
Go to Dashboard/ Woo Coupon Box/ Settings/ General to configure common settings of Woo Coupon Box.

1. Enable: allow you to enable/disable the plugin.

2. Disable for logged-in users: this option allows you to hide the pop-up from logged-in users. You have already had email addresses of those users.

3. Enable multi language: this option allows you to display the coupon box in multiple languages. This option works with WPML and Polylang now. You need to use that plugin to translate the plugin before enabling this option.

You can see this video on how to show multilanguage for a coupon box with WPML:

4. Ajax endpoint: select the AJAX endpoint. It should be AJAX in most sites.

5. Pop-up trigger: decide which act will make the pop-up appear, there are 4 options for you to choose from

5.1. After initial time: The pop-up will automatically appear after a selected time. Example: with the following settings, the coupon box will appear after a random time between 3 and 10 seconds.

5.2.When users scroll: The pop-up will appear after users scroll the page an amount of the page height.

5.3. When users are about to exit: the pop-up will appear when visitors hover their mouse on the close button of browsers.

5.4. Random one of these above: The plugin will get randomly one trigger.



6. When visitors close coupon box without subscribing: Select how will the coupon box work if visitors close the pop-up without subscribing. There are 2 option for you to choose from:
6.1. Hide the coupon box pop-up
6.2. Minimize the pop-up to the top bar/ bottom bar.

  • Note: Because of UI restrictions, this feature is not available in mobile mode.


The coupon box bar on front-end

7. Subscription reminder if not subscribe: schedule a time for the pop-up to reappear when visitors close the pop-up without subscribing to their emails.


8. Subscription reminder if subscribe: schedule a time for the pop-up to appear again if visitors have already subscribed to their email.

9. Email campaigns: Select an email campaign where you would like to save the emails. We will talk more about the emails campaign in the next chapters of this guide.