
WooCommerce Lucky Wheel provides a shortcode to display the WooCommerce Lucky Wheel on any pages.

  • Shortcode: the shortcode  [woocommerce_lucky_wheel] will display the lucky wheel. The lucky wheel displayed by the shortcode is same as the lucky wheel pop-up will all elements. You can use this shortcode to create a lucky wheel page where you allow customers to subscribe email and spin the wheel for discount coupons.
  • Shortcode params: you can add parameters to the short to change it without changing WooCommerce Lucky Wheel settings. Below is a list of WooCommerce Lucky Wheel shortcode para, to use these parameters you just need to add it into the shortcode. For example to change the background [woocommerce_lucky_wheel bg_image="image_url.png"]
  • bg_image: allow to change the background image using a picture URL. For example: bg_image=""
  • bg_color: change the background color using color code. For example: bg_color="#ffffff"
  • text_color: change the lucky wheel text color of the lucky wheel. For example :text_color="#303030"
  • pointer_color: change the pointer color. For example:pointer_color="#303030"
  • spin_button_color: change the spin button text color. For example:spin_button_color="#303030"
  • spin_button_bg_color: change the spin button background-color. For example:spin_button_bg_color="#303030"
  • wheel_dot_color: change the small bot on the border of the lucky wheel color. For example:wheel_dot_color="#303030"
  • wheel_border_color: change lucky wheel border-color. For example:wheel_border_color="#303030"
  • wheel_center_color: change the lucky wheel center color. For example:wheel_center_color="#303030"
  • pointer_position: change the pointer position. You can put in one of these value center, bottom, right, top, random. For example:pointer_position="top"
  • spinning_time: change the spinning time. For example: set up the wheel to spin in 5 secondsspinning_time="5"
  • wheel_speed: change the wheel spin speed, enter a value from 1 to 10. For example:wheel_speed="2"
  • custom_field_name_enable: this shortcode allows you to enable the name field. For example:custom_field_name_enable="yes"
  • custom_field_name_enable_mobile: allows you to enable the name field on mobile. For example:custom_field_name_enable_mobile="yes"
  • custom_field_name_required: select if the name field is required. For example:custom_field_name_required="yes"
  • custom_field_mobile_enable: select if you want to enable the mobile phone number field. For example:custom_field_mobile_enable="yes"
  • custom_field_mobile_enable_mobile: select if you want to enable the mobile phone number field on mobile. For example::custom_field_mobile_enable_mobile="yes"
  • custom_field_mobile_required: select if the mobile phone number is required. For example::custom_field_mobile_required="yes"
  • font_size: change the font-size of the text of the lucky wheel. For example::font_size="12"
  • wheel_size: change the size of the wheel.  For example: display the wheel with 90% sizewheel_size="90"
  • congratulations_effect: select the congratulation effect when customers win a prize. For example:congratulations_effect="firework"
  • wheel_center_image: allow to use an image instead of color on the wheel center. For example: wheel_center_image=""