In Cookies Bar tab, you can config the bar design on front-end. There’s a preview bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Cookies bar
- The bar font-end content, you can add text, link, pictures here.
- Enable Accept button on front-end.
- Enable Decline button on front-end.
- Enable Close button front-end.
- Select the bar position. There are 4 options: Top, Bottom, Bottom Left, Bottom Right.
- Implicit behaviors: What will happen, how the plugin reacts when customer
- Hit close button: When they hit the close button to close the cookies bar
- Agree and close
- Decline and close
- Just close
- Scroll Mouse: When customer scrolls their mouse
- Agree and hide bar
- Decline and hide bar
- Do nothing
- Refresh/ go to other page:
- Agree
- Decline
- Do nothing
- Hit close button: When they hit the close button to close the cookies bar
- Cookies bar design
- Border radius(px)
- Margin(px)
- Padding(px)
- Font size(px)
- Text color
- Background color
- Opacity
- “Accept” button design
- Title
- Text color
- Background color
- Border radius(px)
- “Decline” button design
- Title
- Text color
- Background color
- Border radius(px)
- Custom CSS