WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

Created: 07/2019

Latest updated: 6/2024 – Updated version: 1.1.2

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!

What is WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery?

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery is a WooCommerce extension that helps you to recover unfinished orders in your store.  When a customer adds a product to the cart but does not complete check out. After a scheduled time, the cart will be marked as “abandoned”. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery will start to send cart recovery emails or Facebook messages to the customer, remind him/her to complete the order.

Capture WooCommerce Abandoned Cart

When a user adds a product to the cart but does not check out. After a selected time, the cart will be marked as “abandoned”. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery will capture the cart information including add to cart date, customer email address, added to cart items, cart total, cart status, and IP address. Then using this information to contact the customer, offer a discount, and request him/her to complete check out.

  • Track member cart: track the abandoned cart of logged-in users on your site.
  • Abandoned Cart time for Members: set the time from when a member has the last action with his cart till when the cart is marked as abandoned.
  • Track guest cart: track abandoned cart of guests on your site.
  • Abandoned Cart time for Guest:  set the time from when a guest user has the last action with the cart till when the cart is marked as abandoned.
  • Abandoned Table: abandoned carts will be saved in the plugin back-end. And you can check the records at any time. The records provide information about time, username, email, item quantity, cart total price, items list, status, reminder logs, customer IP, and country.
  • Delete abandoned records: Abandoned cart records will be deleted after this scheduled time.
  • Cart status: abandoned cart has 2 statuses abandoned and recovered.
  • Reminder logs: the reminder logs option allows you to check the email and FB message sent abandoned cart owner.
  • Exclude: exclude the username of persons who you don’t want to track their cart.
  • Recover link to:  Choose recover link to Cart page or Checkout page.
  • Check GDPR: If enabled, a GDPR notice will display after the email input field on the checkout page.
  • GDPR message: Enter the GDPR  content on the checkout page.
  • Not provide message: If the customer refuses to receive the abandoned email, enter a text message..
  • Cron job: turn on the Cron job on your server.

Request email pop-up

A pop-up will appear when customers click add to cart for the first time, requesting them to fill in an email address to complete the add to cart action. After getting an email the pop-up will not reappear and users can add products to the cart normally. And the email address will be automatically filled in the checkout form when the customer goes to the checkout page.

  • Appear on: Choose pages where you want the request email pop-up to appear. Single product pages, shop page, cart page.
  • Required email: choose if you want to require an email address to add products. If this option is turned off, customers can close the request email pop-up to add products to the cart.
  • Dismiss time: set a time for the pop-up to reappear after a customer closes it.
  • Redirect after add to cart: when customers fill in an email and add the product to the cart. You can choose to redirect them to the cart or check out page.
  • 2 templates: the pop-up has 2 built-in templates for you to change the front-end layout.
  • Change front-end text: you are able to change the text message on the pop-up.
  • Change pop-up color: all pop-up text, background, add to cart button colors can be changed in the plugin backend.


Send Recovery Emails

The plugin sends recovery for abandoned carts and abandoned orders. When a cart or an order is marked as abandoned, the plugin will send a recovery email to the email address that the customer filled in the request email popup. Ask them to finish checking out the cart and offer coupons if it is necessary.

  • Send recovery email to guests/members: choose if you want to send recovery cart email to guests and logged-in users.
  • Send recovery email with abandoned orders: you can set the plugin to send recovery emails to owners of failed, canceled, on hold, or pending payment orders.
  • Email templates: you can create many email templates and schedule to send them at different times.
  • Send email rules: set up to send different recovery emails at different times.
  • Reply-to address: set up a reply to the email address. If customers reply to the recovery email, the reply email will come to this address. By default, it is the admin address.
  • Offer coupon: you are able to send coupons along with recovery emails. With each email template, you can choose to send an existing coupon. Or let the plugin generate unique coupons with given values. You can set up the generated coupon will all WooCommerce coupon options.
  • Send email manually: in the abandoned cart list, you can select some abandoned carts and an email template. And then send recovery emails to select abandoned cart owners.
  • Compatible with WPML and Polylang: This feature helps to display email contents in multiple languages matched with the site’s language.
  • Email Marketing API: Connect with email marketing platforms such as: Active campaign, or sendinblue to sync email data, support other marketing strategies.

Send Messages

The plugin will display a “Send to Message” tickbox under the add to cart button on single product pages. If customers tick on this box before adding the product to the cart. The cart will be recorded and the plugin will send a recovery message to the customer on message. Recovery messages include text and a link to the checkout page. If customers click on the link, they will be redirected to the checkout page with their abandoned cart. This option requires a fan page and a Facebook app to work.

  • Accept message to add to cart: a “Send to Messenger” tickbox will appear under the add to cart button on the product page. The plugin will send recovery cart messages to the customer’s Facebook if he/she doesn’t complete checkout.
  • Set up messages: you can set up many messages with different texts.
  • Send message rules: schedule to send different messages at different times.
  • Language: choose the language which you want to display the “Send to Messenger” tickbox on the front-end.


Send SMS

You can send SMS messages to customers who have abandoned carts. When a customer fills in their telephone number on the checkout page but does not complete checkout. The plugin will send recovery SMS messages with a link to the checkout page to the phone number.

  • SMS providers: the plugin support 4 SMS provider Twilio, Nexmo, Plivo and Infobip.
  • Send SMS for abandoned carts: the plugin will send recovery SMS when customers filled phone numbers on the checkout page.
  • Send SMS for abandoned orders: the plugin will send recovery SMS when an order is created but be marked as failed, pending payment, canceled, or on hold.
  • Create multiple messages: you can create multiple messages to send for abandoned cart and abandoned orders
  • Sending rules: schedule to send different messages at different times.
  • Shortcodes: the plugin provides a shortcode to display the customer name and link to the checkout page in the SMS.
  • Bit.ly config: the plugin use the bit.ly link to shorten the checkout link. You need to register for a bit.ly API and get an Access token.
  • Abandoned Order status: This allows you to choose which orders will be sent recovery SMS based on status. You can choose from the list: failed, pending payment, canceled, or on-hold orders.


The report in WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

The plugin provides 4 types of reports for you to check the abandoned carts. Select the suitable report type and a time range to view the report of the abandoned cart in that time.



During the support period, you are able to auto-update the plugin from your Dashboard.



  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+
  3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Go to Dashboard/ Plugins/ Add New to install the plugin.

Install and set up guiding video

Schedule to Record Abandoned Cart

You need to set a schedule to capture a cart/order as abandoned.

Go to Abandoned cart > Settings > General, enable and set schedules to capture guests and/or members’ abandoned cart/order.

Then, if your site visitors enter your site and leave their email and/or phone number, but have not completed checking out, after this schedule, the cart/order will be captured as abandoned.

Record an abandoned cart when leaving an email address and /or phone number on the email popup

Record an abandoned cart when leaving an email address and/or phone number in the checkout field on the checkout page

Record an abandoned cart when customers accept sending to Facebook messenger when they shop on the frontend


Send Cart Recovery Emails

Go to Abandoned Cart > Email Templates and configure email templates. Go to How does it work > Email templates for further information.

After the cart/order is considered abandoned, after the time set in the Email tab, abandoned emails with corresponding templates will be sent to remind them.

To configure email settings, go to  Abandoned Cart > Settings > Email. For  further information about Email popup configuration, please go to How does it work > Emails


Send Facebook message

With the cart tracking option is enabled in the previous step. You just need to enable the Send Facebook message option to send messages.

After fill in App ID and Secret, you will be able to edit the FB messages.


Send SMS

The plugin supports sending abandoned cart/order SMS to your customers, reminding them the carts/orders are missing. Currently, the plugin has integrated 4 SMS providers (Twilio, Nexmo, Plivo, and Infobip) from which you can choose to send SMS. For further information on how to connect SMS providers, SMS rules, and content, please go to the How does it work > Send SMS section

General Settings

In the General tab, you can configure the cart tracking option

  1. Tracking Member’s Cart: enable this option to track abandoned carts of logged-in users.
  2. Abandoned Cart time for Members: the time from when a logged-in user adds a product to cart till when the cart is marked as abandoned.
  3. Tracking Guest’s Cart: enable this option to track the abandoned cart of guests.
  4. Abandoned Cart time for Guest: the time from when a guest adds a product to cart till when the cart is marked as abandoned.
  5. Tracking if email available: Only track the abandoned cart whose input email address is available
  6. Delete abandoned records: abandoned cart records will be deleted after this scheduled time. Min = 1 and Max = 1000 (days)
  7. Exclude people: select users who their cart will not be tracked.
  8. Recover link to:  Choose recover link to Cart page or Checkout page.
  9. Immediate show Cart detail in Abandoned list: This option is for the details showing under “Cart Details” column in Abandoned Carts list.
    • If enabled: The Cart Details column shows all products with full details
    • If disabled: The Cart Details only shows upon hovering/clicking
  10. Show abandoned order options in admin order: Enable to display the Send abandoned email buttons and the column of Abandoned email sending status in the Admin Order List Page; Display the Send abandoned email buttons on the order editing page.
  11. Cart log: record add to cart action, remove products from cart action.
  12. Clear cart logs: Clear cart log of a specific date. Simply select the date you want to clear the cart log and click “Clear logs” button.
  13. Load guest information: If the guests have already been saved, load their information on the checkout page when enabled.
  14. Load full phone number: If the guests have already been saved, enable this option to load their phone number with country code on the Checkout page.
  15. Check GDPR: If enabled, a GDPR notice will display after the email input field on the checkout page.
  16. GDPR message: Enter the GDPR  content on the checkout page.
  17. Not provide message: If the customer refuses to receive the abandoned email, enter a text message..
  18. Cron job: turn on the Cron job on your server.



The Email tab allows for configuring schedules for abandoned cart and abandoned order emails, along with options for email settings and Email API.


Schedules for abandoned carts and abandoned order emails

  • Schedules for sending abandoned cart emails

    • Send mail reminder to members: Enable it if you want to send recovery emails to logged-in users.
    • Send mail reminder to guest: Enable it if you want to send recovery emails to guests.
    • Reply Emails to: the reply-to email address, if the customers reply to the recovery email, the reply emails will come to this address.
    • Send mail rules: set up the email templates and time to send.


  • Schedules for sending abandoned order emails

    • Email for Abandoned Order: Settings for sending emails to abondoned order.
    • Enable: enable this option to send recovery emails to abandoned orders.
    • Order status: Choose statuses which count as abandoned orders.
    • Send mail rules: select email templates and time to send.
    • Image size: Select the product image size you want in the email: original; 1536 x 1536; 2048 x 2048; woocommerce_thumbnail(324 x 324); woocommerce_single (416 x auto); woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail (100 x 100)


Email settings

  • Notification to Admin: Enable this option to send an email to admin whenever a cart is recovered.
  • Notification to custom email: Fill in any email address you want to send the notification of cart recovery to, if you don’t want it to send to the admin’s email address.
  • Price include tax: Enable this option to send price include text in email recovery.
  • Product link: Enable if you want that the customer will redirect to the product single page when clicking to the product image or title in the email.
  • Product price: Enable product price in the product detail in the abandoned emails.
  • Display current price: To show the current price of a product in the abandoned email, enable it, and disable displaying the price saved in the abandoned cart.
  • Template use new cart block: Use new cart block to edit more text, if you have old template, please edit and replace by new cart block to use.

Email API

Connect with email marketing platforms such as Active campaign, Sendinblue or GetResponse to sync email daand ta, support other marketing strategies.

Active campaign
  • Active campaign: Active Campaign API.
  • Activate campaign API key and API URL: Sign in to your Active campaign account, Go to settings/Dashboard/ Developer/ Copy the URL and Key to the Active Campaign API key and Active Campaign API URL boxes in the WC Abandoned cart Recovery plugin then click on the Save button.

  • Active campaign contacts list: Choose the active campaign list you want to work with WC Abandoned cart Recovery plugin.


  • Sendinblue: Enable Sendinblue API.
  • Sendinblue API key: You need to enter the Sendinblue API key to make it work.



a. Go to SMTP & API section

b. Create a new API key

c. Copy API key and paste to the Sendinblue API key field in the plugin.

  • Sendinblue contacts list: Choose the Sendinblue list you want to work with WC Abandoned cart Recovery plugin and save it again.



You can find it under Integrations and API > API. To obtain your key:

1. Click the Generate API key button.

2. Name your key. The name is up to you. It’s a good idea to use a name that will help you keep track of all the API keys you generate.

For safety reasons, we recommend generating a different API key for each of the integrations you build and use.

This key should be kept as secret as your password — don’t share it with anybody. The documentation for developers is available at API Docs page.

Email Pop-up

Go to Email pop-up tab to configure the request email pop-up feature.

The request email pop-up will appear when a customer adds products to cart for the first time. The pop-up will requires an email to complete this action. The pop-up will appear one time only, after that customers can add to cart normally.

Record a cart as an abandon using email popup: After adding a product to cart, plugin will run time of an abandoned cart. If customer has no action (add more, remove, edit.. this cart) after an initial time set in the General, this cart will be recorded as an abandon, but if customer does one of the above actions, the counter will be reset. And if the cart is placed, the counter will be canceled.

Pop -up Config

Appear on: Select page where you want to pop-up to appear, or use page ID for specific pages, or use post type

Immediate display on the cart page:

Fields display: Choose the fields you want to display on email pop-up

Default phone country: Set a default country code or make it Geo picked

Captcha: Enable Google reCaptcha for email popup if needed. Simply add the site key and secret key as guided in the instruction

  • Captcha version: Select a version
  • Captcha site key: Insert the key following the Captcha guide
  • Captcha secret key: Insert the key following the Captcha guide
  • Captcha guide: Read and follow this guide to get the correct site key and secret key

GDPR content: Enter your GDPR content.

Email required: Make email compulsory instead of optional. Close popup button will not show if this option is enabled.

Phone number required: Make phone number compulsory instead of optional. Close popup button will be hidden if this option is enabled.

Dismiss time: This function helps to stop displaying the email popup within certain time set in “Dismiss time”

  • Dismiss time is just efficient if you disable Information require (Because if the Information require option is enabled, customer will not be able to add to cart if he does not enter info, and in that case after leaving info, plugin will record this user info and the email popup will never show up anymore) => so if customer has left info, you needn’t set this dismiss function.
  • In case you disable the Information require. If customer adds to cart without leaving info, then he moves pages, opens/closes the browser…and come back to that product page, if within the dismiss time => popup will not show, but over the dismiss time => popup will show again.

Redirect after Add to cart: after adding a product to cart, choose if you want to redirect them to cart or check out page.

Customize on the Email popup template

  • Template: There are two email pop-up templates.
  • Title: Change the title of email pop-up as you want.
  • Subtitle: Add the subtitle of email pop-up as you want.
  • Add to cart: Change the content of add to cart button if you want.
  • Popup close text: Enter the display text of close button on the popup.
  • Invalid email notice: Change the content of  invalid email notice as you want
  • Invalid phone number notice: Change the content of  invalid phone number notice as you want
  • Send email immediately after close popup: Send an email to customer right after the close the popup
  • Email immediately subject: Edit the email subject
  • Email immediately content: Edit email content

Customize on the Unsubscribe popup template

  • Title: Change the title of unsubscribe pop-up
  • Content: Add the content of unsubscribe pop-up
  • Button label: Change the label of the button.
  • Redirect URL: Add URl to redirect to this page
  • Unsubscribe type: Select either Current abandoned cart or customer’s email

Design the email popup and unsubscribe popup

You can design colour of text, button, background, notice… for email pop-up



Messenger Settings

In the Facebook message tab, you can set up the plugin to send recovery cart message to customers Facebook message.

  1. App ID: to use the option send Facebook messages to customers, you need to register a Facebook app and copy and paste app ID here.
  2. App secret: Copy and paste App secret here.
  3. Valid OAuth redirected URIs: Copy this Valid OAuth redirected URIs and paste it to Facebook login/Settings/Valid OAuth Redirect URIs box
  4. Callback Webhooks URL: Copy  Callback Webhooks URL and paste it to  Webhooks/Edit page/Subscription/Callback URL box
  5. Verify Token: Copy the Verify Token aand paste it to Webhooks/Edit page/Subscription/Verify token box.

Please watch and follow this video guide to connect with Facebook:



Configuration Facebook messages for abandoned Cart.

  1. Activate page: Choose the facebook page for activating abandoned Cart plugin.
  2. Language: Choose the language used in messages.
  3. Checkbox skin: Choose style for checkbox skin: light or dark.
  4. Send to messenger require: enable it to require customers receive the facebook message when click on “add to Cart” button.
  5. Rules: Set messages rules for content and time.
  6. Test mode: If you enable it, a sample messenge will send to your customers immediately.

Send SMS

You need to complete 2 configurations: SMS provider configurations and Bitly configurations.

A. SMS provider configurations and Bitly configurations

1. SMS provider: Choose your appropriate sms provider, the plugin supports 4 providers Twilio, Nexmo and Plivo, Infobip.

2. Copy Account SID and add it to the App ID field

3. Copy pp token field

4. Copy the phone number and add it to the From number field

For Twilio

For Nexmo

For Plivo


Powerpacks UUID

For Infobip



Phone number

5. Copy Bitly Access Token and paste into the Access token field

  • (1) Create an bitly’s account at https://bitly.com/
  • (2) Login bitly’s account
  • (3) Go to Settings > API > Generate token, enter your password & click ‘Generate Token’

6. Send test SMS: Enter you phone number to check connection until the successful notice appears. A message will be sent to the phone number you entered.



B. Video guides on how to connect SMS providers

SMS Provider: There are 4 SMS Provider options for you to choose including Twilio, Nexmo, Plivo and Infobip. Here are the guidelines:

  • Guide to set SMS with Twilio SMS Provider:
  • Please check your regional permission to send SMS for Twillo in your Twillo Settings

  • Guide to set SMS with Nexmo SMS Provider:

  • Guide to set SMS with Plivo SMS Provider:


  • Guide to set SMS with Infobip SMS Provider:


C. Configure SMS rules and content for Abandoned Carts/Orders

  1. Enable: Enable the SMS recovery feature for abandoned carts.
  2. Rules: Sending SMS rules for abandoned cart, you can create multiple SMS templates and rules. Rules are basically the scheduled time to send SMS.
  3. Enable: Enable the SMS recovery feature with abandoned orders.
  4. Order status: Select order status which you want to use the SMS recovery feature.
  5. Rules: Sending SMS rules for abandoned orders, you can create multiple SMS templates and rules. Rules are basically the scheduled time to send SMS.

Abandoned Cart list

In WC Abandoned Cart/ Abandoned Table, you can check the list of abandoned carts.

  1. Send recovery emails manually:  this option allows you to select multiple abandoned carts and bulk sending recovery emails.
  2. Abandoned Carts list: this list provides you information about abandoned carts with date, email, cart detail (items), status, sent recovery logs and IP.

Email Templates

A. Add new or edit abandoned email templates

Go to WC Abandoned Cart > Email Templates, add or edit your abandoned email templates.

Click on a template to edit it or add a new template, then the email template page will open.

1. Add the template name

2. Email template display area

3. Click on the display area, customize the email content in the right panel. Shortcodes are supported including:

    • {customer_name};
    • {customer_surname};
    • {customer_forename};
    • {coupon_code};
    • {coupon_expire};
    • {unsubscribe_link};
    • {wacv_checkout_btn};
    • {site_title};
    • {store_address};
    • {home_url};
    • {site_url};
    • {shop_url};
    • {admin_email}

4. Add the subject of the email

5. Use WooCommerce header and footer default on the recovery emails.

6. Send a test email.

7. Set up the coupon rule for checking abandoned carts, you can read more in the section below B. Set up coupon in Abandoned emails

B. Set up coupon in Abandoned emails 

On the email template page, you can see the coupon configuration area. Click on the Use coupon option to attach a coupon to the abandoned email.

B1. Types of coupons

There are 2 types of coupons that you can choose one of them to offer to your customers. They can be a WooCommerce existing coupons or coupons generated by the plugin.

a. WooCommerce existing coupon 

This is the coupon created in WooCommerce, to create this coupon, please follow this guide. Then select the coupon code for the abandoned email, simply follow these steps:

  • Enable Use coupon
  • In the Select coupon, select a WooCommerce existing coupon


b. Coupons generated by this plugin

This type of coupon is generated in this plugin by the following steps:

  • Enable Generate coupon 
  • Configure the generated coupon


B2. Display coupon code in the email template

On the email template page, click on the email content area, the email content panel will appear on the right site. There you will insert the shortcode: {coupon_code} to the email content and save.


B3. Assign the coupon email template to send

Go to Abandoned Cart > Email tab, go to the Email template column, select the template which included the coupon code you created and save. Then try to test with a real abandoned cart.

C. Create Email templates in Multiple languages

You can send abandoned cart emails in different languages by creating multilanguage email templates. Simply follow these steps:

(1) Create email templates

Go to Abandoned cart > Email templates, Add new email template or edit the existing templates.

(2) Translate the templates into multilanguages

Almost texts can be translated directly on the template by clicking on the text area, a panel will appear on the right and you will translate texts there.

Note: Regarding translating the Cart block, to translate these texts: Quantity and price, you need to use the New cart block feature as the guide below.

First, go to the Email tab > Enable Template use the new cart block and save.

Then go back to the email template, if you are using an earlier version of 1.0.10, you have to remove the current cart block, replace it with a new cart block. However, since version 1.0.10 and onwards, you needn’t do this.

Click on the new cart block and translate these text Quantity and price:

(3) Assign the translated email template to send

Go to Abandoned Cart > Email tab, go to the Email template column, select the translated template you created and save. Then try to test with a real abandoned cart.




The plugin provides 4 types of report for you to check the abandoned cart.




Plugin Author Compatible
Curcy – WooCommerce Multi Currency VillaTheme Fully
WooCommerce Coupon Box VillaTheme Fully
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WooCommerce Boost Sales VillaTheme Fully
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer VillaTheme Fully
WPML OnTheGoSystems Fully
Polylang WP SYNTEX Fully


Watch this video for set up WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery and multilingual plugins.

Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.