How to use

After activating EPOI, first of all, enable the plugin in the General tab.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Points and Rewards > Settings > General

Step 2: Enable the plugin settings by turning on the option

Step 3: Click “Save settings


Now you can manage the plugin settings one by one:

  1. In the General tab:
    • Manage the system with: point type – lock/transferable point; transfer fee; expiry date; action to accumulate point.
    • Build your ranking system; set the qualification point to reach a particular rank.
    • Select actions users can do to earn points
    • Put restrictions on particular users and decide the blocking time
  2. In the Rewards tab:
    • Enable actions to let users earn points
    • Select point type for each action: Lock point or free (transferable) point
    • Assign point values to each action.
  3. In the Email tab:
    1. Enable sending emails when point changes or is transferred; rank is reached.
    2. Build and edit the email subject and email content, shortcodes to make it easier are provided.
  4. To view the users’ point, go to User’s points settings:
    • View the points of all/particular users: name, user name, point, rank, email
    • Edit point of a particular user
    • Edit point in bulk of selected users
  5. To view the point records, go to Point records settings:
    • Visible information: date, user name + email address, point, the status of point, action is done to accumulate point, link to action (if available), message (if available)
    • The point manager can approve/revoke point here, for a particular user, or in bulk with selected users
    • Find a point record with specific point status, or with an action