Sticky Add to Cart

Go to Dashboard/ Sticky Add To Cart/ Sticky Add To Cart to change sticky bar settings.

  1. Enable mobile: select if you want to display the bar on mobile devices.
  2. Enable desktop: select if you want to display the bar on desktop devices.
  3. Ajax add to cart: by enabling this option, customers will be able to add products to cart on the bar without reloading.
  4. Position: Select a position to display the bar. On top or bottom of the page.
  5. Template: select a front-end template. There are 2 templates for you to choose from.
  6. Sticky bar background color: select the sticky add to cart background color.
  7. Cart button text: type in your add to cart button text. There are 3 different custom text for simple product, variable product and external/affiliate product.
  8. Cart button background color: pick the add to cart button background color.
  9. Cart button text color: pick the add to cart button text color.
  10. Color text for name: the product name displayed on the bar.
  11. Color text for amount: the color of product original price and sale price.
  12. Product image shape: there are 3 option default (square), rounded and circle.