Sidebar Cart

Design settings for Sidebar Cart is in your Customize settings. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Cart All In One For WooCommerce >> Sidebar Cart

Or use the option “Go to Design” in Sidebar Cart settings – number (7) in Sidebar Cart setting guide

  • Enable: Enable sidebar cart
  • Mobile Enable: Enable sidebar cart on mobile devices
  • Display Sidebar Content: 2 styles
    • Style one:
    • Style two:
  • Sidebar Cart Content Horizontal(px) (only available with style 1): Adjust Sidebar Cart style 1 horizontally by dragging the range slider
  • Sidebar Cart Content Vertical(px) (only available with style 1): Adjust Sidebar Cart style 1 vertically by dragging the range slider
  • Sidebar Cart Content Position: 4 positions on screen:
    • Top left corner
    • Bottom left corner
    • Top right corner
    • Bottom right corner
  • Border Radius For Sidebar Cart Content(px): Adjust cart border radius of both styles by dragging the range slider
  • Fly To Cart: Enable it to create an effect that make the products fly to the Cart when customers click on add to cart button
  • Cart Effect After Adding Product: Choose the effect of Cart after adding product to the Cart
  • Sidebar Trigger Event Type: The Sidebar Cart content will be shown after click on the Cart icon or hover mouse on it
  • Auto Close Sidebar(seconds): Auto close sidebar after how long (seconds) with no events. Leave blank to not set this feature.
  • Sidebar Trigger Event Style: Choose a style for appearing of Sidebar Cart
  • Loading Type: Choose the type of loading for Sidebar Cart
  • Loading Color: Choose the color of loading