WooCommerce Boost Sales

Created: 03/2017

Latest updated: 03/2025- Updated version: 1.6.0

By: VillaTheme Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!

 What is the WooCommerce Boost Sales?

WooCommerce Cross Sell and Upsell is a straightforward and effective sales strategy. WooCommerce Cross Sell and Upsell is a popular marketing technique. The technique used in WooCommerce Cross Sell and Upsell is wisely suggesting or recommending products, stimulating customer purchases, and assisting shop owners in increasing sales. Grasping these demands of online businessmen, VillaTheme developed a special tool for WooCommerce Cross Sell and Upsell that promises to create WooCommerce Cross-Sell and Upsell quickly, effectively, and optimally. Let’s find out about this plugin.

WooCommerce Boost Sales stimulates the purchase of customers by up-selling, cross-selling. Increase revenue as well as profitability for your website, stores. WooCommerce Boost Sales allows you to add WooCommerce Cross Sell and Upsell products in an independent system of WooCommerce.

Up-selling is the practice in which a business tries to persuade customers to purchase a higher-end product, an upgrade, or an additional item in order to make a more rewarding sale. For instance, a salesperson may influence a customer into purchasing the newest version of an item, rather than the less-expensive current model, by pointing out its additional features.

A similar marketing technique is cross-selling, where the salesperson suggests the purchase of additional products for sale. For example, he might say “Would you like some ice cream to go with that cake?” It is beneficial for businesses to use both techniques in order to boost revenue and provide a valued customer experience. However, research has shown that upselling is generally more effective than cross-selling.

    • WooCommerce Upsell: Woocommerce Upsell pop-up appears after customers click on the Adds to cart button, suggesting customers buy up-sell products which give you more profit.
    • WooCommerce Cross sell: Display cross-sell pop-up in the single product page, cart page, check-out page. Suggest customers buy a bundle product that has a lower price.
    • Discount Bar: Displays how much you need to spend to get a discount. Stimulate customers to buy more products.
    • Frequently bought together: Frequently bought together is a feature that helps you flexibly choose to display WooCommerce Cross-sell and Upsells on the single product page.
    • Design Upsells, Cross sells, and Discount bar on the front end.



  • Display up-sells pop-up: Display a WooCommerce upsell popup which introduces up-sell products when customers hit the Add to Cart button. Up-sells products are similar products but give you more profit.
  • Sync data with WooCommerce: If you have created WooCommerce upsell products before, the plugin allows you to sync and use these products to WooCommerce Boost Sales.
  • Add up-sell products to each product: Configure which products will appear on the up-sell pop-up of each product.
  • Hide on single product pages: Enable/disable the pop-up on single product pages
  • Show all products in the category: Display all products in the category of the product customers just add to cart in up-sell pop-up.
  • Exclude product: Select products you don’t want to appear on up-sell pop-up.
  • Customize up-sells pop-up: Select the pop-up style, customize how many products appear on the pop-up, customize the message.
  • AJAX Add to Cart: Add up-sell products to the cart without reloading the page.


  • Product Bundles: Creating product bundles then selling at discounted prices.
  • Show Cross-sells popup: Display WooCommerce cross sell pop-up with a bundled product that includes the product that customers are going to buy.
  • Display under Add to cart button: Display WooCommerce cross sell bundle under the Add to cart button on the single product page.
  • Configure which page to appear: Select which pages will the WooCommerce cross sell pop-up appear on.
  • Select the product bundle to display: In case a product is in 2 or more bundles, you can select to display the highest price or just random.
  • Variation products: It is available to add variation products to cross-sell bundles, customers can also choose the variable option right in the pop-up.
  • Customize the message: Customize the cross-sell pop-up message (Hang on we have this offer just for you)
  • Unlimited design: Customize the cross-sell bundle with background, text, icon, initial delay.
  • Position: Choose to display the cross-sell bundle under the add to cart button, above the product description, or on a pop-up.
  • Bundle name: By default, the bundle will be named “Bundle of …” you are able to change this name.
  • Discount rule: Set up the default discount price of the bundle using rules. Each rule will be applied for a price range.
  • Sync Cross-Sell from WooCommerce: Sync cross-sell bundles from WooCommerce cross-sell.
  • AJAX Add to Cart: Add bundles to the cart without reloading the page.
  • Use bundle for other products: After creating a bundle, you can display it on many other products.


  • Frequently bought together is a feature that helps you flexibly choose to display WooCommerce Cross-sell and Upsells on the single product page.
  • Source: There are many sources that you can choose to display on the Frequently bought together:
    • Upsells – Same as Up-sells products
    • Cross-sells – Same as Cross-sells products
    • Woo Upsells – Products set in Edit product/Link products/Upsells.
    • Woo Cross-sells – Products set in Edit product/Link products/Cross-sells.
  • Position: You can choose where the Frequently bought together appears on the single product page
    •  After adding to the cart form
    • After product summary
    • After product tabs
  • Style: How the Frequently bought together appears on the single product page
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
  • Shortcode: Frequently Bought Together shortcode is used to display Frequently Bought Together products of a product and insert every you want.


  • Discount progress bar: The discount progress bar displays how much customers need to spend to get the discount. (Based on the discount coupon of WooCommerce system).
  • How much more: Support users know how much they need to spend more to achieve the discount.
  • Sync data with WooCommerce: The plugin sync data with WooCommerce. You can select the coupon created in the WooCommerce system to display on the discount progress bar.
  • Thanks to customers: When a customer achieves a minimum for the discount, a THANK YOU message will display to congratulate them.
  • Customize discount progress bar: You can customize the position, color, background, description, and messages of the progress bar.
  • Automatically direct to the checkout page: Allow automatically redirect to the checkout page after reaching the discount.



  • Design Upsell:
    • Item per row: Select the number of items per row on the upsell popup.
    • Item per row for mobile: Select the number of items per row on the upsell popup on mobile mode.
    • Max items: Fixedly assign the maximum number of items on upselling popup if used: “Products in category”
    • Popup style: There are 2 display styles of the upsell popup.
    •  Message in popup: Customize messages in the upsell popup.
    • Add-to-cart style: You can choose how the add to cart button appears on the upsell product on the popup, it can be: Hide; Show on hover, Theme default, or Visible below product detail.
    • Customize the “Continue shopping” button on the upsell popup: You can customize the text and select an action when clicking on the Continue Shopping button.
    • Hide view more button: Enable to hide the View more button on the upsell popup.
  • Design Cross-sell: 
    • Initial time: WooCommerce cross sell will show with a popup or gift icon. If you want to time randomly, 2 numbers are separated by a comma. Eg: 3,20. It is random from 3 to 20.
    • Auto popup: Enable to let the WooCommerce cross sell popup appear automatically
    • Hide gift icon: Enable to hide the gift icon which is used to call the WooCommerce cross sell popup.
    • Design icon: Select icon styles; Icon color; Icon background color; Icon position.
    • Design cross-sell popup: Customize background color; Background image; Text color; Price color; Save price Color.
    • Cross-sell popup template: You can choose: Slider; Vertical with checkboxes; Horizontal with checkboxes.
    • Template on mobile: You can choose available templates for mobile: Slider; Scroll or Vertical with checkboxes.
  • Discount bar: 
    • Discount bar position: On the top or bottom.
    • Design the discount bar: Text color, process bar main color, process bar background color.
  • Custom CSS: Design upsell; cross-sell and discount bar as you want.



  • Auto-update: Enter your purchase code and the plugin will auto-update whenever there is a new version.
  • Support RTL website: The plugin supports RTL sites, back-end, pop-up… will be displayed right.
  • Works on mobile: Woocommerce Boost Sales works perfectly on mobile devices.
  • SPEED: Plugin uses Ajax technology. Pop-up will be loaded when customers add products to the cart
  • Easy to use: Friendly interface and easy to use.
  • Compatible with WPML and Polylang: Display upsell and cross sell popup in multiple languages.



Make sure that those limits to a minimum as follows in order for free-trouble while installing:

  • WordPress 5.0+
  • PHP 7.0+
  • WooCommerce 7.0+

Download Plugin:

Go to Plugin/Add New/Upload Plugin/Choose file/ select plugin zip file woocommerce_boost_sale/click “Install Now“/click “Active plugin“.

Done ! Let’s start using the plugin.

Preview How to use the plugin:


After installing and activating the plugin, you need to configure it to display Upsells; Cross-sells, and Discount bar of WooCommerce Boost Sales.

Watch our tutorial video for specific steps

A. Configure the plugin to display Upsells; Cross-sells, and the Discount bar.

Step 1: Enable to activate the plugin’s functions.

Go to Dashboard > Woo Boost Sales > General configure the plugin to works on desktop/mobile. Click Save to get the changes.

Step 2: Display Up-sells products:

Upsells is a popup shown after a product is added to the cart. If you limit the number of items of upsells, this plugin will get upsells following this order:
  1. Products/categories you select on the Up-sells page
  2. Recently Viewed Products if enabled
  3. Products in a category if enabled
  4. Upsell by tags if enabled


* Notice: To display the Up-Sell pop-up, you need to turn off the “Redirect to the cart page after successful addition” in WooCommerce Products settings.

To do that please go to WooCommerce> Settings > Products > Display > Add to cart behavior, untick on Redirect to the cart page after successful addition.


a. Display Products /Categories you select on the Upsells page on the Upsell popup.

Go to Dashboard > Woo Boost Sales > Up-Sells to add new products/categories or sync WooCommerce upsell products. Go to the Upsell page section in How does it work for further information.

* Button to sync upsells from the default language to others: This feature is available from version 1.4.4 allows to sync upsell products that are set on the default language site to other languages. This button will appear only when your site has been activated by The WPML plugin.


b. Display recently viewed products on the upsell popup.

Go to WooCommerce Boost Sales > Upsell, enable the Recently viewed products option. If you enable this option, upsell popup will display the recently viewed products on the front end.


c. Display Product in a category on the upsell popup.

Go to WooCommerce Boost Sales > Upsell, enable the Product in category option. If you enable this option, upsell popup will display the products in the same category as the added-to-cart products on the front end.


d. Upsell by tags.

Go to WooCommerce Boost Sales > Upsell, enable the Upsell by tags option. If you enable this option, upsell popup will display the products which have the same tags as the added-to-cart products on the front end.


Step 3. Display Cross-sells products:

Go to Dashboard > Woo Boost Sales > Cross-Sells, choose your cross-sell products. After saving the product, the system will automatically create a product bundle for this product cross-sells. 


You can go to the Cross-sell page section in How does it work for further information.

Step 4. Display Discount bar:

Enable coupons to check out:

Make sure you have enabled the use coupons at checkout: Go to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > Coupons option

+ Add coupon code

Go to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Coupons > Add new

+ Configure Discount bar

Go to Dashboard > Woo Boost Sales > Discount to configure the discount bar setting


B. Design Upsells, Cross-sells, and discount bar. 

Go to Dashboard > Woo Boost Sales > Design to customize how the upsell, cross-sell and discount bar display on the front end. Go to the Design section in How does it work for further information.

General setting


Enable: Turn on WooCommerce Boost Sales plugin on desktop.

Enable Mobile: WooCommerce Boost Sales will show on mobile device.

Settings – Upsell

Upsell suggestions are displayed in a popup which pops up after an item is added to cart.


Scroll down to learn all of options in this setting page.

1. Enable: Enable/Disable up-sell product.

2. Hide on Single Product Page: Use this option to hide up-sell popups when customers add products to their cart on the Single Product page.

3. Hide on cart page: If the cart page includes a product list or “add to cart” options that trigger up-sell popups when used, enable this setting to hide up-sell popups on the Cart page

4. Hide on checkout page: If the checkout page has a product list or “add to cart” options that can trigger up-sell popups, use this option to hide up-sell popups on the Checkout page in those cases.

5. Hide products out of stock: Enable this option to hide out of stock products on up-sell.

6. Hide products added to cart: Enable this option to hide products that added to cart.

7. Go to cart page: Go to cart page when product is added to cart on up-sell

8. Recently Viewed products: Up-sell popup will show recently viewed products.

9. Products in category: Up-sell popup will show products in the same category. Up-sell product of upsell page will not use.

10. Only Subcategory: Only get products from current subcategory. It is the end subcategory.

11. Exclude products to enable upsell: Not show up-sell for these selected products.

12. Exclude products that display in upsell popup: Not show these selected products on up-sell popup.

13. Exclude categories to enable upsell: Not show up-sell for these selected categories.

14. Exclude categories that display in upsell: Not show these selected categories on up-sell popup.

15. Upsell by tags: Upsell products which have the same tags as the main product.


16. Sort by: The order of products on up-sell will appear in one of these ways: Random, Title A-Z, Title Z-A, Price highest, Price lowest, Best selling.

17. Hide view more button: Enable this option to hide the View more button on upsell popup.

18. Ajax Add to cart: Use ajax add to cart on single product page.

19. Ajax add to cart for product on up-sell popup: Do not redirect page when customers add up-sells products to their cart. This will override option “Go to cart page”.

20. Show if empty: Show upsell popup even if there’s no upsells.

Settings – Cross Sells

In the Cross sell settings, you will configure rules to display the cross sells and recalculate bundle price on the front end. Scroll down below to learn all of the options under this setting page.

  1. Enable: Enable/disable cross-sells pop-up.
  2. Hide on Single Product Page: Enable to hide cross-sell on the single product page
  3. Display on: Select how/where you want to show cross-sell on a single product
    • Popup
    • Below Add to cart button
    • After Description Tab
    • Below description
    • Custom Hook: Enter a specific hook for the Cross-sell position on single product page in text area Cross-sells Custom Hook
    • Popup (new)
  4. Hide if bundle in cart: Hide the suggested item if one is already in cart.
  5. Cross-sells Custom Hook: Fill in the hook here if the “Display on” is “Custom Hook”
  6. Show on Cart page: Enable to display cross sell popups on the cart page.
  7. Product bundle type: The product bundle will be displayed on the Cart page. There are 3 options:
    • Largest quantity in a bundle: If the cart contains items with different cross-sell bundles, the displayed bundle will depend on the cart item quantities. If all items have the same cart quantity, the bundle with the largest quantity is shown. If quantities vary, the bundle associated with the cart item with the highest cart quantity is selected.
    • Random
    • The most expensive: Display the bundle with the highest bundle subtotal
  8. Display on(Cart): Select how/where you want to show cross-sell on the Cart page. It can be Popup, Before cart, After cart, Custom hook.
  9. Cross-sells Custom Hook on Cart page: Fill in the hook here if the “Display on(Cart)” is “Custom Hook”
  10. Show on Checkout page: Enable/disable the cross-sell pop-up on the Checkout page
  11. Product bundle type: The product bundle will be displayed on the Checkout page. There are 3 options:
    • Largest quantity in a bundle
    • Highest price
    • Random
  12. Display on(Checkout): Select how/where you want to show cross-sell on the Checkout page. It can be Popup, Before cart, After cart, Custom hook.
  13. Cross-sells Custom Hook on Checkout page: Fill in the hook here if the “Display on(Checkout)” is “Custom Hook”
  14. The same bundle in cart: The same bundle displayed on the cart page and checkout page, in case the “Product bundle type” selections between Cart and Checkout pages are different.
  15. Description: Message that appears in cross-sell popup. Type to create content of the message
  16. Display saved price: Display saved price on cross-selling.
  17. Override products: Remove the same products on the cart when adding a combo.
  18. Ajax add to cart for bundle: Do not redirect page when customers add the bundle to their cart on the single product page.
  19. Hide out of stock: Do not show cross-sell if one of the bundle items is out of stock.
  20. Product bundle name: Name of product bundle when creating a new bundle. {product_title} refers to the title of the main product that the bundle is created for.
  21. Bundle categories: Default categories when you create a new bundle.
  22. Recalculate bundle price: You will set global rules to recalculate bundle prices. If a bundle price matches a price range rule, the bundle price will apply respectively.
    • Bundle Price From: Set each price range with the respective discount rules.
    • Use dynamic price: You can set whether a specific bundle price range will apply the dynamic price or not, which helps to offer a discount level to a certain bundle price. For example, if a bundle price is from 0 – $100, apply a 5% discount, from $500 and more apply a 10% discount.
    • Discount type: Type of discount Percentage (%) or Fixed amount.
    • Discount value: Apply the respective discount value.
    • You can add and remove price range rules using the Add and Remove last level buttons.



Frequently Bought Together


1. Enable: To use this feature on single product page.

2. Exclude products: Frequently bought together will not show on these products

3. Exclude categories: Frequently bought together will not show on these categories

4. Hide if added: Hide Frequently Bought Together on single product page if main product is already in the cart.

5. Source: Products appear on Frequently Bought Together will get from one of these sources:

  • Up sells – Same as Up-sells products
  • Cross sells – Same as Cross-sells products
  • Woo Up sells – Products set in Edit product/Link products/Upsells.
  • Woo Cross sells – Products set in Edit product/Link products/Cross-sells.

6. Position: Select a position on a single product page where you want to display Frequently Bought Together. It can be: After adding to cart form, After product summary, After product tabs.

7. Style:  The way Frequently Bought Together appears: Horizontal or vertical. Only use Horizontal style if the container is wide enough. On Mobile, it will automatically switch to Vertical style no matter what you select.


Horizontal type


Vertical type 


8. Image size(px): Adjust image size. This option is only used for Vertical style.

9. Currently watching product: 

10. Only select the first product: By default, only select the first product instead of select all products

11. Currently watching product text: Type to create message content of currently watching product.

12. Message: Title of Frequently Bought Together, you can add the name of main product with shortcode {product_title} in the title.

13. Add to cart text: Type your text you want instead of add to cart text, you can add shortcode {number_of_items} to display number of selected items when clicking Add to cart button.

14. Add bundle to cart: Add the bundled product to cart instead of separated items if product source is cross sells and customers add all items of bundle to cart.

15. Load with Ajax: Only load Frequently Bought Together products with Ajax after page is loaded.

16. Number of lines for product title: If product title is too long and take many lines to display, it will be cut off. Set 0 to not cut off long product title.

17. Show product rating: Enable to show rating in Frequently Bought Together products.

18. Show attributes selection when: Hover or click. This option is used for variable products.

19. Attributes selection type: Select or button. This option is used for variable products.

20. After product is added to cart: What to do after successfully adding product(s) to cart. It can be: Do nothing, Hide, Redirect to cart, Redirect to checkout.

21. Item link behavior: When cling on the product image or title of an item which is not the current product, select to: Do nothing, open in a new tab or open in the same tab.


Frequently Bought Together shortcode is used to display Frequently Bought Together products of a product and insert every you want.

[wbs_frequently_product product_id="" source="any" style="horizontal" title_line="1" show_attribute="click" hide_if_added=1 select_type="button" ajax_load="" after_atc="redirect_checkout" message="Frequently bought together:" show_rating=""]

  • product_id: By adding the product ID in shortcode, Frequently Bought Together of this product will display it on any page you put this shortcode. For example: product_id="85"
  • source: Products appear on Frequently Bought Together shortcode will get from one of these sources: Up sells – Same as Up-sells products; Cross sells – Same as Cross-sells products; Woo Up sells – Products set in Edit product/Link products/Upsells; Woo Cross sells – Products set in Edit product/Link products/Cross-sells or any of above. Possible values: woo_up_sells; woo_cross_sells ; cross_sells ; up_sells ; any
    For example: source="woo_up_sells"
  • style: The way Frequently Bought Together appears. The possible values:  horizontal or vertical. For example: style="horizontal"
  • title_line: If product title is too long and take many lines to display, it will be cut off. Set 0 to not cut off long product title. For example: title_line="1"
  • show_attribute: Show attributes selection when: hover or click. For example: show_attribute="click"
  • hide_if_added: Hide Frequently Bought Together on current page if main product is already in the cart. For example: hide_if_added=1
  • select_type: Display in select or button type. This option is used for variable products. Possible values: select or button. For example: select_type="button"
  • ajax_load: Only load Frequently Bought Together products with Ajax after page is loaded. For example: ajax_load=""
  • after_atc: What to do after successfully adding product(s) to cart. Possible values: none, redirect_cart, redirect_checkout, hide. For example: after_atc="redirect_checkout"  
  • message: Title of Frequently Bought Together, you can add the name of main product with shortcode {product_title} in the title. For example: message="Frequently bought together:"
  • show_rating: Allow to show rating in Frequently Bought Together products. For example show_rating="1"


1. Enable: Turn on the discount process bar.

2. Always show discount bar: Always display discount bar if customers have not reached the minimum amount and the cart is not empty.

3. Select Coupon: Choose coupon discount to display on the process bar. 

4. Head line: The short message when a customer adds a product to Cart

Example: SWEET! Add more products and get {discount_amount} off on your entire order!

5. Thank You: Turn on to send a thank customer when they achieve the minimum order to get the discount.

6. Congratulation message: Message appears when customer’s cart reaches to min amount and win a discount.

7. Checkout button title: Type text on the button that will link to the checkout page.

8. Auto redirect checkout: Turn on to automatically redirect checkout page when the customer achieves minimum discount.


In this tab, you can design plugin including:


1. Button background color

2. Button background color on hovering


Cross sells:

1. Init delay: Cross-sell will show with popup or gift icon. If you want to time randomly, 2 numbers are separated by a comma. Eg: 3,20. It is random from 3 to 20.

2. Auto popup: Enable to show cross sell popup automatically.

3. Hide Gift Icon: Enable/disable to hide/show the gift icon, that allows to show cross sell popup when clicking to.

4. Icon: Default, gift box, or custom.

5. Custom Gift Box Icon: Select the image you want in your gallery, Dimension should be 58×58(px). This feature is used when you change “Icon Option” to “Custom”

6. Icon Color: Only apply with Icon default.

7. Icon Background Color: Only apply with Icon default.

8. Icon Position:  It can be Bottom right, or Bottom left.

9. Background Color: Background color for popup cross-sell.

10. Background Image: You can insert an image in the background.

11. Text color

12. Price color

13. Save price color

14. Template: Slider; Vertical with checkbox; Horizontal with the checkbox.

15. Template on mobile: Slider; Scroll; Vertical with the checkbox.


Up sells:


1. Item per row: The number of product items on upsell popup on PC.

2. Item per row for Mobile: The number of product items on upsell popup on PC.

3. Max item: Maximum number of upsells per product. Used only if “Products in category” is enabled.

4. Popup style.

5. Message in popup: Title of up-sell popup, you can add the name of main product with shortcode {product_title} in the title.

6. Add-to-cart style: There are some styles to add to the cart on the upsell popup: Hide, Show on hover, Theme default, Visible below product detail.

7. Template on mobile: Slider, Scroll.

8. Add-to-cart style on mobile: There are some styles to add to cart on the upsell popup on mobile: Hide, Show on hover, Theme default, Visible below product detail.

9. Button “Continue Shopping” title: Type the button title.

10. Button “Continue Shopping” action: Just close popup; go to shop page; Go to home page.

11. Hide view more button: Enable to hide the view more button (In the show on hover style)


Discount bar:

1. Select Position: Top; Bottom.

2. Text color

3. Process bar main color

4. Process bar background color: Color of main process bar.





On the Upsell page, you can flexibly select which products/categories appear on the upsell popup.


1. Product name: List all products in your store.

2. Up-sells products: Select products which you want to upsell.

3. Up-sell categories: Select categories which you want to upsell.

4. Action: Implement for each separate product.

  • Save: To save the selected upsell products/categories.
  • View: Display upsell popup on the front end.
  • Sync to Woo: Sync these selected products to the Upsell of the current WooCommerce product (Linked products > Upsells)
  • Remove all: Click remove to delete all selected upsell products/categories of this current product.

5. Bulk add Up-sells: Add upsell products to all products or specific products in your store.

a. Select products you want to display upsell products

b. Select upsell products.

c. Select all: Add upsell products to all products in your store.

d. Action: Click add to save.


6. Get product Up-sells: Sync the upsell products which are set in WooCommerce products.

7. Get from Woo-cross sell: Sync the cross sell products which are set in WooCommerce products.

8. Sync to WooCommerce Up-sell: Sync these selected products to the Upsell of WooCommerce products (Linked products > Upsells)

9. Delete Upsells: Remove all upsells in the Upsell page.

10. Search product: Type and search for a product.

On the Cross sell page, you can add cross sell products and create bundles easily and quickly.

1. Product name: List all products in your store.

2. Cross-sells:  Select products which you want to cross sell.

3. Action: Implement for each separate product.

  • Save: To save the selected cross sell products.
  • View: Display cross sell on the front end.
  • Remove all: Click remove to delete all selected cross sell products of this current product.

4. Edit product bundle: Click Edit product bundle to go to the product bundle editing page and edit in detail.

5. Quick edit product bundle:

a. Title: Name for the bundle.

b.Use dynamic price: Tick to use the dynamic price feature.

c. Discount type: Select the type of the discount: Percentage or a fixed amount.

d. Discount amount: Set a percentage / fixed discount amount for this bundle.

e. Cancel: To cancel quick edit product bundle.

f. Update: To update changes in the quick edit product bundle.


6. Sync cross-sells:  Sync these selected products to the Cross-sell of WooCommerce products (Linked products > Cross-sells)

7. Search: Type and search for a product.



Template Usage
/single-product/add-to-cart/add-to-cart.php Ajax add-to-cart button on single product page
/single-product/add-to-cart/add-to-cart-mobile.php Ajax add-to-cart button on single product page on mobile
/single-product/add-to-cart/frequently-product.php Frequently bought together item
/single-product/add-to-cart/quantity-input.php Product quantity in upsells/cross-sells
/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php Add-to-cart button for simple products in upsells/cross-sells
/single-product/add-to-cart/simple-mobile.php Add-to-cart button for simple products in upsells/cross-sells on mobile
/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php Variable atc form in upsells/cross-sells
/single-product/add-to-cart/variable-mobile.php Variable atc form in upsells/cross-sells on mobile
/single-product/add-to-cart/variation-add-to-cart-button.php Add-to-cart button for variations in upsells/cross-sells
/single-product/add-to-cart/variation-add-to-cart-button-mobile.php Add-to-cart button for variations in upsells/cross-sells on mobile
/single-product/add-to-cart/wbs-bundle.php WBS bundle cart form
/upsells/popup-main.php Displaying main content of upsells popup
/upsells/upsells-list.php Displaying list of upselling products in the upsells popup
/upsells/buttons.php Displaying buttons list inside upsells popup


Follow this guide on how to override VillaTheme plugins’ templates via a theme.

Plugin Author Compatible
WPML OnTheGoSystems Fully
Polylang WP SYNTEX Fully


Watch this video for integrating WooCommerce Boost Sales with multilingual plugin