WooCommerce Suggestion Engine

Created: 07/2019

Latest updated: 03/2025 – Updated version: 2.0.6

By: VillaTheme

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WooCommerce Suggestion Engine is a WooCommerce extension which gives you a better search system. It is very important to allow your customer to find the product they want, fast and correctly. The plugin put a suggested search result dropdown into your search bar. Allows customers to go to the product, product category, product tags they want to find directly. The dropdown will appear when customers fill in the first letter and change based on letters which typed in. The plugin also helps you to create product suggestion lists and display them using shortcodes.

Search engine

The search engine feature displays suggestion results on your search bar. You can choose to display the most popular searched products. Or display products which relate to the keyword that customers typed in. With the option to display related product, you can display related products, related product categories and related product tags on the suggestion dropdown.

Search Engine

  • Enable/Disable: choose if you want to use the search engine feature.
  • Suggestion type: choose to suggest the most popular searched products or related product with search keyword.
  • Suggest product list title: change the title of the suggestion product dropdown.
  • Total suggest products: select how many products you want to display on the suggest dropdown.
  • List synonyms: create list products which have synonyms.
  • Suggest product categories: display related categories on suggest dropdown.
  • Suggested categories list title: change the title of the suggestion categories dropdown.
  • Total suggest categories: select how many categories you want to display on the suggest dropdown.
  • Suggest product tags: select if you want to suggest product tags on the suggest dropdown.
  • Suggested product tags title: change the title of the suggested product tags dropdown.
  • Suggested product arranges: change the orders of suggested products, product categories and product tags.
  • Reset Suggestion engine database: allows you to reset the search database of WooCommerce Suggestion Engine.

No Result Found

  • No results found: when the plugin does not find ane result to display. You can display a no-result-found notice on the dropdown. You can change this notice text and also display suggested products which are not related to the resulting dropdown.
  • No result found suggested products: You can choose to enable/disable this option. If this option is turned off, the dropdown will show only “no result found” notice.
  • Select product to display: choose to display top view, best selling, latest, most added to cart, to search, top-rated, sale-off products as the suggestion when no result found. You can select multiple product types, the plugin will combine the.

Product Suggestion

The product suggestion feature allows you to create product suggestion shortcodes. You can create multi shortcode with different option to use at other places. WooCommerce Suggestion Engine also has built-in positions which you can select a product suggestion to display without shortcode.

Product Suggestion

  • Create multiple product suggestion: you are able to create multiple suggestions with different settings.
  • Shortcodes: each product suggestion can be display by a shortcode.
  • Title: change the title of reach product suggestion.
  • Product type: you can select to display top view, recently viewed, best selling, latest, added to cart, top search, recently search, top-rated products. WooCommerce Suggestion Engine will combine these product types to display. Or you can choose the “custom” option to select the products you want to use.
  • Order by: select the order of products in the product suggestion list. Default sorting, Sort by popularity, Sort by average rating, Sort by latest, Sort by price: low to high, Sort by price: high to low or Random.
  • In-stock products: out-of-stock products will not be displayed.
  • Slide: display product in a slide instead of a list.
  • Template: there are 3 front-end templates for you to choose.
  • Total suggest items: select how many products you want to put in the product suggest list by total.
  • The number suggested items inline: select the number of products appear in each line of the list.

Display position

  • Products Suggestion For Pages: this option allows you to put the product suggestion list on some pages. The pages are Search results page, Shop page, Product category pages, Single product pages, Cart page and Check out page.
  • Search results page: on the search result page, you can display the product suggestion list at before content, before list products, after list products and after the main content.
  • Shop page: on the shop page, you can display the product suggestion list at before content, before list products, after list products and after the main content.
  • Product category pages: on product category pages, you can display the product suggestion list at before content, before list products, after list products and after the main content.
  • Single product pages: on single product pages, you can display the product suggestion list at before content, after product summary and after content.
  • Cart page: on the cart page, you can display the product suggestion list at before content, before list products, after list products, after table and after the main content.
  • Checkout page: on the check out page, you can display the product suggestion list at before checkout form, before customer details, before checkout billing form, after checkout billing form, after checkout form.


  1. WordPress 5.0+
  2. PHP 7.0+
  3. WooCommerce 7.0+


Install Plugin:

Go to Plugin/Add New /Upload Plugin/Choose file/ select plugin file zip/ Install Now/Active Plugin


The plugin provides two main features: search engine and product suggestions.

Search Engine

At Dashboard/ Suggestion Engine/ Search Engine to enable the Search Engine feature.

Products Suggestions

At Dashboard/ Suggestion Engine/ Product Suggestion to enable the  Product Suggestion feature. After enabling the feature, create your product suggestion lists. You can display product suggestion lists by using shortcodes in this page. Or go to “Products Suggestion For Pages” to set up display position for each product suggestion list.


Search Engine

Go to Dashboard/ Suggestion Engine/ Search Engine to set up the Search Engine Settings.

  1. Enable: Allows you to Activate/Deactivate the Search Engine option.
  2. Types: choose to display popular searches or display related product with the search key on suggestion dropdown.
  3. Title: change the title of the suggest dropdown.
  4. Total suggested items: select how many items you want to display on the search engine dropdown.


  1. List synonyms: enter a list of synonyms, this will helps the plugin to display the same result with some different words.
  2. Enable categories: enable this option to suggest categories on search bar dropdown.
  3. Title: change the title of the categories suggestion.
  4. Total suggested categories: select how many categories you want to display.
  5. Enable tag: enable this option to suggest product tags on search bar dropdown.
  6. Title: change the title of the product tags suggestion.
  7. Total suggested tags: select how many tags you want to display.
  8. Position: arrange the product, categories, tags suggestion on the search bar.


  1. No results text: the text appear on the search dropdown bar when there is search result.
  2. Display suggested products: enable this option to suggest products when there is no suggestion.
  3. Title: change the title of the suggested product list.
  4. Display suggested products: select which products you want to show.
  5. Suggested Products: select which products you want to show.
  6. Total suggested items: select how many items you want to suggest when there is no search result to display.

Product Suggestion

  1. Enable: enable this option to use the product suggestion feature. This feature helps you to create product suggestion lists and then put it into pages.
  2. Shortcode: shortcodes of existing product suggestion lists. You can put it where you want to display the product suggestion.
  3. Title: change the title of the product suggestion.
  4. Type: there are 2 types to select default and custom. The default option will combine products in lists below to display. The custom option allows you to select products manually.
  5. Suggested Products: select product, product type you want to display.
  6. Order by: change the order of products in the list.
  7. Templates: change the list templates. There are three templates for you to choose from.
  8. In-stock: enable this option, the plugin will display only in-stock products.
  9. Use slide: display products as a slide instead of a list.
  10. Total suggested items: select the maximum products to display.
  11. Number suggested items inline: set the maximum products to appear in a line.

Then to go Products Suggestion For Pages tab to set the place for the product suggestion you just created.

Extra Information

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