Bulky – WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products

Created: 07/2021

Updated: 07/2024 – Version: 1.3.3

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!  

Bulky – WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders and Coupons helps easily work with products in bulk. The plugin offers sufficient simple and advanced tools to help filter various available attributes of simple and variable products such as ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slugs, SKU, Post date, range of regular price and sale price, Sale date, range of stock quantity, Product type, Categories….
Users can quickly search for wanted product fields and work with them in bulk. The plugin promises to help shop owners to save time and optimize manipulation when working with products in bulk.




A. Bulk Edit Products.

Filter the Products to be Bulk Edited.

You can use tools to filter products that you want to edit in bulk. The plugin is available with the following filters all attributes of a product: ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slug, SKU, Range of Post date, Range of price, Range of the sale price, Range of sale date, Range of stock quantity, Range of Width, Height, Length, Weight, Product type, Product status, Stock Status, Featured, Downloadable, Sold individually, Backorders, Author, Catalog visibility, Categories, Tags, Attributes.

  • ID: You can filter the range of products by product ID, separate IDs with commas.
  • Title: This allows you to filter a product with the product titles that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Excerpt: You can filter a product with the excerpt that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Slug: This allows you to filter a product with the product slug that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • SKU: This allows you to filter a product with the product SKU that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  • Post date: You can filter products based on the date of post.
  • Regular price: You can filter products in the range of prices.
  • Sale price:  You can filter products in the range of sale prices.
  • Sale date: The option to filter products based on the sale date.
  • Stock quantity: You can filter products in the range of stock.
  • Width: You can filter products in the range of widths.
  • Heigh: You can filter products in the range of heights
  • Length: You can filter products in the range of lengths
  • Weight: You can filter products in the range of weights.
  • Product type: Filter products by type including Simple, variable, external/Affiliate, grouped.
  • Product status: Filter products by status: Draft, pending, private, public.
  • Stock Status: You can filter products based on their current stock status such as In Stock, Out of Stock, or On Backorder.
  • Featured: Filter products by featured yes/no.
  • Downloadable: Filter products that can be downloadable.
  • Sold individually: Filter products that can be sold individually.
  • Backorders: Filter products that can be backorder: Do not allow; Allow, but notify customer; Allow.
  • Author: Filter products based on the author.
  • Catalog visibility: Filter products based on catalog visibility: Shop and search results, Shop only, Search results only, Hidden.
  • Categories: Select the desired product categories that you have created in your WooCommerce store. Additionally, you can tick the Include Subcategories option to include sub-categories of the selected product categories.
  • Tags: You can choose various product tags or tags for filtering products.
  •  Product attributes: If you have created global attributes in your WooCommerce Attributes settings, they will be shown in this setting. You can use global product attributes to filter the products for editing. Once you have selected an attribute, you can select the desired Product Attribute Values for deeper filtering.

Filter fields to be Bulk Edited.

You can easily select one or/and many fields of product to interact and work with. This helps to filter relevant fields that you are interested in and observe objects and tables more conveniently and effectively. Fields can be selected including Image, SKU, Slug, Description, Short Desc, Gallery, Attributes, Grouped, Product URL, Button text, Status, Password, Featured, Regular price, Sale price, Sale date from, Sale date to, Manage stock, Stock, Stock status, Allow backorder, Sold individually, Virtual, Categories, Tags, Width, Height, Length, Weight, Upsell, Cross-sell, Downloadable, Purchase note, Menu order, Enable reviews, Catalog visibility, Shipping class.

Leave empty if you filter all fields.


Filter exclude fields to be Bulk Edited.

If you need to filter all fields of product but some fields need to be excluded, you can select one or/and many fields for this purpose.

Fields can be selected to exclude: Image, SKU, Slug, Description, Short Desc, Gallery, Attributes, Grouped, Product URL, Button text, Status, Password, Featured, Regular price, Sale price, Sale date from, Sale date to, Manage stock, Stock, Stock status, Allow backorder, Sold individually, Virtual, Categories, Tags, Width, Height, Length, Weight, Upsell, Cross-sell, Downloadable, Purchase note, Menu order, Enable reviews, Catalog visibility, Shipping class.


Edit WooCommerce Products in Bulk.

You can bulk edit/update product properties including

  • Product Title
  • Product type
  • Image
  • SKU
  • Slug
  • Description
  • Short desc
  • Gallery
  • Attributes
  • Default attributes
  • Grouped
  • Product URL
  • Button text
  • Status
  • Password
  • Feature
  • Regular price
  • Sale price
  • Sale date
  • Manage stock
  • Stock
  • Stock status
  • All backorder
  • Sold individually
  • Virtual
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Weight
  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
  • Upsells
  • Cross-sells
  • Downloadable
  • Download file
  • Download limit
  • Download expiry
  • Purchase note
  • Menu order
  • Enable reviews
  • Catalog visibility
  • Shipping class

Manipulations with the product table and cells.

  • Select objects: Entire table; Columns; Rows
  • Undo update.
  • Right-click to edit objects.
  • Copy – Paste
  • Select a range
  • Apply an edit to other cells by dragging the fill handle
  • Delete selected objects
  • Order ascending
  • Order descending
  • Find and Replace
  • Fill numbers for the number column type

Other outstanding features:

  • The Search tool to find the fields to edit.
  • Load variations option.
  • Filter orders by ID, Title, Regular price, Sale price, SKU.
  • Save filter when reloading the page.
  • Bulk edit Custom meta fields from third-party plugins.
  • History to record the edits.












System Requires

It is recommended using

1. WooCommerce 7.x+

2. WordPress 5.x+

3. PHP 7.0+


Download Plugin

Get the plugin installation package from your account download page and save it to your desktop.

Install & Active plugin

Go to PluginsAdd NewUpload PluginChoose file/ Select bulky-woocommerce-bulk-edit-products.zip  / click “Install Now“/ click “Active plugin“.

Install and Set up Video

Done! Let’s start using the plugin.

Step 1: Go to WC Bulk Editor > Products Bulk Editor

Step 2: Filter Based on Product Properties

Click on the Filter icon , you can use tools to filter products that you want to edit in bulk.  The plugin is available with the all sufficient filters all properties of a product.

Step 3: Filter Fields to edit and settings 

Click on the Settings icon , you can easily select one or/and many fields of product to interact and work with. Besides, some settings help you more convenient in working with fields and products.

Step 4: Edit Product Properties in Bulk

Go to the editing areas, click directly on product property fields to edit.

After filtering products and fields that you need to change the product properties, let’s go to edit them in bulk, see the guide in the Edit Product Properties in Bulk section.


Step 5: Bulk edit custom meta fields if needed

Click on the Meta fields icon . Just like WooCommerce product fields, you can also bulk update custom meta fields from third-party plugins like WooCommerce Multi Currency, WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches, and so on.

For example, to update a meta-field called Custom Meta for another plugin, you need to activate the meta key of the equivalent meta-field in this text field. You can activate multiple meta-keys at once.

Step 6: See the change and revert the edit if needed in the History

Click on the History icon . History helps to record the edits so that you can see the change and revert the edit if needed.




Filter out of stock and


Filter Based on Product Properties

You can use tools to filter products that you want to edit in bulk. The plugin is available with the following filters all properties of a product: ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slug, SKU, Range of Post date, Range of price, Range of the sale price, Range of sale date, Range of stock quantity, Range of Width, Height, Length, Weight, Product type, Product status, Stock Status, Featured, Downloadable, Sold individually, Backorders, Author, Catalog visibility, Categories, Tags, Attributes.

  • ID: You can filter the range of products by product ID, separate IDs with commas or minus for range

  1. Click Filter icon
  2. Enter product IDs that you need to filter.
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Title, Content, Excerpt, Slug, SKU: These allow you to filter a product with the product Titles, Content, Excerpt, Slug, SKU that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content. The example below is to filter product with Title:


  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Enter a product title keyword that you need to filter
  3. Select an action to filter with key work of the title that can be exact, like, not include, begin, end, or empty content.
  4. Click Filter to take action.
  5. The result after filtering.


  • Post date, Regular price, Sale price, Sale date, Stock quantity, Width, Height, Length, Weight: You can filter products based on a range of weights, post date, regular price, sale price, sale date, stock quantity, width, height, length, weight.

1. Click the Filter icon.

2. Enter post date from and to, to filter product by post date.

3. Enter regular price from and to, to filter product by regular price.

4. Enter sale price from and to, to filter product by the sale price.

5. Enter sale date from and to, to filter product by sale date.

6. Enter stock quantity from and to, to filter product by stock quantity.

7. 8. 9. 10. Enter Width, Height, Length, Weight from and to, to filter product by Width, Height, Length, Weight.

11. Click Filter to take action.

12. The result after filtering.


  • Product type: Filter products by type including Simple, variable, external/Affiliate, grouped.


  • Product status: Filter products by status: Draft, pending, private, public.

  • Stock Status: You can filter products based on their current stock status such as In Stock, Out of Stock, or On Backorder.


  • Featured, Downloadable, Sold individually: Filter products by featured, Downloadable, Sold individually products, available value: yes/no.



  • Backorders: Filter products that can be backorder: Do not allow; Allow, but notify customer; Allow.


  • Author: Filter products based on the author. It is used if your site has many supply vendors and the authors will be shown up in the filter to choose.


  • Catalog visibility: Filter products based on catalog visibility: Shop and search results, Shop only, Search results only, Hidden.

  • Categories: Select the desired product categories that you have created in your WooCommerce store. Additionally, you can tick the Include Subcategories option to include sub-categories of the selected product categories.


  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Enter categories and sub-categories that you need to filter
  3. Select an action to filter with selected categories and sub-categories that can be or, end, not in.
  4. Click Filter to take action.
  5. The result after filtering.


  • Tags, Band: You can choose various product tags, bands for filtering products.

  •  Product attributes: If you have created global attributes in your WooCommerce Attributes settings, they will be shown in this setting. You can use global product attributes to filter the products for editing. Once you have selected an attribute, you can select the desired Product Attribute Values for deeper filtering.



Bulk Edit Product Settings

Filter Fields to edit

You can easily select one or/and many fields of product to interact and work with. This helps to filter relevant fields that you are interested in and observe objects and tables more conveniently and effectively.

  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Filter to fields: Select fields to work with, the other fields will be hidden. Leave empty to show all fields. You can exclude fields to edit.
  3. The Search tool to find the fields to edit.
  4. Save the action.

>> There you see result after filtering fields.



  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Product per page: Allows to show a number of products per page. You can set unlimited numbers of product per page, just enter the number you want. If leaving empty it will take 10 products per page as default.
  3. Load variations: Choose yes/no to show/hide product variations.
  4. Order by: Filter orders by ID, Title, Regular price, Sale price, SKU
  5. Order: Sort order by DESC or ASC
  6. Time to delete revision: Set time schedule to delete the history
  7. Save filter when load page: allows to save filter whenever you load the page.
  8. Filter include variation: Enable to show variations, disable to show only parent products after filtering
  9. Save.

* Note: There are some reasons the plugin can load a large number of products per page. There could be restricted in server configurations including:
+ Variations
+ Array elements.
+ Time processing
+ Memory.

We strongly advise you to set a low value the number of product per page.

Edit Product Properties in Bulk

After filtering products and fields that you need to change the product properties, let’s go to edit them in bulk.


Bulk Edit Product Title, SKU, Slug, Description, Short Desc, 

You can edit Product Titles as long as the other fields with the following options:

  • Set new: Set a new product title for the products
Step 1:  Step 2:
  • Append: Add custom text at the end of the existing product title.
Step 1: Step 2:


  • Prepend: Add custom text at the beginning of the existing product title.
Step 1: Step 2:
  • Edit multiple cells:
Step 1: Step 2:
  • Find and replace
Step 1: Step 2:
  • Go to edit product page
  • View on single product page
  • Delete selected rows
  • Copy
  • Paste


Bulk Edit Product type

Change all selected products’ types to Simple or Variable, Grouped, External/Affiliate products in bulk.


Bulk Edit Product images and Gallery.

You can Add, Remove, or Replace product images in the gallery of filtered products.


Bulk Edit Product Price

Edit Regular/Sale price with calculator

  • Regular price: Right click >> Select Calculator and start calculating regular price based on current value. Then if you want to apply the same formula >> Hover to the bottom right corner of the cell >> click and hold down and drag the mouse
  • Sale price: Right click >> You can calculate the sale price based on current value (Calculator) or based on regular price(Calculator base on Regular price). If you want to apply the same formula >> Do the same as Regular price



Bulk edit attributes and default attributes.

You can add, remove or overwrite global attributes with the existing ones to all the filtered products in bulk.

Step 1: Click on the Edit symbol to update a global attribute.

Step 2: Edit the global attribute: You can Add/ Remove attributes


Step 3: Overwrite global attributes with the existing ones.


Bulk edit status, stock status, allow backorder, category visibility, shipping class


Select a value to change to new status as you need.


Bulk edit categories and tags

You can add more categories, tags for products (Simple and variable products) and keep the initial categories and tags. Select category areas of products that you want to add category, do a right mouse click and click on Find and replace options.


  • To add a category, leave “Find” empty, find or type that category in the “Replace”
  • To remove a category, find or type that category in “Find”, leave “Replace” empty

















Bulk Edit Product Meta fields

Just like WooCommerce product fields, you can also bulk update custom meta fields from third-party plugins like WooCommerce Multi Currency, WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches, and so on.

For example, to update a meta-field called Custom Meta for another plugin, you need to activate the meta key of the equivalent meta-field in this text field. You can activate multiple meta-keys at once.


  1. Click on the Meta fields icon
  2. Meta key of 3rd party plugins
  3. Column name: Rename the custom fields as you want (after rename, click Save and reload the page).
  4. Value format: Json, array, textinput/numberinput/texteditor.
  5. Column type.
  6. Active: Tick to activate which custom fields
  7. Action: Remove or move a meta key.
  8. Get meta fields: Click to get meta fields to edit
  9. Save.
  10. New meta key: Add a new custom field of 3rd party plugin to product meta data.
  11. Show custom meta fields to edit.


Bulk Edit Product History

History helps to record the edits so that you can see the change and revert the edit if needed.


  1. Click on the history icon.
  2. Date: Record the edited events by date.
  3. User: Who made the edit
  4. Action: See the edit at each point in detail, revert the edit at each point if needed.
  5. History point: Show the edit at a point in detail.
  6. Revert all products at this point: Revert the edit at a point of all products ( In the 5.)


Filter Based on Order Properties

Similarly, you can bulk edit orders with functions and tools the same as bulk editing products. They include Filter order properties, Settings, Meta fields and history.

First, to quickly call out (an) orders rows you can filter orders based on the properties of the order. They are ID; Customer’s email; Customer note; Order date; Order status; Transaction ID; Billing first name, Billing last name, Billing address, Billing City, Billing  postcode, Billing country,  Billing state, Billing company, Billing phone; Shipping first name,  Shipping  last name, Shipping address, Shipping city, Shipping postcode, Shipping country, Shipping state, Shipping company, Shipping phone.



1. Click on the filter icon to open the filter fields to select.

2. Select, enter property values to filter.

3. Filter.

4. Clear all selected or entered property values.

5. The return results after filtering.




Bulk Edit Order Settings

Filter Fields to edit

You can easily select one or/and many fields of order to interact and work with. This helps to filter relevant fields that you are interested in and observe objects and tables more conveniently and effectively.



  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Filter to fields: Select fields to work with, the other fields will be hidden. Leave empty to show all fields. You can exclude fields to edit.
  3. The Search tool to find the fields to edit.
  4. Save the action.
  5. The result after filtering fields.

Bulk Edit Order Meta fields

Just like WooCommerce order fields, you can also bulk update custom order meta fields from third-party plugins like Shopify to WooCommerce

For example, to update a meta-field from third-party plugins, you need to activate the meta key of the equivalent meta-field in this text field. You can activate multiple meta-keys at once.


  1. Click on the Meta fields icon
  2. Meta key of 3rd party plugins
  3. Column name: Rename the custom fields as you want (after rename, click Save and reload the page).
  4. Value format: Json, array, textinput/numberinput/texteditor.
  5. Column type.
  6. Active: Tick to activate which custom fields
  7. Action: Remove or move a meta key.
  8. Get meta fields: Click to get meta fields to edit
  9. Save.
  10. New meta key: Add a new custom field of 3rd party plugin to product meta data.
  11. Show custom meta fields to edit.

Bulk Edit Order History

History helps to record the edits so that you can see the change and revert the edit if needed.

  1. Click on the history icon.
  2. Date: Record the edited events by date.
  3. User: Who made the edit
  4. Action: See the edit at each point in detail, revert the edit at each point if needed.
  5. History point: Show the edit at a point in detail.
  6. Revert all orders at this point: Revert the edit at a point of all orders ( In the 5.)


The Bulk Edit Review feature streamlines the process of modifying product reviews in bulk, enabling you to efficiently manage and update multiple reviews at once.

Go to the Bulky > Edit Reviews.

Filter Based on Review Properties

The Bulk edit review feature offers options to filter all properties of a review: ID; Content, Author, Author email, Author URL; Status; Type; Review date, Rating, and Verified.

  • ID: You can filter the range of reviews by review IDs, separate IDs with commas or minus for the range

  1. Click Filter icon
  2. Enter Review IDs that you need to filter.
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Content, Author, Author email, Author URL: This allows you to filter a review by Content, Author, Author email, Author URL.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Enter Content, Author, Author email, Author URL that you need to filter
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Status: Filter review by status: Approved, Pending, or Spam.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Select statuses
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Type: Filter reviews or replies.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Select review or reply
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.
  • Review date: Filter review by review’s date – After date and before date

1. Click the Filter icon.

2. 3. Select specific review dates

4. Click Filter to take action.

5. The result after filtering.

  • Verified:  Filter reviews if they are verified or not.

  1. Click the Filter icon.
  2. Select to filter verified reviews or not
  3. Click Filter to take action.
  4. The result after filtering.

Bulk Edit Review Settings

Filter fields to edit

You can easily select one or/and many fields of reviews to interact and work with, similarly, you can exclude fields to not interact with. This helps to filter relevant fields that you are interested in and observe objects and tables more conveniently and effectively.

  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Filter to fields: Select fields to work with, the other fields will be hidden. Leave empty to show all fields. You can exclude fields to edit.The Search tool to find the fields to edit.
  3. Save the action.

>> There you see result after filtering fields.


  1. Click on the settings.
  2. Review per page: Allows to show several products per page. You can set unlimited product numbers per page enter the number you want. If left empty it will take 10 products per page as default.
  3. Order by: Filter orders by ID, Title, Regular price, Sale price, SKU
  4. Order: Sort order by DESC or ASC
  5. Time to delete revision: Set schedule to delete the history
  6. Save filter when reload page: allows you to save filter whenever you load the page.
  7. Save

Edit Review Properties in Bulk

After filtering reviews and fields that you need to change their properties, let’s edit them in bulk.

  1. You can bulk edit Content, Author, Author email, Author URL; Rating
  • Edit multiple cells: Select multi cells to edit.
  • Reply: Respond to the review
  • View post
  • Delete selected rows
  • Copy
  • Paste


2. Bulk edit review status

You can bulk edit a review’s status including Approved, pending, spam

3. Bulk edit review date

You can reset or assign a new public date for reviews.

4. Bulk edit verified

You can bulk tick and untick reviews as verified or not

Bulk Edit Review Meta fields

Click on the Meta fields icon   like in   >> You’ll be redirected to the empty Meta fields settings. Then click the “Get meta fields” button in >> Now you’ll have a list of meta keys like the image below.

Ensure to tick the “Active” checkbox in the row of the metakey you want to activate

Bulk Edit Review History

History helps to record the edits so that you can see the change and revert the edit if needed.

  1. Click on the history icon.
  2. Date: Record the edited events by date.
  3. User: Who made the edit
  4. Action: See the edit at each point in detail, revert the edit at each point if needed.
  5. History point: Show the edit at a point in detail.
  6. Revert all products at this point: Revert the edit at a point of all reviews ( In the 5.)
Plugin Author
WooCommerce Product Pre-Orders VillaTheme


Bulk edit metafields of WooCommerce Product Pre-Orders with Bulky – WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons

1. Install and activate WooCommerce Product Pre-Orders free on WordPress.

Go to the Dashboard > Add New Plugin, search: WooCommerce Product Pre-Orders, then install and active the plugin


2. Retrieve metafields of WooCommerce Product Pre-Orders on Bulky

Go to Bulky > Edit products > Edit Metafields.

3. Call and define metafields

Search 2 metakey prefix: _wpro_ and this metakey _simple_preorder_, then configure metakeys with Name, Value format, and Column Type like our guides below:

4. Edit metafields

Now metafields from WooCommerce Product Pre-Orders can be called out to bulk edit on the sheet. Go to Settings > Fields to edit, select the metafields of this plugin.


  • The Manage price and _simple_preorder_ columns will accept the value yes or no

  • You temporarily need to convert the Pre-Order date column to enter the correct date format on the Bulky sheet using this time converter website: https://timestamp.online/


Thank you for your attention!

If you have any questions, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.