
In the Settings, you will set up the general configurations of Products,  Customers, Orders, and Payments on the WooCommerce POS page.

A. General configuration 

Go to WebPOS > Settings > General,  enable to use of the plugin.


  1. Enable to activate all plugin functions.
  2. Add a custom endpoint in the POS page URL: You can flexibly edit the endpoint in the POS page URL by the text you want.
  3. Tax: Enable to use WooCommerce tax rates and calculations
  4. Calculate tax based on: You can choose to calculate tax based on one of the addresses: Shop base address, outlet address, order shipping address, customer billing address, or customer shipping address.
  5. Whitelist IP:  You will accept to run POS system limitedly on some trust IPs, just add these IPs and separate them by “,”
  6. Auto sync POS bill: Unpaid orders in the POS appear as bills in the ‘Point of Sale’ tab. To save them to the server or display them on other devices, activate this option
  7. Auto sync time: Automatically update the POS page with online data each time. Set 0 to disable data auto-sync.
  8. Default template: You can create as many receipt templates as you want in the Receipt section and select one template as the default in the Default template field
  9. Receipt direction: support both Left to Right and Right to Left
  10. Select template to print: Enable or disable this option to allow the cashier to select a receipt templat before checkout. You can follow this guide steps.


B. Product configuration 

Go to WebPOS > Settings > Products

  1. Use SKU instead of barcode: If enable this option, the product barcode will be automatically assigned as the product SKU, so you will not need to enter a value for the barcode.
  2. Use product meta instead of barcode: Override the product barcode with another field by entering the metafield key. Leave blank to not set.
  3. Allow the cashier to add custom product to the cart:  In case, new products have not been updated to the store, cashiers can add new custom products to the cart.
  4. Allow the cashier to update variation to the cart: The cashier can alter a new variation for the selected variation.
  5. Allow the cashier to change the product price: The cashier can update the product price directly on the POS page if she is allowed.
  6. The cashier can change the product price: Determine which cashiers have access to update the product price on the POS page.


C. Order configuration

Go to WebPOS > Settings > Orders

  1. Sequential invoice numbering: You can use a custom order number to print receipts in a sequential order. This option is only applicable to the new order.
  2. Custom order number:
  3. Set maximum applied coupons: Coupons can be applied on POS orders. You can limit the number of coupons that can be applied per order.
  4. Order status: Pick a default status for orders which is created on POS page
  5. Send orders email: How the order emails are sent after POS order is placed
    • None: Emails are not sent
    • Woo default: Emails are sent based on settings in WooCommerce >> Settings >> Emails
    • Only send to admin: Only sends admin emails in the WooCommerce Emails settings
    • Only send to customer: Only sends customer emails in the WooCommerce Emails settings
  6. Show receipt in email: Allow the display of the POS order receipt in WooCommerce email orders. To use this feature, you must install the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin, just follow this guide.
  7. Show orders on POS page: Show the orders that were created on specific days. To display all orders, leave the field blank.
  8. Allow the cashier to update orders: Cashier can up order info
  9. The cashier can update orders: Assign the cashiers who are allowed to update the orders.
  10. Order status can edit: The status of POS orders that the cashier can change.
  11. Order search fields: Select fields used to search an existing POS order.
D. Customers configuration

Go to WebPOS > Settings > Customers

  1. Mandatory fields: Select which fields are mandatory when adding a new customer.
  2. Customer search fields: Select fields used to search and add an existing customer for the POS order.
  3. Update customer: The customer information on the POS page can be changed by the cashiers if you allow it
  4. The cashier can update customer: Select certain cashier who can update customer’s info



E. Payment configuration

Go to WebPOS > Settings > Payments: 

  • Allow customer to pay in multiple payment methods: Allow customers to use more than one payment method to pay for the same order.
  • Payment: Select payment methods for WebPOS orders in available WooCommerce payment methods. Apart from these payment methods,  Cash will always be accepted at the POS store.