Wheel Settings

In this settings page, you an customize the wheel, as well as edit its content.

  • To view how the wheel would look like on the frontend after finishing your customization, click the green “Preview Wheel” button.
  • To control the wheel segments, add/remove the index by cloning/removing particular segment, and configure the rest (see the second image below).

Wheel customization

  1. Pointer position: Select the position of the lucky wheel pointer: Center, top, right, bottom, random.
  2. Wheel pointer color: Choose color for the pointer.
  3. Wheel center background image: Add image for the small wheel in the center of the lucky wheel.
  4. Wheel center color: Select color for the small wheel in the center of the lucky wheel.
  5. Wheel border color: Select color for the border of the wheel.
  6. Wheel border dot color: Select color for the dot the in the border of the wheel.
  7. Display currency: Select if you want to display the currency symbol ($) or currency code (USD) on the wheel.
  8. Wheel speed: Choose the speed of spin.
  9. Wheel spinning duration: Select the spinning duration. It can be set from 3 seconds to 15 seconds.
  10. Show full wheel: Choose the front-end size of the lucky wheel. You can choose to display full wheel or half on front-end.
  11. Adjust font size of text on the wheel by: Adjust font size of the text in the wheel.
  12. Adjust wheel size by: Adjust the wheel size.


Wheel content settings


1. {quantity_label} is used in prize label if quantity is greater than 0

2. Index: The number of wheel parts with each prize on the lucky wheel.

3. The coupon type: There are 6 coupon types you can select:
– Non: the visitor wins nothing.
– Existing coupon: choose an existing coupon to give.
– Percentage discount: the plugin will generate a coupon with your select value to give.
– Fixed product discount: discount a specific amount on a product price.
– Fixed cart discount: discount a specific amount on cart total.
– Custom: give a custom prize to customers. Anything you want to give.

4. Label: Set up coupon labels, and prize labels that you offer to your customers. You can use:

– The shortcode {coupon_amount} to display the coupon value in labels.

– The shortcode {quantity_label} to display in prize label if quantity is greater than 0. For example: An Iphone {quantity_label}, if there are 3 Iphone prizes left, the wheel part will show: Iphone (3 left).

– To create more flexible prizes, please go to Wheel Prizes section in the plugin setting.

5. Values: Value of prizes can be coupon codes with respective minus amount with coupon value and/or physical prizes.

– For existing coupon type, you can search for available WooCommerce coupons, you can learn how to create and manage WooCommerce Coupon here.

– For generated coupon type, you can add the coupon value.

6. Probability: You can change the probability to get a prize.  To change probability, please adjust weight, weight total must be 100%.

7. Quantity: The Number of prizes available in stock to give customers. Set quantity to -1 to not limit the number of prizes. Each time a customer wins a prize, its quantity will be automatically reduced by 1.

8. Email template: Choose available email templates to send different emails for each prize, please use WooCommerce Email Template Customizer or Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce to create and customize your own email template.

  • How to send Lucky wheel emails using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin.
    • Step 1. Activate the WooCommerce Lucky Wheel premium version and WooCommerce Email Template Customizer free or premium version.
    • Step 2. Choose available lucky wheel templates in the Email template option  that are designed in the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin.
  • How to build and customize Lucky wheel email templates in the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin.
    You can build unlimited lucky wheel email templates using layouts and elements of WooCommerce Email Template Customizer, and shortcodes designed uniquely for WooCommerce Lucky Wheel. You can read how to build email templates here, how to customize available email templates here, look for available lucky wheel shortcodes here. After building a lucky wheel template, save that email template under “WooCommerce Lucky Wheel – Coupon email” type.

* If you don’t use WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin to design the lucky wheel email, default email will be used, you can customize the default template in the Inform Result tab

9. Color: Select the slide background color of each slide.

10. Text color: Select the text color of each wheel slide.

11. Auto color: set up slide color automatically.

12. Enable option to Color is set randomly from predefined sets for each visitor.