Product Price

The Product Price setting allows you to set the price rules for all imported products and these rules will be applied in the Import list section before importing to WooCommerce products.

You can see the video guide on how to set up price for imported products from Aliexpress:

From the Dashboard, go to Dropship & Fulfill / Product Price:

A. Set product price rules:

Aliexpress product price are defined in USD, if you want to convert to your country currency or another currency, let configure these settings.

1. Exchange rate: This option allows you to convert US Dollar to your store currency from any amount. There are 2 ways to add the exchange rate: Click on the Update rate or add exchange rate manually. If this field sets the value as 1, it means that there is no change in currency ($USD as default).

2. Exchange rate decimals: Number of decimals to round exchange rate when updating exchange rate with API.

3. Exchange rate – CNY/USD: In some cases, prices are only available in CNY so we first have to convert them to USD. If not set, our plugin will skip syncing price.

4. Exchange rate – RUB/USD: In some cases, prices are only available in RUB so we first have to convert them to USD. If not set, you will not be able to import products in RUB(if the store currency is not RUB) and our plugin will skip syncing price.


Exchange rate API: You can choose one of available API currency exchange rate sources: Google Finance, Yahoo finance, Cuex, TransferWise.

4. Update rate automatically: Enable this option to automatically update exchange rate as a schedule.

5 and 6 there are options for you to set update schedule accurately at days, hour, minute and second.


7. Price range: In this field, you will set as many price ranges as you want. The original price falls in which price range, it will be applied by the price rule of that range swept from the top to bottom range.

8. Action: An action to customize price respectively for the price range. They can be:

  • Increase by a fixed amount: Add a fixed price to imported product price.
  • Increase by percentage (%): Add an amount to the imported product price in percentage.
  • Set to: Set a fixed price for imported products.
  • Multiply with: Multiply directly with a value.

9. Sale price: Set a rule for sale price. Note: Set -1 if there is no sale price

10. Regular price: Set a rule for regular price.

11. Remove latest level: Click to remove a rule

12. Add: Click to add a rule


B. Set price format rules

This feature allows you to setup rules for product price more attractive, take advances of pricing psychology in sale.

b1. Enable to use this feature.

b2. How does it work?

  • Rules will be looped from top to bottom grouped by Compared part to find matches.
  • Your input price can only be applied by 1 rule for each part(fraction/integer)=>maximum 2 rules in total(1 for Integer part and 1 for Fraction part)
  • Rules for Fraction part will be applied before rules for Integer part
b2.1. Rules for Fraction part
  • Leave Price range empty to apply to all prices that have decimal part matches the Compared part range
  • Leave Compared part range empty to apply to all prices in the Price range
  • Can use an x in New value of compared part to remain the respective digit in the Compared part of input price
  • New value of compared part can contain maximum 2 digits which is the Number of decimals in your WooCommerce settings
b2.2. Rules for Integer part
  • Maximum number of digits of Compared part range is 1 subtracted from the minimum number of digits of Price range
  • Maximum number of digits of New value of compared part is the maximum number of digits of Compared part range
  • Leave Compared part range empty to apply to all prices in the Price range

View detailed example with explanation