EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links

Created: 12/2021

Latest updated: 06/2024 – Updated version: 1.0.18

By: VillaTheme

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EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links helps you save storage by using external image URLs. These images are shown in Media library like normal images so that you can choose them for post/product featured image, WooCommerce product gallery… or everywhere that images are chosen from Media library.



  • This plugin only supports real image URLs that have correct image mime type. It does not support image URLs from an image hosting service(such as Flickr, Imgur, Photobucket …) or a file storage service(such as GooGle drive)
  • External images added by this plugin will no longer work if the plugin is not active


  • Ability to add single image URL on Upload files tab of the Media library
  • Ability to add multiple image URLs at once on below the File upload on Upload New Media page
  • External images have an icon to distinguish them from normal attachments.
  • External images also have attachment ID like normal attachments so that you can use them wherever that allows to insert images from Media library such as Post/Product featured image, product gallery images, variation image, product category image…


  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+
  3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Download Plugin

Get the plugin installation package from your account download page and save it to your desktop.

Install & Active plugin

Go to PluginsAdd NewUpload PluginChoose file/ Select exmage-wordpress-image-links.zip / click “Install Now“/ click “Active plugin”.

You can learn how to install and use EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links through this video guide.

Add URLs on the Media Library

Add URLs on the Media Library: You can add multiple image URLs at once on below the File upload on Upload New Media page


Add an image URL from Media library

Add an image URL from Media library such as Post/Product featured image, product gallery images, variation image, product category image…

For example:

  • Product featured image:


  • Product gallery:


Icon to distinguish external images 

You can distinguish between external images and normal attachments by the icon.

  • In Grid view

  • In list view



Convert external images to normal attachements


* Important note: You can not edit external images until you convert them to normal attachments.



This plugin is tested compatibility some plugins:

1. ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce By VillaTheme.

When activating both plugins, the option “Use external links for image” will appear in the Product tab of the ALD plugin to let you choose. If you enable it, the original AliExpress image URL is saved on that external storage plugin, which helps to save your website storage space.


if(class_exists( 'EXMAGE_WP_IMAGE_LINKS' )){
$add_image = EXMAGE_WP_IMAGE_LINKS::add_image( $url, $image_id, $post_parent );

-$url: URL of the image you want to process
-$image_id: Passed by reference
-$post_parent: ID of the post that you want the image to be attached to. If empty, the image will not be attached to any post

Extra Information

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If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.