Messenger Settings

In the Facebook message tab, you can set up the plugin to send recovery cart message to customers Facebook message.

  1. App ID: to use the option send Facebook messages to customers, you need to register a Facebook app and copy and paste app ID here.
  2. App secret: Copy and paste App secret here.
  3. Valid OAuth redirected URIs: Copy this Valid OAuth redirected URIs and paste it to Facebook login/Settings/Valid OAuth Redirect URIs box
  4. Callback Webhooks URL: Copy  Callback Webhooks URL and paste it to  Webhooks/Edit page/Subscription/Callback URL box
  5. Verify Token: Copy the Verify Token aand paste it to Webhooks/Edit page/Subscription/Verify token box.

Please watch and follow this video guide to connect with Facebook:



Configuration Facebook messages for abandoned Cart.

  1. Activate page: Choose the facebook page for activating abandoned Cart plugin.
  2. Language: Choose the language used in messages.
  3. Checkbox skin: Choose style for checkbox skin: light or dark.
  4. Send to messenger require: enable it to require customers receive the facebook message when click on “add to Cart” button.
  5. Rules: Set messages rules for content and time.
  6. Test mode: If you enable it, a sample messenge will send to your customers immediately.