Scheduled email

In the Scheduled Emails tab, you can check the email address that will received reminder email, status of reminder email, code and expiry date of coupon made.

  1. Scan coupons: Click this button if you want to scan coupons manually.
  2. Coupon code: Code of coupon that you create in Woocommerce Settings.
  3. Expiry date: Time the coupon expires, usually at 12:00 AM the day user sets.
  4. Allowed email: Email address that received coupon reminder email. Read more details here.
  5. Email reminder name: Name of the reminder email template. There are 4 states:
    • Green: The email is pending.
    • Blue: The email was sent successfully.
    • Red: The email couldn’t be sent due to some errors.
    • Grey: The sending reminder email feature is disable.