Product Suggestion

  1. Enable: enable this option to use the product suggestion feature. This feature helps you to create product suggestion lists and then put it into pages.
  2. Shortcode: shortcodes of existing product suggestion lists. You can put it where you want to display the product suggestion.
  3. Title: change the title of the product suggestion.
  4. Type: there are 2 types to select default and custom. The default option will combine products in lists below to display. The custom option allows you to select products manually.
  5. Suggested Products: select product, product type you want to display.
  6. Order by: change the order of products in the list.
  7. Templates: change the list templates. There are three templates for you to choose from.
  8. In-stock: enable this option, the plugin will display only in-stock products.
  9. Use slide: display products as a slide instead of a list.
  10. Total suggested items: select the maximum products to display.
  11. Number suggested items inline: set the maximum products to appear in a line.

Then to go Products Suggestion For Pages tab to set the place for the product suggestion you just created.