Add a new Lookbook

After successful activate the WooCommerce LookBook plugin, go to Dashboard/Lookbooks to start using the plugin.

  • Upload pictures to create Lookbooks

  1. Click Add New to add a new lookbook.
  2. Enter the lookbook title.
  3. Click Add Image to upload lookbook pictures.
  4. Click Publish to publish your lookbook.

After successful add a new lookbook, click on Add Node to add new nodes

  1. Click on Add Node to add a new node.
  2. A new node table will appear, click on Search your product to find the product you want to add to the lookbook.
  3. Hold your mouse on the blue dot and drag/drop it to move the node to the position of the product on the lookbook.
  4. Click on Update to save your settings.
  5. Copy this shortcode to paste lookbook to anywhere you want on your site.
    You can change the shortcode into[woocommerce_lookbook_slide id='x,y,z' layout='carousel'] and [woocommerce_lookbook_slide id='x,y,z' layout='gallery'] with x y z is page id of lookbooks to show the 3 lookbooks as a slide, and the layout can be carousel or gallery.

Go to Dashboard/Lookbooks/All Lookbooks to manage your lookbooks

Go to Dashboard/Lookbooks/Settings to configure lookbook settings

WooCommerce Lookbook will appear on the front-end as a picture with nodes that locate products. When clicking on a node, a pop-up will appear with product information.