GIFT4U – Gift Cards All in One for Woo

Created: 02/2023

Last updated: 6/2024 – Updated version: 1.0.7

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for using our plugin.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!


  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+
  3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Download & Install:

If you’re using the free plugin, you can either add the plugin in the WordPress Dashboard, or manually upload the plugin file. If you’re using the premium version, you must install the plugin manually. Follow this link for the instruction for both.


Update The Plugin:

To update the purchased plugin, within 6 months from purchase, you can receive updates automatically on one domain by authenticating the plugin on that domain. Follow this instruction for specific steps.

Or you can update the plugin manually (no expiry date, you can do it for a lifetime). Simply re-download your purchased plugin file in your Envato account – Download list. More info in this instruction.

For free version of the plugin, you can always update the plugin in the WordPress Plugins list. You can see this instruction for a better view.


Visit this tutorial for how to install and activate plugin.



GIFT4U – Gift Cards All in One for Woo helps you create gift card products and sell them on your WooCommerce site. Settings gift cards at your WooCommerce stores is easier with GIFT4U, you have complete management over the created gift cards, style them how you want. While the customer can purchase the WooCommerce gift cards, they can schedule it to be sent or to be shipped later.

Let’s take a look at what GIFT4U can do:

  • Create customized virtual/physical gift cards
  • 2 types of pricing
  • Include/exclude products/categories from the discount
  • Allow users to redeem their gift cards at your online store
  • Allow users to schedule the gift card
  • Offer various design templates that customers can choose for designing their gift cards
  • Add usage restriction to gift card
  • Email gift card to customers
  • Add a Gift cards page in My account
  • Show coupon list under your store “Apply coupon” form



After installing and activating Gift4U, you are able to create Gift Card products and sell them.  Follow the documentation below to:

  1. Create Gift Card product
  2. Set up general settings: Set up discount priority; Gift cards section end point – My account page; Add PDF attachments to Gift Card email; Show coupon list on frontend…
  3. Set up Gift Card email: Build and edit Gift Card email
  4. Set up galleries: Build different categories for different gift card products and add multiple images to each category (Gallery)
  5. Card template: Build different card template



Create Gift card product

Step 1: Go to WooCommerce >> Products >> Add new

Step 2: Select “Gift Card product” type


Step 3: Configure the product settings

  • General:
    • Pricing type: Pricing type of product. With this option you can make the product type fixed or let user name their price…
      • If the Pricing type is “Fixed” >> Admin adds the product price to Price (Gift card value) (and Sale price if needed)
        • Price (Gift card value): If “Sale Price” is empty, this is both the price the sender pays and the amount the receiver can redeem.
        • Sale price: If you set a “Sale Price,” the sender pays this amount, but the receiver still redeems the value set in “Price (Gift Card Value).” For example, if “Price” is $100 and “Sale Price” is $20, the sender pays $20, and the receiver gets $100 to spend
      • If the Pricing type is “User input” >> Admin offers customers with a price range so they can enter their ideal price, and admin also configures the discount rules
    • Discount date from: Arrange when the gift card will be valid to be applied
    • Discount date to: Arrange when the gift card will stop being valid to be applied
    • Override delivery methods: Make the product deliver to customer with emails as a virtual product, or with physical card as a physical gift card. If this option is not selected, inherits from the global settings
    • Galleries: Select your galleries for this product
    • Card templates: Select your card template for this product
    • Date pickup field: Enable this option to allow users to choose their pickup date
    • Sender name field: Enable this option to allow users to enter the card sender name
    • Recipient name field: Enable this option to allow users to enter their card receiver name
    • Message field: Enable this option to allow users to enter their message for gift card
    • Shipping address form: Enable this option to allow users to enter the shipping address (only work with “Ship” method)
    • Message length limit: Limit the character for the Message field
  • Coupon
    • Email restrictions: Check this checkbox to add the receiver’s email to the allowed email list of the coupon
    • Allow shipping: Enable this option so the coupon grants free shipping method.
    • Expiry date after day(s): Coupon available duration.
    • Minimum spend: The user’s subtotal must reach this minimum amount to use the coupon.
    • Maximum spend: The user’s subtotal must be lower or equal to this value to use the coupon.
    • Individual use only: Enable this option if the coupon can not be used in conjunction with other coupons.
    • Exclude sale items: Enable this option to make the coupon not apply to sale items.
    • Products: Products that the coupon will be applied to.
    • Exclude products: Products that the coupon will not be applied to.
    • Categories: Product categories that the coupon will be applied to.
    • Exclude categories: Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to.



Gift cards page on My account

After installing and activating GIFT4U, customers will have a Gift card page in their My account area.

There they have all their purchased gift cards and their status. If the Gift card is virtual and was sent to customer by email, they can choose to resend it here.



You can change the end point of this page with the “My account end point” option (4).


Show coupon list under “Apply coupon” form

If your store has an “Apply coupon” form somewhere allowing customers to enter their coupon code and redeem discount, then you can show list of their purchased GIFT4U gift card coupon codes under that form. They can select one from the list and apply it in an easier way.


Enable and customize this list with 3 options in General settings: (6) Show coupon list; (7) Coupon background color and (8) Coupon text color



Gift Card – General

  1. Coupon code: Enter the coupon code
  2. Amount: Coupon value
  3. Delivery method: How the gift card is delivered to customer
  4. From email: Sender’s email address
  5. To email: Receiver’s email address
  6. Sender name: Enter sender’s name
  7. Recipient name: Enter receiver’s name
  8. Message: Write your wish when sending the gift card
  9. Email image: Select one image from “Galleries” and make it Email image
  10. Card template: Choose one card template among the available
  11. Expiry date: Gift card expiry date
  12. Delivery date: Gift card delivery date
  13. Delivery status: Gift card delivery status



Gift Card – Coupon options

  1. Allow shipping: Enable this option if the coupon grants free shipping. A free shipping method must be enabled in your shipping zone and be set to require “a valid free shipping coupon”
  2. Individual use only: Enable this option if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.
  3. Exclude sale items: Enable this option if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will only work if there are items in the cart that are not on sale.
  4. Minimum spend: This field allows you to set the minimum spend (subtotal) allowed when using coupon
  5. Maximum spend: This field allows you to set the maximum spend (subtotal) allowed when using coupon
  6. Products: Products that the coupon will be applied to, or needs to be in the cart for the coupon to be applied
  7. Exclude products: Products that the coupon can’t be applied to, or can’t be in the cart for the coupon to be applied
  8. Categories: Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or needs to be in the cart for the coupon to be applied
  9. Exclude categories: Product categories that the coupon can’t be applied to, or can’t be in the cart for the coupon to be applied




The plugin allows adding multiple images and users can select when purchasing a virtual gift card whose Delivery method is “Email”. These images can be grouped into different categories, for example Christmas, Birthday, Events and so on.




Card Template

Design and customize your card templates here

  1. Paper size: Select one of the built-in sizes, or make your own size with “Custom” option
    • If “Custom”, fill in the “Width” and “Height” fields.
  2. Margin: Set up margin for Top, Right, Bottom, Left sides
  3. Add image: Add the image here.
    • Drag the image to change its position.
    • To change image size, hover mouse over the bottom right corner of the image until the pointer becomes like this Then drag to change the image size
  4. Add text: Click “Add text” button to start adding text content. Then click the added text to edit
    • To change text content position, either adjust the Pos X/Pos Y or drag the text in the editor zone to the place you want. If the second action, Pos X/Pos Y will change accordingly. The posX and posY properties define the position of the upper left corner of the form item on the x and y axis of the form.
    • To change text content, edit the “Content” input field
    • Change the text field width in “Width”
    • Align the text
    • Change text color
    • Adjust font size
    • Adjust font weight



Settings – General

Here you have the global settings for all Gift Card products.

  1. Discount priority: In gift card product with “User input” pricing type, if the Discount rules contain same from/to price, plugin will generate discount with higher/lower amount based on this selection
  2. Order status: The coupon is generated when the order status changes to one of these
  3. Delivery methods: How the gift card is delivered to customers
  4. My account end point: There’s a “Gift Cards” page in customer’s My account page. Set up the endpoint for the page “Gift Cards” page URL
  5. Add card PDF to email: If the the delivery method is “Email”, enabling this option will add a “Card Template” option in the product page, and add the gift card in PDF as file attached when sending email to customer
  6. PDF file name in email: Fill in the custom name for the PDF file attached in the email if you want.
  7. Show coupon list: Show available coupons under “Apply Coupon” form with logged in users.
  8. Coupon background color: Only works when “Show coupon list’ option is enabled.
  9. Coupon text color: Only works when “Show coupon list’ option is enabled.



Settings – Email

If the “Delivery method” is “Email”, customers will receive an email with the Gift Card they purchased. Design that Gift Card email here.

  1. Email subject: Enter the gift card email subject
  2. Email content: Modify the email content. Insert your HTML customization with “Text” editor
  3. Bcc to sender: Enable this option to send bcc to sender when gift card email is sent to the receiver.



Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.