Wheel Background

  1. Background image: Add the wheel background image.
  2. Background color: Select wheel background color.
  3. Background effect: Select one effect for the wheel background.
  4. Content text color: Text color in the wheel background content, including wheel description, text to not show the wheel again.
  5. Wheel description: Create the description for your wheel.
  6. Spin Wheel button: Add the label for the Spin Wheel button.
  7. Spin Wheel button color: Select the color for the label above.
  8. Spin Wheel button background color: Select the background color for the Spin Wheel button
  9. Not display wheel again: This option shows a few text, allow user to hide the wheel after clicking one of them.
  10. Select font: Font of the wheel background text content.
  11. GDPR checkbox: Enable GDPR checkbox.
  12. GDPR message: Add your GDPR message.
  13. Custom CSS: Add your custom CSS if there’s no customization above match your need.