Design on Checkout page

This setting allows you to design the checkout countdown timer on the checkout page. 

  1. Checkout countdown message: Customize the message that appears on the countdown timer on the checkout page.
  2. Message if missing offer: Customize the message appearing on the countdown timer on the checkout page if the offer is going to be over.
  3. Shortcode available: Customize the text message in the countdown timer on the checkout page.
  4. Position: Put the position of the countdown timer on the checkout page.
  5. Select countdown timer: Select the countdown timer profile that you created to show up on the checkout page.
  6. Action after finish countdown: When it’s done counting down on Checkout page, make the whole Checkout page refresh or only refresh the order review, to update product price without discount.
  7. Test mode: Enable it to make the checkout countdown to be applied only to Administrator for testing purpose.
  8. Reset checkout countdown: Reset current checkout discount applied to your account when Test mode is enabled.