EPOI – WordPress Points and Rewards

Created: 04/2022

Last updated: 5/2022 – Updated version: 1.0.3

By: VillaTheme Thank you for using our plugin.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!

System Requires

It is recommended to using

1. WordPress 5.0.x

2. PHP 7


Step 1: Download the plugin

Step 2: Go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add new > Upload plugin > Choose file


Step 3: Activate the plugin

Now the plugin is activated and ready to use.

EPOI – WordPress Points and Rewards lets you reward your customers with points for their activities on your WordPress site. With these points and rewards, they can join your ranking system, earn a higher level, and transfer/share their points and rewards with their friends. You can set your own score system with rules and decide the reward with points, observe and control users’ score records, and send emails to users whenever their score is updated.

With this plugin, you can:

  • Let your users earn WordPress points and rewards with their actions
  • Allow users with roles you selected to approve other users’ WordPress points and rewards
  • Permit transferring WordPress Points and Rewards among users, and set fee for that action
  • Decide the expiry date for the user’s point
  • Create your own ranking system
  • Manage users’ actions to earn their WordPress points and rewards, and set rules for each action, including their point type/point value
  • Add restrictions to particular users and set the blocking time
  • Send email notifications when a user’s point changes, when they reach a higher rank, or when they receive points from another user
  • Edit users’ WordPress points and rewards manually on the backend
  • Observe users’ point records with various information: action date; user account; point; status; their action to earn points and link to their action; …
  • Apply bulk action on users’ point records: Approve/Revoke their action to earn WordPress points and rewards
  • Filter the point records by status/action if you want to find some particular point records
  • Support shortcodes to display point information anywhere you want, for example, display My point on the Menu bar.


Visit this tutorial video for how to use those functions above:

After activating EPOI, first of all, enable the plugin in the General tab.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Points and Rewards > Settings > General

Step 2: Enable the plugin settings by turning on the option

Step 3: Click “Save settings


Now you can manage the plugin settings one by one:

  1. In the General tab:
    • Manage the system with: point type – lock/transferable point; transfer fee; expiry date; action to accumulate point.
    • Build your ranking system; set the qualification point to reach a particular rank.
    • Select actions users can do to earn points
    • Put restrictions on particular users and decide the blocking time
  2. In the Rewards tab:
    • Enable actions to let users earn points
    • Select point type for each action: Lock point or free (transferable) point
    • Assign point values to each action.
  3. In the Email tab:
    1. Enable sending emails when point changes or is transferred; rank is reached.
    2. Build and edit the email subject and email content, shortcodes to make it easier are provided.
  4. To view the users’ point, go to User’s points settings:
    • View the points of all/particular users: name, user name, point, rank, email
    • Edit point of a particular user
    • Edit point in bulk of selected users
  5. To view the point records, go to Point records settings:
    • Visible information: date, user name + email address, point, the status of point, action is done to accumulate point, link to action (if available), message (if available)
    • The point manager can approve/revoke point here, for a particular user, or in bulk with selected users
    • Find a point record with specific point status, or with an action




Check & Transfer points

After EPOI is activated, you can instantly see your point balance in your profile. Go to Dashboard > Users > My points.

On this page, it logs all your current points.

You can view not only your points, point records, and your current rank, but also transfer your points to someone else with the “Point Transfer” function.


  1. Your point balance: You can view the information below
    + Your current rank
    + Number of free points (Only when the point type is enabled in the General settings)
    + Number of lock points (Only when the point type is enabled in the General settings)
    + Total points
    + Expiry date (If the points have an expiry date)
  2. Transfer your point: These settings are available when the Free point type is enabled.
    Note: You can only transfer your free point. Please make sure to check the transfer fee before transferring.
    Step 1: Enter the receiver’s email address in the “Transfer to” field
    Step 2: Add the point values you want to transfer in the “Point” field
    Step 3 (Optional): Write a message to the receiver.
    Step 4: Click “Send
  3. Point history: This section let you know your particular points and information that’s related to them.
    + Date: Time when the action is created
    + Point: Point the user received for that action
    + Action: Action that was done
    + Message: The message when the point is received.



Assign point values to each action

Before assigning points, you would need to check the point type options in the General settings first. If these options are disabled, you can not select the point types while assigning points.


To start letting users gain points by doing different activities on your site, assign a particular value of point to each action and enable them.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Points & Rewards > Settings > Rewards.

Step 2: Assign point values here. Letting them gain points by:
+ Signing up: When an users register on your site, they’ll get some signup points as a rewards.
+ Posting comment: When user post a comment, they’ll receive point depending on when you allow them to get that point – First time; Once per each post; or Every time
+ Creating a new post: This settings allow users to get points when they create a new independent post on your site, based on the Frequency rule you set, they can receive point the first time they create a post, or every time.
See this documentation for specific explanation of each option.

Step 3: Click “Save settings”



Build a ranking system

After assigning point values, you can build a ranking system to encourage users to gain more point to reach a higher rank

Step 1: Go to Points & Rewards settings > General
Step 2: Enable the “Rank enable” option.
Step 3: With this option turned on, you can build your own ranking and make changes to it.


Manage the settings above to build your own ranking system. Regard this documentation for specific explanation of each option.



Send email notifications

Let users know when their points change; when they reach a new rank on the ranking ladder; or when they receive some points from other users.

  • To do this, go to Points & Rewards settings > Emails, simply enable the option to send emails for particular achievement you want to notify users.
  • It’s also important to make changes to the email subject and the email content to meet your expectation before sending to users.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to click “Save settings”



View & Edit points

The point manager can view the point log of any user and apply actions to change the points through settings.

View and Edit point logs of all users

Go to Dashboard > Points & Rewards > Point records.

In these settings, all user’s point history is visible and ready for you to modify by approving/revoking
– To find particular point history, filter the point with action/status
– Click “Filter”


Then to approve/revoke points, select the “Approve/Revoke” option or use “Bulk action” > Click “Apply”



View and Edit point logs of particular users

Go to Dashboard > Points & Rewards > User’s points


With these settings, the point manager can edit the point of any user.

Quick edit the user’s point with the editing button, or “Bulk action” to change all selected users’ points.


Or click on that user name to view the full point history and edit their points there.

To view the full history of one user, click on their Username, you will be redirected to the user’s point accumulating history with this information: their current rank; points they have accumulated – number of free points, and numbers of lock points; and the total point.

In this point accumulating history, you can change their total point, and approve/revoke their point.

  1. Edit total point:
    Step 1: Click the “Edit” button to edit the point.
    Step 2: Add their new total point, select the point type, and add a message (optional).
    Step 3: Select Apply to set the new points, or Cancel to cancel the editing point action.
  2. Approve/Revoke particular/all points:
    Step 1: Select the point you want to approve/revoke.
    Step 2: In the “Bulk action” option, select Revoke/Approve.
    Step 3: Apply.



Block User & Restriction

The plugin allows you to put restrictions and block particular users.


Restrict users/user roles

To place restrictions on users/user roles, you can do it in the General settings, go to Dashboard > Points & Rewards > General
– Add the user name/user roles to these 2 fields below. The selected users/user roles will not be able to gain points until you remove their user name/roles from these fields.

– Click “Save settings”


Block Users

The point manager can block particular users on the list, go to Dashboard > User’s points > find the user you want to block:

Step 1: Hover over a username

Step 2: Select “Block”

This user will not be able to gain points until you unblock them manually (The same way as to how you block them).

Or till they reach the blocking time and are unblocked automatically.

To set the blocking time, go to Points & Rewards > General

– Set the time in the “Block user time” option.

– Select the time unit: Minute; Hour; Day.

– Click “Save settings”.



First, go to Dashboard > Point & Rewards > Settings.



General Tab

This tab allows the point manager to manage the general settings of the plugin: scoring rules, ranking order, and other settings.


  1. Enable: Enable/Disable the plugin.
  2. User’s roles can approve point: Users with selected roles can approve points when points need manual approval.
  3. Use lock point type: With this point type, users cannot transfer to other users.
  4. Transfer to other users: Allow users to give their points to others.
  5. Transfer fee: The point values a user has to pay for transferring the point.
  6. Expire after: Expiry date of the point earned. If this field is empty, the point has no expiry date.
  7. Rank enable: Enable the ranking system.
  8. Rank: Build your own ranking system here, this table will appear when the “Rank enable” option is enabled.
    • Rank Title (compulsory): Set your title for each rank.
    • Point to reach rank(compulsory): The minimum qualification score a user must accumulate to reach the rank
    • Reward when rank reached (optional): Point values that are given to customers when they reach the rank
    • Icon: Set your own icon.
  9. Actions to accumulate point: Select behavior users can earn points with.
  10. Restrict user’s roles: Select particular user roles to restrict them that they can not earn points by doing these actions above
  11. Restrict users: Select particular users to restrict them that they can not earn points by doing these actions above
  12. Block user time: When you block a user in the User’s points settings, manage the time to block them here



Rewards Tab

In this tab, the point manager can assign point values to each action. Through these settings, the point manager can enable earning points for different actions, when the user signs up, posts a comment, or creates a new post, they will get some points as a rewards.


  1. Sign up
    • Enable: Enable to allow users to earn points by signing up.
    • Point type: Select a type – lock point or free point.
    • Point value: Point values are assigned to this behavior when approved.
  2. Post comment
    • Enable: Enable to allow users to earn points by posting a comment.
    • Point type: Select a type – lock point or free point.
    • Point value: Point values users get when their behavior is approved.
    • Frequency: Select the number of times users get their points when doing this action.
    • Auto approve with: Users with selected roles will be approved automatically. Roles other than the list above need manual approval.
  3. Create new post
    1. Enable: Enable to allow users to earn points by creating a new post.
    2. Point type: Select a type – lock point or free point.
    3. Point value: Point values are assigned to this behavior when approved.
    4. Frequency: Select the number of times users get their points when doing this action.
    5. Auto approve with: Users with selected roles will be approved automatically. Roles other than the list above need manual approval.



Email Tab

In this tab, you can configure it to send email notifications to customers. Currently, the plugin provides 3 email types. A list of email settings for the point manager allows him to enable or disable email notifications for different activities.


  • Point changes: The email sent when the user’s current point changes
    • Enable: Enable to send an email notification to customers when their point changes
    • Subject: Add your email subject
    • Content: Edit the email content



  • Reach rank: The email sent when the user’s current rank changes to a higher rank
    • Enable: Enable to send an email notification to customers when they unlock a new rank
    • Subject: Add your email subject
    • Content: Edit the email content



  • Transfer: The email sent when the user receives points from another user
    • Enable: Enable to send an email notification to customers when they receive points transferred from another user.
    • Subject: Add your email subject
    • Content: Edit the email content



User’s points

To view and manage the user’s points, go to Dashboard > Points & Rewards > User’s points. 

  1. Username: User’s information.
  2. Point: User’s current total point.
  3. Rank: User’s current rank.
  4. Name: User’s information.
  5. Email: User’s information.


On this setting page, you can:



Point records

In the Point records settings, the point manager can view all actions of all users that were done to gain points, with the details as below:

  1. Date: The date when action is made
  2. User: Username and email address
  3. Point: Point earned with the action
  4. Status: Current status of the point
  5. Approve/Revoke: This action can be done by the point manager. Select to approve/revoke that point
  6. Link: URL that leads to where the action result is placed: comment URL, post URL.
  7. Action: The action that was done by the user to gain the point
  8. Message: Message when the point was given to the user



This plugin supports shortcodes to display: User point profile, user transfer point, user history, current user total point, and current user rank.

  • [epoi_user_point_profile]
  • [epoi_current_user_total_point]
  • [epoi_current_user_rank]

For example, to display My point in the Menu bar, you can use this shortcode [epoi_current_user_total_point]

You can easily utilize this plugin to display Shortcode on your menu. Simply install and activate it by following this link: Shortcode in Menus Plugin.


Thank you for your attention!

If you have any questions, please create a ticket at our Forum, we will support you within 24 hours.