WooCommerce Notification

Created: 06/2016

Latest updated: 02/2025 – Updated version: 1.6.4

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!

WooCommerce Notification displays recent orders on your storefront. It’s the online equivalent of a busy store and shows prospective customers that other people are buying your products.

  • Increase conversion rate by highlighting other customers that have bought products.
  • Display orders in real time for buyer validation and social proof!
  • Create a sense of urgency for visitors, and expose new products!




The plugin takes information from recent orders of WooCommerce to display on popup notifications.

  • Select orders to display: You can choose orders to display based on the order status. Included Complete, Processing, On hold, Canceled, Refunded, Pending payment, or Failed orders.
  • Order Time: Select time and display orders from that time until now.
  • Current Category: Notifications that are displayed on a category page are only related to the products of that category
  • Product visibility: Products whose Product visibility is set will be displayed on the popup notifications.
  • External link: This option works with External/Affiliate products allows redirecting to the External/Affiliate products page after clicking on the popup notifications.
  • Exclude Products: Avoid the products you don’t want the notifications to be appeared on.
  • Out-of-stock products: The option allows you to select to display out-of-stock products on the notification or not.
  • Auto change virtual time. Auto display virtual time matched with your site timezone instead of the real-time of the order.
  • Product image size:  Flexible change the image size on the popup notification. That can be Shop thumbnail – 100×100; Shop catalog – 600xauto; Shop single – 900xauto.


This feature allows displaying on the popup notifications the information of the fake orders. This helps to create fake information about busy products, interested by many people.

  • Create orders for selected products: Select some products and put in the needed information. The plugin will create fake orders for the selected products.
  • Create orders for selected categories: If your store has too many products to select manually. This function will help you to select products to create fake orders of the product.
  • Create orders with the latest products: Create fake orders for the newest products. Help you to introduce new products to customers.
  • Product visibility: Products whose Product visibility is set will be displayed on the popup notifications.
  • External link: This option works with External/Affiliate products allows redirecting to the External/Affiliate products page after clicking on the popup notifications.
  • Out-of-stock products: The option allows you to select to display out-of-stock products on the notification or not.
  • Auto-detects address: Auto detect customer addresses via IP (city, country) and create fake orders near them.
  • Random purchase time: The plugin select a purchase time randomly between a time threshold selected by you.
  • Virtual customer’s first name and address: Type in the customer’s first name and address (city, country) as you want. Then the plugin will mix it with Selected products/Selected categories/Latest products and random purchase time to create faker orders.
  • Product image size:  Flexible change the image size on the popup notification. That can be Shop thumbnail – 100×100; Shop catalog – 600xauto; Shop single – 900xauto.



  • Run single product: Notification will only display current product in product detail page that they are viewing.
  • Notification show: In a product single page, notification can only display current products or other products in the same category.
  • Show variation: Show variation instead of variable products.



You can add and configure as many WooCommerce Notification messages as you want. Each message will be displayed on a different single pop-up.

  • Shortcodes: Use the shortcodes to configure your messages. The system will get this information from your orders or create it automatically on WooCommerce Notification
    {first_name} – Customer’s first name
    {city} – Customer’s city
    {state} – Customer’s state
    {country} – Customer’s country
    {product} – Product title
    {product_with_link} – Product title with a link to the single product page
    {time_ago} – Time after purchase
    {custom} – Use custom shortcode
  • Custom: Display a random number of people who are seeing a product with the shortcode: {number}
  • States for addresses in the USA: with the shortcode for states, now you can display addresses in the USA correctly.
    Example: Someone in Chicago, Illinois, USA just purchased a Woo Ninja.
  • Compatible with WPML and Polylang:  This feature allows to display notifications in multiple languages.


WooCommer Notification plugin provides various options to help you design the notification pop-up as you want.

  • 22 built-in templates: The plugin provides 22 pop-up templates for you to change the front-end of WooCommerce Notification. So you can make the pop-up fit with your website design.
  • Rounded/Square pop-up: select if you want to round the pop-up or display it as a rectangle.
  • Pop-up positions: There are 4 positions to display the pop-up.
  • Image position: You can set up to display the image on the notification on the left or right.
  • Close button: The close button allows customers to close the pop-up. And you can select a time for the pop-up to re-appear.
  • Swift to close on mobile: To make it easier to close the pop-up on mobile devices, the plugin allows customers to swift the pop-up to close.
  • Appearing and disappearing effects: You can select the appearing and disappearing effects of pop-ups.
  • Sound effect when pop-ups appear: Display a sound along with the pop-up when appearing. This option requires at least one action of users with your site.
  • Custom CSS: The plugin provides a Custom CSS field, allowing you to add your own CSS code and change the front-end of the plugin.
  • Clickable product image: Product images on the pop-up are now clickable. It will redirect to the single product page.
  • Display parent product image: If a product variation does not have a product image, the plugin will display the parent product image instead.
  • Display current products or products in the same category: the plugin will display the product customers are viewing or products in the same category.
  • Assign pages: Enable/Disable the plugin on the Homepage/Checkout page/Cart page in settings. With other pages, you can use the “conditional tags” option to select the page you want to display the pop-up.


  • Loop: The loop option allows you to display multiple pop-ups on each site loading time.
  • Loop by session: The plugin will display the number of pop-ups set in the session time.
  • Notification per section: Set the number of notifications displayed in a session.
  • Session duration: Set time a session lasts for.
  • Next time display: You can select the delay time between each pop-up notification.
  • Notification per page: You can set the number of notifications display on a page until reloading the page.
  • Initial time random: You can select the delay time for the first pop-up to appear after site loading.
  • Initial delay: When your site loads, notifications will show after this amount of time
  • Display time: An option allows you to select the display time of each pop-up.



When the notifications appear, a sound will be played, which helps the notification stand out and attract attention. You can also choose a sound in the list.


  • Works on mobile: The plugin works perfectly on mobile and responsive devices.
  • Save Logs: Save logs help the system stores information when visitors click on the notification. Then the site admin could have a statistic of number clicks and analysis fluctuation sales. Report system allows to statistic number clicks by date or by product name.
  • See users interact with your notifications in real-time: With featured save logs, the admin site will learn more about the attitudes and behavior of customers for the product shown in the notification.
  • Auto-update: By authenticating your Envato purchase, you can auto-update the plugin during the support time.
  • SPEED: Because of using Ajax technology notifications will be loaded after site load. Then the plugin won’t affect the loading speed of your site.
  • Easy to use: The plugin is designed with a friendly interface. So it takes only a few minutes to set up with optimal default settings

System Requires:

System minimum requirements:

  • WordPress 5.0 or higher
  • WooCommerce 7.0 or higher
  • PHP version 7.0 or higher

Install Plugin:

Go to Plugin/Add New /Upload Plugin/Choose file/ select plugin file zip/ Install Now/Active Plugin


Done! Let’s start using the plugin.


Visit our video guide below to learn how to install and use the WooCommerce Notification plugin.


How To Use

After successfully installing the plugin. Go to Dashboard/ Woo Notification to view the plugin back end.

Step 1: Enable the plugin on PC and mobile.

Go to Woo Notification > General.

Step 2: Design popup notifications.

Go to the Design tab, you can customize how the notification looks on the front end. Go to the Design section below to configure.


Step 3: Messages on the notifications.

In the Messages tab, you can add and configure as many WooCommerce Notification messages as you want. Each message will be displayed on a different single pop-up.

Using shortcode to create dynamic message contents. If your site sells worldwide, you can display the notifications in multiple languages using WPML or Polylang plugin.


Step 4: Select to display types of the product on the front end.

Go to the Products and Product detail tabs, you can select to display on the popup notifications the information of the fake orders or real orders, configure rules to display target products on the notification to users who are visiting your site.



Step 5: Time rules for displaying popup notifications

Go to the Time tab to set up rules to display the popup notifications loop and randomly. This helps the popups appear naturally and trustly. Go to the Time section below to configure time settings.



Step 6: Sound of notification to attract attention.

Go to the Sound tab,


Step 7: Display popup notifications on pages you want.

Go to the Assign tab, there are toggles that let you choose on which pages that the notification to be appeared. Using the conditional tags to master in popup displaying on particular pages.

How does it work


  1. Enable: Turn on notification plugin on desktop.
  2. Mobile: Enable/Disable the plugin on mobile and responsive.




  1. Templates: All built-in templates for notification popup you can choose from. Click the “See all” button for a better view.
  2. Position & effect: Position of the popup and show/hide effects
  3. Preview widget: This feature is for preview purpose only. These 2 widgets below are only visible on front end when you configure the messages under Messages settings with the shortcodes like {product_with_rating}; {product_with_rating_atc}; {product_with_atc} etc.
    • Product rating
    • Add to cart button
  4. Style: Some options for popup customization
    • Option to round the notification popup and product image
    • Custom rounded corner: If disable the option to round the notification/product image, use this feature to
    • Background color for notification popup
    • Text color for message content
    • Text color for product title
  5. Image: Customize product image on notification popup
    • Image Position on notification popup
    • The custom-rounded corner of the image. Use this option to round the product image yourself
    • Gap between product image and notification’s border
    • Option to redirect to single product page when clicking the product image
    • Open the product page on a new tab
  6. Show Close Icon: This is the X button to close the popup
    • Icon style
    • Time close – How long the popup will reappear when the user hits the close button
    • Close icon color
  7. Custom CSS: Add your custom CSS for custom design
  8. Preview: Every change on this setting will reflect on the preview for user’s convenience.




1. Message purchased: Type in the message you want to display. You can use shortcodes to display necessary information.

{first_name} – Customer’s first name
{short_name} – Customer’s first name
{city} – Customer’s city
{state} – Customer’s state
{country} – Customer’s country
{product} – Product title
{product_with_rating} – Product with star rating
{product_with_atc} – Product with add to cart button
{product_with_rating_atc} – Product with rating and add to cart button
{product_with_link} – Product title with a link to the single product page
{product_with_link_rating} – Product with link and star rating
{product_with_link_atc} – Product with link and add to cart button
{product_with_link_rating_atc} – Product with link, star rating and add to cart button
{time_ago} – Time after purchase
{custom} – Use custom shortcode

2. Custom: Add a message and use the shortcode {custom} to display it

3. Min number: The shortcode {number} will get a random number between Min number and Max number

4. Max number: The shortcode {number} will get a random number between Min number and Max number

5. Flexible number: Make the value in the shortcode {number} change according to specific time in a day reasonably. For example, if it’s 2AM, there should not be lots of visitors on the website at that time, the value will be lower.




You can choose to display on the notification the information of fake orders or real orders.

First, select an option in “Show Products” dropdown. It’s to select a product type to display on Notification.

Each option here has their own settings and there are still general settings for all ones. Find them below:


A. General product settings: These settings are available regardless which option is selected in “Show Products”

  1. Current category: Display products in the same category with the being displayed product
  2. Out-of-stock products: Turn on to show out-of-stock products on notifications
  3. Product visibility: Products which have this product visibility status will appear on Notification
  4. External link: Working with External/Affiliate product. Product link is product URL
  5. Auto change Virtual Time: Enable to change the virtual time matched your site’s timezone
  6. Product image size: Choose a size for product images on the notification, get from one of these size source
  7. Non Ajax: Enable to not load popup notification using Ajax, your site will load faster if cache is being used.
    Note: This option does not work with “Get product from billing” feature and the options in Product detail tab


B. Get from Billing: The information displayed on the popup notification gets from the real orders.

  1. Exclude products: Avoid the products you don’t want the notifications to be appeared on.
  2. Order time: Display the product whose orders were created during this time period.
  3. Order status: Display orders which have these statuses set.


C. Select Products: Select which products will display on the pop-up manually. 

  1. Select products: Enter product names to select products you want to display.
  2. Virtual First Name: Enter the virtual customer’s first name. Each first virtual name on a line.
  3. Virtual Time: Set a time that how long ago a virtual customer purchased a specific product.
  4. Address:
    • Auto-detect: The plugin will detect customers’ countries and cities base on their IP Addresses and display customer addresses on the popup notification.
    • WooCommerce geolocation: The address on the notification will get from WooCommerce geolocation.
      • Name by country: In this table, create lists of virtual name for countries as you need
    • Virtual: You can enter many different cities but only one country. Then the system will automatic to show randomly virtual first names and virtual cities in the notification form.
      • Virtual City: Create a list of virtual city names to display on notification
      • Virtual Country: Create a list of virtual countries to display on notification


D. Latest Products: Select the newest products to display on pop-ups.

  1. Product Limit: The number of newest products you want to display on the pop-up.
  2. Virtual First Name: Enter the virtual customer’s first name. Each first virtual name on a line.
  3. Virtual Time: Set a time that how long ago a virtual customer purchased a specific product.
  4. Address:
    • Auto-detect: The plugin will detect customers’ countries and cities base on their IP Addresses and display customer addresses on the popup notification. You need to fill in Ipfind Auth Key, which you can get at https://ipfind.co
    • WooCommerce geolocation: The address on the notification will get from WooCommerce geolocation.
      • Name by country: In this table, create lists of virtual name for countries as you need
    • Virtual: You can enter many different cities but only one country. Then the system will automatic to show randomly virtual first names and virtual cities in the notification form.
      • Virtual City: Create a list of virtual city names to display on notification
      • Virtual Country: Create a list of virtual countries to display on notification



E. Select categories: Display products from chosen categories

  1. Select categories: Enter the name of the categories you want to display to select.
  2. Exclude Products: These products will not display on notification.
  3. Product limit: The maximum number of product is displayed in Notification got from the list of latest products
  4. Virtual First Name: Enter the virtual customer’s first name. Each first virtual name on a line.
  5. Virtual Time: Set a time that how long ago a virtual customer purchased a specific product.
  6. Address:
    • Auto-detect: The plugin will detect customers’ countries and cities base on their IP Addresses and display customer addresses on the popup notification. You need to fill in Ipfind Auth Key, which you can get at https://ipfind.co
    • WooCommerce geolocation: The address on the notification will get from WooCommerce geolocation.
      • Name by country: In this table, create lists of virtual name for countries as you need
    • Virtual: You can enter many different cities but only one country. Then the system will automatic to show randomly virtual first names and virtual cities in the notification form.
      • Virtual City: Create a list of virtual city names to display on notification
      • Virtual Country: Create a list of virtual countries to display on notification


F. Recent Viewed Products: This will make the plugin display product that has just viewed by a customer on his screen

  1. Product limit: The maximum number of product is displayed in Notification got from the list of latest products
  2. Virtual First Name: Enter the virtual customer’s first name. Each first virtual name on a line.
  3. Virtual Time: Set a time that how long ago a virtual customer purchased a specific product.
  4. Address:
    • Auto-detect: The plugin will detect customers’ countries and cities base on their IP Addresses and display customer addresses on the popup notification. You need to fill in Ipfind Auth Key, which you can get at https://ipfind.co
    • WooCommerce geolocation: The address on the notification will get from WooCommerce geolocation.
      • Name by country: In this table, create lists of virtual name for countries as you need
    • Virtual: You can enter many different cities but only one country. Then the system will automatic to show randomly virtual first names and virtual cities in the notification form.
      • Virtual City: Create a list of virtual city names to display on notification
      • Virtual Country: Create a list of virtual countries to display on notification



Product detail

  1. Run single productThe plugin will only show the current product or product in the same category with the product that customers are viewing.
  2. Notification show: Select Current product or Products in the same category.
    • Current product: The plugin will only show notifications about the product that the customers are viewing.
    • Products in the same category: The plugin will only display notification about products in the same category with the product that customers are viewing.
  3. Show variation:  This option is available only when you select “Current product”. Show variation instead of product variable.




  1. Loop: If Loop is disabled then when visitors load a page that shows notification form, each sold or virtual sold product will be shown in notification once and be not shown again. Just reload the page then the notification form will continue showing.
  2. Loop by section: Select the pop-up quantity you want to display in each session. And the session duration.
  3. Next time display: Time between 2 notification pop-ups.
  4. Notification per page: Select how many notification pop-ups will be displayed on each page load.
  5. Initial time random:  Enable this to random initial time from 0 to Initial delay.
  6. Minimum initial delay time: minimum time to start show notification.
  7. Initial delay: delay time to show the first notification pop-up after loading site completely.
  8. Display time: time to show a notification.


  1. Enable: Display a sound along with the pop-up when it appears.
  2. Sound: Select the sound you want to display.
  3. Play Review: Previews the selected sound to help you review it before applying changes.





In the “Assign” tab

1. Enable Homepage to hide notifications on Homepage

2. Enable the Checkout page to hide notifications on the Checkout page

3. Enable Cart page to hide notification on the Cart page

4. Conditional Tags: to specify which pages to show the notification. You can use the Page’s ID, Title, or Slug.

Important note:

To handle WP’s Conditional Tags, this plugin uses eval() which is very dangerous because it allows the execution of arbitrary PHP code. Therefore, please only fill this field with proper conditional tags which are validated and/or provided by trusted developers.


is_page( array(‘about’, ‘contact’) )
is_page( array(50, 75) )


If you enable Save Logs, then Logs will be saved.

History time is the time that history will be kept.

Save logs helps system stores information when visitors click on the notification. Then admin site could be a statistic of number clicks and analysis fluctuation sales. Report system allows to view statistic number clicks by date or by product name.

You can see reports at Dashboard/ Woo Notification/ Report

AI Engine

This settings help with automating the generation of personalized messages and virtual details like customers’ names and cities. Scroll down below to read more of each option and how to set up.

  • Settings
    • Gemini
    • OpenAI: You need to add funds to your OpenAI API account to use their services. Simply having the API key won’t work unless you’ve paid for API access. (Note: This payment is for OpenAI, not our plugin)
  • Generate content using AI Engine: After configuring, you can start generating content.

  1. AI Type: The type of AI engine for generating details. Different AI types may provide varying levels of sophistication, customization, or regional accuracy in generated data. At the moment, we support:
    • Gemini
    • OpenAI: You need to add funds to your OpenAI API account to use their services. Simply having the API key won’t work unless you’ve paid for API access. (Note: This payment is for OpenAI, not our plugin)
  2. Min characters:  Set the minimum length for AI-generated messages
  3. Max characters: Define the maximum length of the generated text
  4. Writing style: Choose a preferred writing style for AI-generated messages, such as casual, formal, promotional, persuasive, or descriptive
  5. Writing tone: Adjust the tone to match your brand’s messaging, such as neutral, friendly, professional, or enthusiastic.


Settings for Gemini

  1. API key: To use the Gemini API, you’ll need an API key. If you don’t already have one, create a key in Google AI Studio. Follow these steps to get Gemini API key
    • Go to https://ai.google.dev/gemini-api
    • Select “Get an API key from Google AI Studio
    • Click “Create API key
    • Then, configure your key. And copy the key and paste it to this field
  2. API version: Specify the version of the AI service’s API to be used. For more details of Gemini API version, please see API versions explained.
  3. API model list: Choose from a list of AI models available associated with the selected version. You can check this article for more details of Gemini models
  4.  “Message purchased” prompt: Enter the command that tells the AI how to generate personalized purchase messages
  5.  “Virtual First Name” prompt: Specify the prompt to generate virtual customer first names
  6.  “Virtual City” prompt: Set the prompt to generate virtual customer cities


Settings for OpenAI

You need to add funds to your OpenAI API account to use their services. Simply having the API key won’t work unless you’ve paid for API access. (Note: This payment is for OpenAI, not our plugin)

  1. API key: Follow these steps to get API key
    • Login and access API Keys page of OpenAI: https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/api-keys
    • Create and copy the key
  2. API model list: Choose from a list of AI models available associated with the selected version. You can check this article for more details of Gemini models
  3.  “Message purchased” prompt: Enter the command that tells the AI how to generate personalized purchase messages
  4.  “Virtual First Name” prompt: Specify the prompt to generate virtual customer first names
  5.  “Virtual City” prompt: Set the prompt to generate virtual customer cities


Generate content using AI Engine

After properly configuring these settings, go back to Messages and Products setting pages to generate content. You will see a blue “AI Generator” button. Simply click on it.

For example, on Messages page: Click “AI Generator” in to get content in generated




Read this guide to know how to get your Auto Update Key


Plugin Author Compatible
WooCommerce Cart All In One  VillaTheme Fully
WPML OnTheGoSystems Fully
Polylang WP SYNTEX Fully
GTM4WP https://gtm4wp.com/ Fully

Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.