After you install and activate WooCommerce Email Template Customizer on your website, our templates will automatically overwrite WooCommerce default email templates.

Go to Email Template > All emails > scroll down to edit available email templates or add a new template. Now, you can:

  1. Build your own email templates: The point of having an email customizer plugin is to build/customize the email templates to match your expectation. Follow this documentation to build a new email template/customize an available one.
    You may need the specific explanation for the customizing options of each component/layout. Find the option/component/layout in this documentation.
  2. While building your template, you may need to:
  3. And these functions below may help you configuring your email in no time:
    • Import/Export template: Save your time re-making templates with similar design with this function.
    • Create mutual blocks: If there should be mutual content in your templates, use “Block” to make it easier. Simply make one block and apply it to all needed templates. You only need to customize that one original block and all the added blocks in the template will inherit.
  4.  Element and Template for extra information and emails created by another plugin: There are several plugins that creates custom field, attach additional information to WooCommerce emails, and even make their own email templates. WooCommerce Email Template Customizer has element/template to support that.
    • WC Hook: This element is to attach additional information that’s added to WooCommerce email by another plugin.
    • Default Template: This template is built for all emails created by 3rd plugins, if these emails are listed in WooCommerce Emails settings.