WooCommerce Multi Currency

Created: 11/2017

Latest updated: 01/2024 – Updated version: 2.3.2

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!


We have tested WooCommerce Multi Currency with many WordPress themes, plugins, and 3rd party WooCommerce extensions, but it’s impossible to test them all, so some may still have compatibility issues. Please read the Compatibility documentation section. Should you notice any problem, please contact us with the details and screenshots. We’ll do our best to find the solution!


WooCommerce Multi-Currency is a currency converter plugin for WooCommerce, which allows you to display prices and accept payments in multiple currencies. The plugin can detect customers’ countries and languages, and apply prices as their native currency. It is also convenient for users to switch between different currencies with currencies bar, to find the currency they want, among the available options.





The plugin is flexible with many currency options for front-end display, update exchange rates option

  • Auto-update exchange rate: The plugin automatically updates exchange rates. You can set the time for the automatic update: every 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month.
  • Successful update exchange rate email: The plugin will send a notification email whenever it updates the exchange rate.
  • Set the exchange rate manually: The plugin also allows you to set up the exchange rate manually.
  • Exchange fee: Every time you exchange money from one currency to another, the bank or money transfer operator may apply a currency exchange fee. The difference between the exchange rate they decide to apply and the real exchange rate traded in the market is the currency exchange fee. WooCommerce Multi-Currency allows you to add permanent exchange fees to exchange rates.
  • Price formatting: Design position for currency symbol
  • Custom currency symbol: You can customize currency symbols. Example: United States Dollar can be displayed as USD, US$, $…
  • Fixed Price: This allows you to set up custom prices in different currencies in every product. The fixed prices will overwrite the prices calculated by exchange rates.
  • Hidden Currency: The plugin allows you to hide currencies that you do not want to be shown on the front-end.
  • Select currency exchange rate sever: You can select to update the exchange rate from VillaTheme.com, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, TransferWise , Cuex and Xe. More exchange rate servers will be added in the future.
  • Use SESSION: The plugin will use the session instead of cookies to save the selected currency.
  • Currency Price Switcher: A switcher appears under the product price. Allow customers to switch the price between currencies.


WooCommerce Multi Currency can automatically detect customers’ native currency based on their country or language.

*Important: Please take note that the auto-detect county features may not work properly with websites/servers that have a cache. Please try out the free version to check if it works fine on your website.

  • Detect currency based on customers’ country: The plugin will detect customers’ country based on their IP address, then select their currency to display prices.

* Note: This option can be applied to detect at the country level, not working for states or provinces and regions within a country.

  • Currency by country: You can select which currency will be displayed to customers from which country.
  • Approximate Price: With this feature, prices will be displayed in the default currency. But under that, there will be approximate prices that are displayed in the customer’s native currency.  Help customers know how expensive/cheap products are.
  • Auto-select currency based on Polylang language: The plugin will select a currency to display prices base on your site language. For example, there are 2 languages on your site English and Spanish, you can select to display prices in GBP on the English site and in EUR on the Spanish site.
  • Auto-select currency based on WPML language: Similar to Polylang, but prices will be selected based on WPML’s language.


WooCommerce Multi-Currency allows you to select checkout currencies. You can select one or more checkout currencies.

*Important: Please take note that in order to display a payment gateway on the checkout page, that payment gateway must support your default currency. Example: If you have South African Rand ZAR as your default currency, then it is not possible for you to enable PayPal on your checkout page. Because PayPal does not support ZAR, even if you used Multi-Currency to change ZAR to USD on the front-end.

  • Allow multi-currency payment: Customers can purchase in their selected currency. In order to use this feature, you need a payment gateway enabled on your site that supports the customer-selected currency.
  • Selected check-out currencies: The plugin allows you to select check-out currencies. For example, you can display prices in 4 different currencies on your shop but accept payment in 2 currencies only.
  • Display payment methods based on currency: You can select which payment gateway will appear on the checkout page based on the currency.
  • Checkout Currency on Cart page: Change the currency on the Cart page to check out currency.


This setting allows you to make beauty prices, you can set the rules to your product price

  • Accept lower bound: Enable if you accept making price beautiful for both lower bound and upper bound price. Disable this function will be applied for upper bound price only.
  • Add rules: Set the rules to display beauty prices on the front-end. You can read the guidance here.



The plugin provides you shortcodes to display currencies exchange widgets, exchange rates on the front-end.



The plugin can be displayed on the front-end as a widget or a currency bar.

  • Currencies bar design: – Type in your currencies bar title, it is “Select your currency” by default. – Select currencies bar position left or right. – Style: there are 5 styles for you to select currency code, currency symbol, flag, flag + currency code, flag + currency symbol. – Color and background color.
  • Conditional tags: Select which page where the bar will appear by using WordPress conditional tags, WooCommerce condition tags.
  • Widget design: You can customize the widget title and widget styles are available to be selected.
  • Custom flag: Some countries use the same flag, this option will help you to display the country as a currency right.
  • Custom CSS: All of these options are not enough? You can add your own CSS to design your widget and currencies bar.
  • Collapse Currencies Bar: Allow to minimize the currencies bar on the front-end. The currencies will appear as one currency and display fully when customers hover their mouse on it.


1. WordPress 5.0+

2. PHP 7.0+

3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Download Plugin

Get the plugin installation package from your account download page and save it to your desktop.

Install & Active plugin

Go to PluginsAdd NewUpload PluginChoose file/ Select  woo-multi-currency.zip file/ click “Install Now“/ click “Active plugin“.


Install and Set up Video

Done! Let’s start using the plugin.


After installing the plugin, please go to Dashboard/ Multi Currency/ General  >> Enable the plugin to start using the plugin.

Make sure to click “Save” to save the settings.




Configure the currency list

After activating the plugin, start building a list of currencies in the General settings. This is an important part as the currency list is the basis, all other functions of the plugin will work based on this list.

This needs to be done in the “Currency Options” table at the end of the tab.

Step 1: Go to the General tab of the plugin settings

Step 2: In the “Currency Options” table, click “Add currency” to add more currencies you need.

Step 4: Configure each currency.

Step 5: Click “Save settings“.

Please regard this documentation – part (9) Currency option – for a specific explanation of each option.



How to set fixed price


  1. If the fixed price of some particular products/in some specific currencies is not added, it’ll show the price converted using the exchange rate when users switch currencies. So you still need to configure the exchange rate.
  2. The sale fixed price can only be configured in either all currencies, or no currency. If you configure the sale price of an item in one currency, you must configure the sale price in all other currencies, regardless of default or non-default currency.
  3. For the regular price, please note that our plugin does not display specific currency per product, so you must configure the regular price in the default currency.
  4. “Fixed price” is not applied to the WooCommerce Coupon value.


CURCY allows the admin to add a fixed price to the product price for each currency you have on your list. You can use this feature for:

  1. WooCommerce Products
  2. WooCommerce Shipping methods

First, enable the “Fixed Price” option in the plugin settings.

Now, there will be fields to add the price in different currencies in the product data. The fixed price of the product in each currency can be added, it will overwrite the price converted using the exchange rate when users switch currencies.



1. To add fixed prices for particular products, follow these steps below:

  • Go to Dashboard > Products > Select a product
  • Scroll down to the Product data of that product
  • Add fixed prices according to necessity.

With the “Simple product” type


With the “Variable product” type:
Add the fixed price for all variations of the product as below:


Another way, you can add a fixed price in one currency for ALL variations of that product:

Go to Product data > Variations > In the “Add variation” option > Scroll down to see the option to set regular/sale prices in each currency of Multi Currency


2. To add fixed prices in bulk using a CSV file, visit this documentation for specific steps.




“Fixed price” feature works for not only WooCommerce products, but also WooCommerce shipping methods: Flat rate and Free shipping.


1. Free Shipping

Once you enabled Fixed price and create “Free shipping” shipping method in WooCommerce Shipping settings, if you select any option among the 3 below in “Free Shipping Requires” dropdown:

  • A minimum order amount
  • A minimum order amount OR a coupon
  • A minimum order amount AND a coupon

>> You are able to adjust the fixed required amount for this shipping method in each currency.



2. Flat rate

Similar to Free Shipping, if you create and configure “Flat rate” shipping method in WooCommerce Shipping settings and use Fixed price feature of our plugin, then you can enter fixed flat rate in each currency like this:



CURCY with Elementor

CURCY provides you an element to show the Currency Selector for users to switch currencies when you build/design a page with the Elementor plugin.

  • Drag and drop the “Multi Currency” element


  • Now select the style for the Currency Selector



Change order currency

After an order is placed, the admin can change the currency order in the Orders settings, following these steps below:

  • Go to Dashboard > Orders > find the order you need to change currency
  • On the Order editing page, select the currency you want to change to in the “Change currency” option
  • Click “Update
  • (Must do) After the currency of the order is changed successfully, click “Recalculate
  • Click “Update” again


  1. Only orders whose payment has not been completed can be changed the currency.
  2. Only currency of orders whose initial base currency is the current site default currency can be changed. E.g. if an order is made in EUR while the default currency was USD at that time. Later the site default currency is changed to, for example, GBP >> That order currency can’t be changed, even if the payment is not completed.





In the General tab, you can set up the main features of CURCY

  1. Enable: Enable/Disable the plugin
  2. Fixed Price: Activate the “Fixed Price” function to control product prices independently of exchange rates, adding and using your product prices in each currency.
    After enabling this option, follow the steps in this documentation, as well as the note while using “Fixed price”
  3. Don’t use exchange rate: This option makes the price not automatically converted to the exchange rate, even if the fixed price in some currencies is empty.
  4. Use SESSION: By default, CURCY marks the selected currency, using cookies, on the browser. Activating this option will let the plugin save this information on the server.
  5. Switch Currency by JS: Enable it to make currency be changed, but it does not use URL. It removes the query string at the end of the URL after changing currency. It is good for SEO.
  6. Use Cache plugin: Enable this option when you are using any cache plugin on your site to remove the negative impacts of the Cache plugin on Currencies changing/converting on your WooCommerce.
    • AJAX: Sends a request to the server to get the correct price in a particular currency, to overwrite the cached price. Using this option will cause a bit of delay before showing the correct price. It has to work that way to get the correct currency when your site is cached
      • Reload filter price: Enable this option to reset the price filter when loading via AJAX
    • JSON: Enabling this option to directly convert the price to all other currencies, and hide the conversion in HTML. Then CURCY detects the cookie currency, looks for the JSON string to see what the currency code is, and overwrites it.
  7. Loading price mask: When you use “Override by AJAX” for cache, there’s a while before the correct price is shown. This option adds a “mask” to cover the cached price for the delay
  8. Bot currency: Enable this if you are using a caching plugin and currency does not remain after being switched by customers in the frontend
  9. Currency option:
    • Default Currency: The currency your store will be priced in.
    • Hidden: This option allows you to hide some currencies that you don’t want to appear on the front end. By selecting Yes, you will hide that currency on the front end.
    • Currency: Select currencies here
    • Position: Select the position for the currency symbol.
    • Rate + exchange fee: Rate is the global exchange rate between the default currency and the others. The value of the Rate + Exchange fee can be added in fixed/percentage value. It’s the total value of the exchange rate and the exchange fee added to the product price when users switch currencies.
    • Number of decimals: Choose the number of digits to appear after the decimal separator.
    • Custom symbol: This option allows you to enter a custom symbol for each currency. For example, the American dollar can be displayed as $, USD, $ US…
    • Thousand separator: This option allows you to specify whether you want to use a comma or a dot to separate thousands when displaying numerical values. For example, with the comma option selected, a number like 1,000 would be formatted as 1,000, while with the dot option, it would be formatted as 1.000.
    • Decimal separation: This option allows you to define the symbol used to separate decimal values when displaying numerical figures. You can choose between a comma or a dot to indicate the decimal point. For instance, with the comma option selected, a decimal value like 3.14 might be formatted as 3,14, while with the dot option, it would be displayed as 3.14.
    • Action: Allow you to update the exchange rate of a specific currency, or remove that currency
  10. Update All Rates: Update the exchange rates of all your currencies.
  11. Add Currency: This button will duplicate your last currency, then you back to option 8-Currency to select a new currency.
  12. Add All Currencies: Add all currencies to your settings.
  13. Remove All Currencies: Remove all existing currencies.




In the Location tab, you can set up the plugin to automatically select currency based on customers’ country or language.

Auto Detect: Auto select currency

1. Auto Detect: There are 4 options for you to select
– No: Turn off the auto-detect currency option, customers will select currency by themselves
– Auto select currency: Auto detect currency based on the country of customers. The plugin will detect customers’ countries based on their IP Addresses. Then select the currency which you assign in option 4 of this tab.
– Approximate Price: The plugin will detect customers’ country based on their IP, then display an approximate price in their native country under WooCommerce price
– Polylang: Auto-select currency based on Polylang language.

You can refer to this video guide:

– TranslatePress Multilingual: This option helps to set up the currency by language.

2. Geo API: The Geo API you want to use to detect customers’ countries.  There are 3 options WooCommerce and External.

–  If you choose “WooCommerce”, the 3rd service WooCommerce uses:
‘ipinfo.io’ => ‘https://ipinfo.io/%s/json‘,
ip-api.com‘ => ‘http://ip-api.com/json/%s‘,
– If you choose “External”, we use: http://www.geoplugin.net
– If you choose “Inherited from server“: This option helps to use Geo API as inherited from the server. Please regard the note under this option before selecting.
– You choose “MaxMind Geolocation” if you want to retrieve customer data directly from the data detected by WooCommerce. Upon configuring the MaxMind License Key, our plugin fetches details automatically. It’s crucial to understand that this process is managed by WooCommerce, and our plugin does not interfere with it.

3. Currency by Country: With Auto Detect being set as “Auto select country” when this option is turned on, currencies will be displayed based on customers’ countries.

If the Auto Detect feature is set to be “Approximate price’

– Enable: Plugin will detect the customer’s IP address, and the approximate price will be shown with currency based on the country’s respective currency as in the table below the option

– Disable: Approximate price will be detected based on the country’s official currency
4. Countries: Select which currency will be displayed for customers from which countries.
5. Action: 
– Select all: Select all countries for displaying a specific currency.
 Remove all: Remove all existing countries.
6. Get country by currency: Automatically enter the countries that use the corresponding currencies.


Auto detect: Approximate Price

This option allows displaying the approximate price based on Customers’ country.

With Auto Detect feature being set as Approximate Price, there will be options:

  • Show Approximate price for: Select where you want to show approximate price, other than only show with product price
  • Approximate price’s label: Add label for Approximate price if you want
  • Approximate price’s position: Choose a position for the approximate price

Other options have the same function as above.

As in the image below, the approximate price is displayed below the original price, with the label “Approximately”


This is the video version of configuration guide.


In Checkout tab, you can select which currencies will be able to check out. And which payment methods are able to check out with each currency.

  1. Enable: Enable the multicurrency payment function.
  2. Enable Cart Page: Change currency in the Cart page to check out currency.
  3. Checkout currency: Enable specific currency for checkout and Force currency on payment method
    • Currency: List of your currencies
    • Default: There must always be a currency always available for checkout. Choose one with this option, it does not have to be the site default currency
    • Checkout Currency: Make particular currency available/unavailable in checkout. The selected one in the “Default” option above will always be “Yes”
    • Payment method: Select particular payment method for each currency if you want. The valid payment method will show up correspondingly on the Checkout page. If this field is blank for all currencies, all payment methods will be applied depending on their supported currencies.
    • Yes/No: Bulk change checkout status of all currencies
  4. Currency by Payment method: Assign the currency to the payment method if needed. Currency – after the customer clicks the “Place order” button – will become the corresponding selected one in this table, except for PayPal (there’s a note for this payment method if you enable it)
    • Option to change currency belong to payment gateway as soon as customer select payment gateway
    • Option to make currency change work without reloading page
  5. Change currency follow: Make the currency on the Checkout page change based on customer’s shipping/billing country
  6. Sync checkout currency: When currency is switched on cart/checkout page by the “Change currency follow” option above, also switch currency of the whole current customer session
  7. Display multi currencies: Enable to display both in store pages and checkout page if they are different at the check out page.




Design tab, where you can configure the front-end interface of the plugin.

Design Currencies Bar

  1. Enable/Disable the currencies bar: The bar float on a sidebar of your site, and allows customers to switch currencies.
  2. Checkout page: Enable to hide currencies bar on the checkout page.
  3. Cart Page: Enable to hide currencies bar on the cart page.
  4. Other pages: Configure where the currencies bar will appear by using WooCommerce conditionals Tags and WordPress Conditional tags.
    Important note: To handle WP’s Conditional Tags, this plugin uses eval() which is very dangerous because it allows the execution of arbitrary PHP code. Therefore, please only fill this field with proper conditional tags that are validated and/or provided by trusted developers
  5. Title: Enter the title of the currencies bar.
  6. Position: Select currencies bar position.
  7. Desktop: Enable it to allow the Currencies Bar to Collapse on the desktop,  this option allows you to minimize the currencies bar on the desktop. The currencies bar will appear as 1 selected currency and will display fully when customers hover their mouse over it.
  8. Mobile: Enable it to allow Currencies Bar Collapse on mobile.
  9. Max height(px): Enter the max height for the currencies bar.
  10. Text color: Select the color of the currency bar text.
  11. Style: Select the style of the currencies bar, there are 4 options for you to select: Default (Currency code), Symbol, Flag,  Flag & Currency Code, and Flag & Currency symbol.
  12. Main color: Configure the color of the currencies bar.
  13. Background color: Configure the background color of the currencies bar.


Other settings of Design

Currency selector

  1. Currency Price Switcher: Display a price switcher under product price on product pages, allowing customers to switch the price between currencies. There can be some selections:
    • Not show
    • Flag
    • Flag + Currency code
    • Flag + Price
    • Currency Symbol
  2. Price Switcher Positions: Support the following positions on the single product pages, including:
    • Below title
    • Below price
    • Below excerpt
    • Below add to cart
    • Below meta
    • Below sharing
  3. Click to expand the currency selector.


  1. Widget, Flag Custom: The option for you to replace a flag with your flag.


  1. Text color: Change the text color of the currency shortcode
  2. Background color: Change the background color of the currency shortcode
  3. Activate text color: Change the text color of the currency shortcode when activating
  4. Activate background color: Change the background color of the currency shortcode when activating

Custom CSS

  1. Custom CSS: Allows you to add your own CSS code to design the currencies bar or widget.



Price Format

This setting allows you to make your price more beautiful, you will set the rules to create your desired product price.

price format

  • Enable: To activate the option.
  • Accept lower bound: Enable if you accept making price beautiful for both lower bound and upper bound price. Disable this function will be applied for upper bound price only.
  • Add rule: You can add rule for price format following two rules below:


* Note: This feature is not applied for shipping. 




In Update, you can find options about the auto-update currency exchange rate and the plugin.

  1. Auto update exchange rate: Select the time when the plugin will update exchange rates. Every 30 minutes, 1 hour…
  2. Finance API: Select where the exchange rate will be obtained. From Default, Google finance, Yahoo finance, Wise, Xe, and Cuex.
  3. Rate decimals: Select the exchange rate decimals
  4. Emails: Enable this option to receive an email whenever exchange rates are updated successfully.
  5. Email Custom: When you don’t want to receive updated exchange rate email in admin email.
  6. Auto Update Key: Fill in the key that you get from https://villatheme.com/my-download to automatically update the WooCommerce multicurrency plugin. You can follow this guide.



Bulk Fixed Price

From version 2.1.13 of this plugin, the Bulk Fixed Price feature is updated that allows to bulk add fixed prices for products. This helps you to save time for adding fixed prices for products in multiple currencies.

Important note: You can’t edit price in default currency with Bulk fixed price function. This price in CSV file is for view only. If you edit it and import back, it will not change the default currency price.

Step 1: Go to Multi Currency settings > Bulk Fixed Price

Step 2: Export product file in CSV format


Step 3: Fill or change the fixed regular/sale price of each currency

Step 4: Upload the same file in CSV format to import.




The plugin provides you shortcodes to display currencies exchange widgets, exchange rates on the front-end.

  • Exchange rate shortcodes allow you to display live exchange rates on the front-end.
    [woo_multi_currency_rates currencies="GBP,EUR"] This shortcode will display the exchange rate between GBP, EUR, and your default currency on the front-end. You can change to other currencies by changing the currencies codes GBP, EUR
    For example, I have USD as my default currency, this shortcode will display the rate of GBP and EUR per 1 USD.
  • Shortcode for configuring the size of flag: adding the shortcode flag_size= value[0-1] to the shortcode of currency selector widget. Example: [woo_multi_currency_layout4 flag_size=0.4]
  • To display product price in a particular currency:
    • On a single product page: [woo_multi_currency_exchange]
    • Other than on a single product page: [woo_multi_currency_exchange product_id="" currency="" price="" original_price=""]
      • Product ID: add the ID of the product you want to convert currency
      • Currency: Add the currency you want to convert the product price, leave blank and the price will be converted the currency that is currently applied to customers
      • Price: Product price
      • Original price: Add this value if the item is on sale
  • To display a currency converter to convert specific value among currencies, use this shortcode: [woo_multi_currency_convertor]


  • Currency Selector widgets with different front-end styles.
Shortcode Description
[woo_multi_currency_plain_vertical direction=’top’]


Note: This is applied for specific product pages built with Elementor or other page builders.



Plugin Author Converted Price Fixed Price
WooCommerce Product Bundles SomewhereWarm Yes No
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Ewout Fernhout Yes No
WooCommerce Bookings WooCommerce Yes No
Printful Integration for WooCommerce plugin Printful Yes No
Table Shipping Rate WooCommerce Yes No
LearnPress ThimPressYesNo Yes No
LearnPressWooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts plugin RightPress Yes No




Plugin Author Compatible
Polylang Frédéric Demarle Change currencies base on language
WPML OnTheGoSystems Change currencies base on language
TranslatePress – Multilingual Cozmoslabs, Razvan Mocanu, Madalin Ungureanu, Cristophor Hurduban Change currencies base on language
Autoptimize Frank Goossens (futtta) Require to change WooCommerce settings
WP Fastest Cache Emre Vona Require to change WooCommerce settings
WP Super Cache Automattic Require a free plugin
WP Rocket WP Media Fully compatible
W3 Total Cache Frederick Townes Fully compatible
Extra Product Options for WooCommerce Themehigh Fully compatible
WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options themeComplete Fully compatible
Event Tickets Modern Tribe, Inc. Fully compatible
The Events Calendar Modern Tribe, Inc. Fully compatible
Name Your Price Kathy Darling Fully compatible
WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes & Shipping Labels WebToffee Fully compatible
Subscriptio – WooCommerce Subscriptions RightPress Fully compatible
Woo Discount Rules Flycart Bulk discount (percentage + fixed), Product adjustment (percentage + fixed), Cart adjustment (percentage discount only)
WooCommerce Product Add-ons WooCommerce Fully compatible
Elementor Elementor.com Fully compatible
REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Villatheme
Catna – WooCommerce Name Your Price and Offers Villatheme Convert price + support fixed price for Name your price fields
WooCommerce Boost Sales Villatheme Dynamic price and discount for bundle
WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Plugin Republic Fully compatible
CTX Feed Pro WebAppick Fully compatible
WooCommerce Wholesale prices Rymera Web Co Fixed price and Converted price
Advanced Free Shipping Jeroen Sormani Partial compatible
DHL Express Shipping for WooCommerce – Live Rates Octolize Partial compatible
Fancy Product Designer Radykal Partial compatible
Google Listings and Ads WooCommerce Partial compatible
Litespeed Cache LiteSpeed Technologies Partial compatible
Product Designer for WooCommerce WordPress | Lumise King-Theme Partial compatible
Smart Bundle For WooCommerce WooCommerce Partial compatible
Subscriptions for WooCommerce WebToffee Partial compatible
Visual Product Configurator for Woocommerce Lite ORION Partial compatible
WCFM WC Lovers Partial compatible
WooCommerce Payments Automattic Partial compatible
WooCommerce Product Bundles WooCommerce Partial compatible
Woofunnels Order Bump FunnelKit Partial compatible
Advanced Product Fields For Woocommerce Pro StudioWombat Partial compatible
WooCommerce Google Product Feed Ademti Software Ltd Partial compatible
WPC Product Bundles WPClever Partial compatible
Wallet System for WooCommerce WP Swings Partial compatible
PPOM for WooCommerce by N-MEDIA Najeeb Ahmad Partial compatible
WooCommerce Subscriptions WooCommerce Partial compatible
Yith Frequently Bought Together YITH Partial compatible
Yith WooCommerce Points And Rewards Premium YITH Partial compatible
YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons YITH Partial compatible
YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts YITH Partial compatible
YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles YITH Partial compatible
Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce AlgolPlus Partial compatible
Germanized for WooCommerce vendidero Partial compatible
Envia Shipping and Fulfillment WooCommerce Partial compatible
Extra Product Options & Add-Ons for WooCommerce ThemeComplete Partial compatible
WooCommerce Checkout CheckoutWC Partial compatible
WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce WPClever Partial compatible
WooCommerce Loyalty Points and Rewards Flycart Partial compatible

Override templates


Template Usage
/woo-multi-currency-selector.php [woo_multi_currency],[woo_multi_currency_plain_vertical_2] shortcode

Follow this guide on how to override VillaTheme plugins’ templates via a theme.


Currency converter functions:

  • $multiCurrencySettings = WOOMULTI_CURRENCY_Data::get_ins(); // get settings


  • $wmcCurrencies = $multiCurrencySettings->get_list_currencies(); //get list currency


  • $currentCurrency = $multiCurrencySettings->get_current_currency(); // get current currency


  • $currentCurrencyRate = floatval( $wmcCurrencies[ $currentCurrency ]['rate'] ); // get rate of current currency


  • To get the current currency rate:

    $currentCurrencyRate = 1;
    if(class_exists('WOOMULTI_CURRENCY_Data')) {
    $multiCurrencySettings = WOOMULTI_CURRENCY_Data::get_ins();
    $wmcCurrencies = $multiCurrencySettings->get_list_currencies();
    $currentCurrency = $multiCurrencySettings->get_current_currency();
    $currentCurrencyRate = floatval( $wmcCurrencies[ $currentCurrency ]['rate'] );

Supported Currencies of Payment Methods

It’s crucial to understand that once an order is made, the currencies might switch to those supported by the chosen payment method. Here are some prevalent payment methods and the currencies they accommodate:

Note: For some payment methods, the supported currencies might vary based on the country and the type of advertising account you have. For the most accurate and updated information on supported currencies for each payment method, it’s recommended to visit the official payment method website or the support documentation specific to the service you’re inquiring about:

Payment methods Supported currencies Official Sources
Authorize.net USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, CHF, DKK, NOK, PLN, SEK Link
Apple pay Africa: Morocco, South Africa

Asia-Pacific: Australia, China mainland*, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam.

Europe: Armeniam, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Kazakhstan, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru.

Middle East: Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.

North America: Canada.

Amazon pay AUD, GBP, DKK, EUR,  HKD, JPY, NZD, NOK, ZAR, SEK, CHF, USD. Link

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