Product Sync

Product Sync allows you to update the price and quantity of imported products on your WooCommerce store whenever these values change on the AliExpress store.

Check out this video on how to sync product data after importing to WooCommerce.

Before syncing, you’ll configure settings in the Product Sync tab. This section also explains how to sync products.

A. Settings

a. Configure a schedule to sync automatically 

Important note: This feature requires a valid auto-update key and access token to work. An invalid or expired auto-update key will make it impossible to obtain a valid access token, and syncing results may return false.

  1. Follow this instruction to get a valid Auto update key
  2. Access token needs renewal occasionally, get a new one whenever it expires. You can only get a valid Access token with a valid Auto update key.

1. Enable product auto-sync: Enable this option to activate syncing products automatically. After enabling it, save the setting to activate the schedule.

2. Sync product every: Set to update after every specific day.

3. Sync product at: Set to update at a certain hour, minute, second.

4. Use HTTP service URL: Enable this if your products are unable to be synced due to a “connection timed out” error. To check this, please go to Logs.


b. Configure the options before syncing 

1. Product status: Plugin will only sync the products with the selected statuses. Leave empty to select all statuses.

2. Sync price: Enable to update the price of WooCommerce product if the price of respective AliExpress product changes. All rules in the Product Price tab will be applied to the new price.

a. Add custom rule: You can add multiple custom rules. You will configure specific conditions in each rule. When syncing products, the plugin scans rules from top to bottom, and applies matched rules to products.

b. Delete rule: Remove any rules that you no longer use.

c. Apply to: Set product and category conditions of each rule.

  • Include products: This custom rules will apply to the products which are assigned.
  • Exclude products: This custom rules will not apply to the products which are assigned.
  • Include categories: This custom rules will apply to the categories which are assigned.
  • Exclude categores: This custom rules will not apply to the categories which are assigned.

d. Pricing rules: How to set this pricing rule is completely the same you do in the Pricing rules part in the Product price tab, however, these rules will only apply to the products/categories listed in its Apply to.

3. Exclude on-sale products: Enable this option if you don’t want to sync price while a product is on sale.

4. Exclude products: Enter products that you don’t want to do updating.

5. Exclude category: Enter categories that you don’t want to do updating.

6. Sync quantity: Enable to update the quantity of WooCommerce product if these values change respectively on Aliexpress. Note: When you want to update product stock quantity and enable “Sync quantity”, please ensure you already checked the “Manage stock” checkbox in the Inventory section.



c. Set the return results and email notifications

7. If a product is out of stock: Select action when Aliexpress product is out-of-stock. Available statuses include:

+ Do nothing: Do not change product status.

+ Set product out-of-stock.

+ Change product status to Draft.

+  Change product status to Pending.

+ Change product status to Private.

+ Trash product.

8. If a product is no longer available: Select action when AliExpress product is no longer available. Available statuses include:

+ Do nothing: Do not change product status.

+ Set product out-of-stock.

+ Change product status to Draft.

+  Change product status to Pending.

+ Change product status to Private.

+ Trash product.


9. If the selected shipping method is no longer available: Select an action when an Aliexpress product’s selected shipping method is removed or no shipping methods are available. Available actions include:

+ Do nothing: Do not change the Aliexpress product’s selected shipping method

+ Set product out-of-stock.

+ Change product status to draft.

+ Change product status to pending.

+ Change product status to Private.

+ Trash product.


10. If a variation is no longer available: Select an action when a variation of an Aliexpress product is no longer available. The actions include:

+ Do nothing: Do not change the variation of the Aliexpress product on WooCommerce

+ Disable: Hide that variation on WooCommerce

+ Set variation out-of-stock: Change to be an out-of-stock variation.


11. Notification email: When updating the product with chrome extension, send an email to the admin if AliExpress product is no longer available/is out of stock/changes price.

12. Received address: Notification will be sent to this address. If not set, the “From” address in WooCommerce settings/Emails will be used.


B. Syncing process

After configuring for product syncing, you can sync the price and quantity of the imported products from AliExpress to WooCommerce normally.

Step 1: Go to Imported 

1. Sync products: Click this button to start syncing all products on the current page from AliEpress, this data will be swept through the settings.

2. Sync: Click this button to start syncing this product, data will be swept through the settings.

3. Syncing notification: Brief information of all variations that have changed after syncing (Number of changed variations, variation status, synced date).


Step 2: After clicking on the sync button, a new window appears running and displaying the syncing process.

1. View detail: Click if you want to view the log.

2. Stop: Click if you want to stop syncing.


Step 3:  After completing syncing data, click on View detail, you will be redirected to the log page below. You can delete the log or download the log file.


 Step 4: Click on View log to check syncing results in detail.

For example in the above log, you can see:

+  [2021-09-07 06:48:28] Product #4055(Ali ID 32878225558): #4061 has stock quantity changed from 118 to 117

Mean: at [2021-09-07 06:48:28], the product has ID: #4055 on WooCommerce and ID: 32878225558 respectively on AliExpress has a change. In particular, the product variation has ID #4061 has stock quantity changed from 118 to 117.


+ [2021-09-07 06:48:29] Product #3077(Ali ID 4001106380606): Ali product is no longer available

Mean: At [2021-09-07 06:48:29], the product that has ID #3077 on WooCommerce and 4001106380606 on AliExpress is no longer available on AliExpress.


+ #2896 regular price changed from 14.3 to 14.54

Mean: the product that has ID #2896 changed the regular price from 14.3 to 14.54