General Settings

In the General tab, you can configure the cart tracking option

  1. Tracking Member’s Cart: enable this option to track abandoned carts of logged-in users.
  2. Abandoned Cart time for Members: the time from when a logged-in user adds a product to cart till when the cart is marked as abandoned.
  3. Tracking Guest’s Cart: enable this option to track the abandoned cart of guests.
  4. Abandoned Cart time for Guest: the time from when a guest adds a product to cart till when the cart is marked as abandoned.
  5. Tracking if email available: Only track the abandoned cart whose input email address is available
  6. Delete abandoned records: abandoned cart records will be deleted after this scheduled time. Min = 1 and Max = 1000 (days)
  7. Exclude people: select users who their cart will not be tracked.
  8. Recover link to:  Choose recover link to Cart page or Checkout page.
  9. Immediate show Cart detail in Abandoned list: This option is for the details showing under “Cart Details” column in Abandoned Carts list.
    • If enabled: The Cart Details column shows all products with full details
    • If disabled: The Cart Details only shows upon hovering/clicking
  10. Show abandoned order options in admin order: Enable to display the Send abandoned email buttons and the column of Abandoned email sending status in the Admin Order List Page; Display the Send abandoned email buttons on the order editing page.
  11. Cart log: record add to cart action, remove products from cart action.
  12. Clear cart logs: Clear cart log of a specific date. Simply select the date you want to clear the cart log and click “Clear logs” button.
  13. Load guest information: If the guests have already been saved, load their information on the checkout page when enabled.
  14. Load full phone number: If the guests have already been saved, enable this option to load their phone number with country code on the Checkout page.
  15. Check GDPR: If enabled, a GDPR notice will display after the email input field on the checkout page.
  16. GDPR message: Enter the GDPR  content on the checkout page.
  17. Not provide message: If the customer refuses to receive the abandoned email, enter a text message..
  18. Cron job: turn on the Cron job on your server.