
In Design settings, you can configure how the sales countdown timer looks like in front-end.

  1. Message: the text message appears on Sales countdown timer
  2. Reduce the size of the countdown timer on: Customize the size of countdown timer on the product list, mobile or sticky.
  3. Reduce the size of the countdown timer on: Customize the size of countdown timer on the product list, mobile or sticky.
  4. Message position: Choose the position for the message: Default or the same line as the countdown timer.
  5. Time units: Choose the time units displayed:  Day, hour, minute, second.
  6. Time separator: Choose the separator between time units: Bank, colon(:), comma(,),  dot(.).
  7. Datetime format style: Choose the format style for time.
  8. Animation style: Choose the animation style for Countdown timer: Default, slide, 3D Flip.
  9. Countdown timer preview: Allow to preview the Countdown timer as designing.
  10. Layout: Design Color, Fontsize, Border, Padding for layout of countdown timer.
  11. Layout  on sticky: Design Color, Width, Content for layout of countdown timer sticky.
  12. Datetime value: Design Color, Width, Height, Border, Fontsize… for Date time value
  13. Date time unit: Design Position, Color, Fontsize, Distance for date time units.