General settings

In the general settings, you will enable the plugin’s functions and select free shipping zones.

Go to Woo Free Shipping > General.  

1. Enable: Turn on Woo Free Shipping Bar plugin on desktop.

2. Mobile: Use this option to show free shipping bar on mobile device.

3. Detect IP: The plugin will detect customers’ countries based on their IP Addresses and display a free shipping bar respectively with that shipping zone at the country level.

* Note:

+ If set, the “Free Shipping Zone” option will not be used. If no IP is detected, the shipping bar will show the general zone that’s set in WooCommerce shipping settings > Locations not covered by your other zones.

+ This option can be applied to detect at the country level, not working for states or provinces and regions within a country.

4. Free Shipping Zone: Select Free Shipping Zone default (require)

5. Minimum value to display: Only display free shipping when the cart value reaches this one

6. Exclude shipping class: This feature helps you to exclude calculating free shipping for the product shipping classes you set in WooCommerce. 

7. Always show free shipping bar: Show the free shipping bar with Message Full Free Shipping regardless of conditions

8. Compatible with cache plugin: Use this option if you message is cached