
This section allows to quickly observe Aliexpress products that imported into WooCommerce product, do product overriding, and update products.

1. Sync products: This option allows you to bulk update the price and quantity of all products that help you keep tracking of product statuses on Aliexpress. Go to the Product Sync tab for more detail. There are many positions in the plugin where you can check update changelog: by notification emails, in the Imported section or Logs section.

2. Imported products: Quickly observe Aliexpress products that imported into WooCommerce product, you can grant product information includes:

+ Product title;

+ SKU;

+ Cost;

+ Shipping info to calculate price when updating products;

+ WC product status;

+ WooCommerce price.

3. View on Aliexpress: Access into

4. View product: Go to this product on store frontend.

5. Edit product: Move to this product on your WooCommerce in detail.

6. Sync: This option allows you to update the price and quantity for each individual product.

7. Delete: Delete the product on the imported list.

8. Override: Override an alternative product for the initial one. You can go to the Product Overriding tab to set rules for overridden products.

Step 1: Find and copy URL of an alternative product on AliExpress that you want to override by this product.

Step 2: Click on Override button.

Step 3: A popup appears and you will add the product URL of that alternative product.

Step 4: Another popup appears asking you some configurations.

  • Keep Woo product: Enable this option if you want to keep all information of the existing products except the requested information below.
  • Replace product title: Title of the replaced product will override the existing product’s.
  • Replace description and short description: Description and short description of the replaced product will override the existing product’s.
  • Replace product image and gallery: Image and gallery of the replaced product will override the existing product’s.
  • Save my choices and do not show these options again (You can still change this in the Product Overriding tab of this plugin setting): Save those above settings and will apply for next replacement, or you can go to Product Overriding tab to change the settings.

Step 5: Another popup appears asking you to change in the attributes of the overridden product.



Note: By selecting replacement, new variation will be created by modifying respective overridden variation. Overridden variations with no replacement selected will be deleted.

  • Overridden items: The Attributes of the existing product.
  • Found in unfulfilled orders: Indicate whether any existing order on WooCommerce included this attribute of the existing product.
  • Replacement: Select the attribute of the replaced product that you want to override the respective attribute of the existing product.


Empty trash: This feature helps to quickly remove all trash with one click or remove each product in the trash one by one.


9. Reimport: Reimport this current selected product.

In some cases, you may not be able to fulfill orders if the variations of those aliexpress products were customized differently than they were at the beginning, and the plugin can not detect those aliexpress products to fulfill, some leads to this error: Can not add products to cart. In this case, you can reimport the products, map variations but keep other product attributes such as: desc; image, gallery, title….

Step 1: Click on Reimport button.

Step 2: You will be redirected to a new WooCommerce page to reimport the current product, then just click on Reimport button.

Step 3: A popup appears asking you to map varaitions, then click reimport button after mapping. The products after reimporting will enlisted in the Import List and you can edit them as you do in the Import List section.