the respective product meta fields. There are some fields are required to map: Product ID; Author name; Content; Rating.
Step 3: Import CSV file
Click on Import button and wait.
WooCommerce Photo Reviews from version has updated a new feature to import reviews from AliExpress and Amazon by the plugin’s extension named: The Import AliExpress/ Amazon to WooCommerce. This feature allows you to import unlimited reviews. Moreover, you can select reviews to import individually or all reviews on AliExpress and Amazon.
Step 1: Go to the Import AliExpress/Amazon reviews to Woo
The request popup appears to ask for permission, click on Add extension.
You’ll see the extensions in Chrome as buttons on the toolbar.
Step 3: Now you can start connecting your domain(s) and importing reviews.
3.1.1. Single site domain
URL: You can get your correct site URL in WordPress settings >> General
Secret key: Simply go to Dashboard >> Photo Reviews >> Chrome Extension and copy the Secret Key (option (1) in the section right below. E.g.
3.1.2. Multisite domain
Site URL: In case you’re using multisite feature of WordPress, you can get the URL of your subdomain, like this:
Secret key: Simply go to the plugin settings in your subdomain and copy the key, just like above, then fill it in the associated domain in your extension.
3.2. Import reviews: Go to the Reviews section on AliExpress and Amazon and start importing reviews.
Important note: Please ensure you set up the Chrome Extension settings below before importing reviews here
1. Secret key: Copy this secret key and insert into the extension, see this guide video below.
2. Look up for product ID by: When you import reviews, this plugin looks up for AliExpress and Amazon product ID by SKU of WooCommerce products by default. If you want to use an other post meta field, please change this field.
3. Import review to: If set, reviews imported with chrome extension will be added only to selected product(s). The “Look up for product ID by” option above will not be used.
4. Review status: All imported review will be set this status, you can choose approved or pending.
5. Set review verified: Set reviews imported with chrome extension to verified reviews
6. Review vote: Import vote up/down count of reviews
7. Upload review files: If a review has images or video, upload them to your server instead of using the original image URL
8. Import order info: Import reviewers’ order info (except for logistics info) such as Color, Size… to Optional fields
To import reviews from AliExpress, go to Dashboard/ Product and check on all the products you want to import reviews then click on the import reviews button on the manage tabs.
To import reviews for a single product, hover in the area next to the date column of the product then click on the import button.
A window will open with options for you to start import reviews.
B. Aliexpress review masks
Search and Replace a word or a sentence in the review author and review content when importing reviews from AliExpress
Go to Dashboard/Photo Reviews setting/AliExpress Reviews
C. Apply Phrases Filter
If you want to do search and replace with other reviews which were not imported from AliExpress, go to Dashboard/comments and check on all the comments you want to change then choose Bulk Actions/Apply Phrases Filter/Apply.
* The guide video on how to import AliExpress reviews with WooCommerce Photo Reviews.
After customers purchase items, their order items will be visible on their ‘Orders’ list – ‘My account’ page.
The Review buttons will appear on My account page for the customer to review the items if these order’s statuses are matched with the statuses selected in the Review Reminder tab > Button Review on My account/orders.
When their order status changes and the Review Reminder email is sent, they can now leave a review on their Orders list.
Step 1: Go to My account > Orders
Step 2: Hover the “Rate” button > Select the item you want to leave a review
Step 3: You’ll be redirected to the Review section of the item you selected, you can leave a review there.
WooCommerce Photo Reviews is available 4 widgets in Elementor:
* Note: This feature is only available in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin premium version.
You can use the Photo reviews widget to display a review list of all products or specific products on your website. Create a review page or edit a page with Elementor.
a. General tab
Go to General tab on the left side bar.
b. Pagination Tab
Go to Pagination tab on the left side bar.
c. Filter Tab
Go to Filter tab on the left side bar.
d. Rating Count Tab
Go to Rating Count tab on the left side bar.
e. Design Tab
Go to Design Tab on the left side bar.
You can use the review form widget to display the review form for customers to post their reviews.
a. Product:
b. Type: Display the review form in the default type or in the popup type (click on the Write Your review button to display the review form under a popup).
* Note: If choosing the popup type, you will be asked to localate the review form button on the Left; Right or Center.
c. Hide product details: Use this option to hide or show the main product details.
a. Product:
b. Product review count: Enable to display the rating count.
c. Rating: Display a specific rating in the rank from 1 -5 star.
a. Product:
b. Display type: There are 3 options for you
Visit this tutorial video and read the detail written documentation below:
The plugin provides with 4 shortcodes.
Reviews shortcode is used to display all reviews or specific reviews of some products or categories. Usage with all available arguments:
[wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page="12" cols="3" cols_mobile="1" use_single_product="on" cols_gap="" products="" grid_bg_color="" grid_item_bg_color="" grid_item_border_color="" text_color="" star_color="" product_cat="" order="" orderby="comment_date_gmt" show_product="on" filter="on" pagination="on" pagination_ajax="on" pagination_pre="" pagination_next="" loadmore_button="off" filter_default_image="off" filter_default_verified="off" filter_default_rating="" pagination_position="" conditional_tag="" custom_css="" ratings="" mobile="on" is_slide="on" style="masonry" masonry_popup="review" enable_box_shadow="on" full_screen_mobile="on" overall_rating="off" rating_count="off" only_images="off" image_popup="below_thumb"]
and pagination_next="Next"
Rating count
or image
. Example:masonry_popup='review'
below thumb
or light box
. Example:image_popup='below_thumb'
top: 0;
Note: The filters and/or the overall rating will be hidden if there’s no review to filter/to show the overall rating.
[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' hide_product_details='on' hide_product_price='on' type='popup' button_position='left']
This shortcode helps you to display a review form.
into the product description to display a review form for that product on the front-end. If you place the shortcode directly on a product page, the form will automatically apply to that product only.[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form]
to any page, to create a review page[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85']
, by adding the product ID you can create a review form for a specific product and display it on any page.[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' hide_product_details='on']
[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' hide_product_price='on']
[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' type='popup']
[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id='85' type='popup' button_position='left']
Our plugin is designed to collect product-specific reviews.
WooCommerce itself does not support a general store-wide review form – all reviews must be assigned to a specific product.
[wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html product_id="" overall_rating_enable="on" rating_count_enable="on"]
The review overall rating shortcode allows displaying the overall rating of reviews of a product anywhere you want. Usage with all available options:
[wc_photo_reviews_rating_html product_id="" rating="" review_count="on"]
This shortcode is used to display the rating of a product(s)
Plugin | Author | Compatible |
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer | VillaTheme | Fully compatible |
Elementor | Elementor | Fully compatible |
Antispam Bee | Pluginkollektiv | Fully compatible |
1. WooCommerce Email Template Customizer
You can create Review reminder email templates and Coupons for reviews email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer available both in the free and premium versions.
Step 1: Download and install the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer.
Step 2: In the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer, Add new to build a new template. In this blank template, build a new template to make yourself, or select the templates you want – Coupon for Review or Review Reminder.
Step 3: In the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin, select the created templates in the Coupon email or Review reminder email
All full steps are presented in this guide.
Template | Usage |
/viwcpr-comment-field-html.php | Add the custom fields(title, upload photo, policy, custom field) to the review form |
/viwcpr-filters-html.php | Filter reviews |
/viwcpr-overall-rating-html.php | Overall rating of the product, [wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html] shortcode |
/viwcpr-pagination-basic-html.php | Ajax pagination for the reviews page |
/viwcpr-pagination-loadmore-html.php | Ajax pagination with the load-more button for the reviews page |
/viwcpr-quickview-single-product-summary-html.php | Product summary on masonry popup |
/viwcpr-quickview-template-html.php | Masonry popup |
/viwcpr-review-form-html.php | Review form shortcode – [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] |
/viwcpr-shortcode-reviews-rating-html.php | Star rating shortcode – [wc_photo_reviews_rating_html] |
/viwcpr-shortcode-template-basic-html.php | Normal reviews for reviews shortcode [wc_photo_reviews_shortcode] |
/viwcpr-template-basic-html.php | Reviews style – Normal |
/viwcpr-template-masonry-html.php | Reviews style – Masonry |
Follow this guide on how to override VillaTheme plugins’ templates via a theme.
Thank you for your attention!
If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.