Order Confirmation

1. Set up the background color of the Order Confirmation.

2. Padding (px): Set up the padding of Order Confirmation.

3,4 Round Corner (px) and Border width (px):  Set up the Round Corner and Border width for Order Confirmation.

5,6. Border style and Border color: Set up the style and color of the Border.

8,9,10. Vertical Separator Width (px), Style, Color: Set up the width, Style and Color for Vertical Separator.

11,12,13: Horizontal Separator width (px), Horizontal Separator Style, Horizontal Separator Color: Set up the width, Style, Color for Horizontal Separator.

14. Header text: Insert or change the header text as you want, you can use the available shortcode for the header text.

15,16,17,18: Set up the Font-size, Text Alignment, Color, Background Color for the header.

19,20,21,22,23: Set up the title for the order number, date, total, email, payment method.

24,25,26,27: Set up the font-size, text alignment and color, background color for the titles.

29,30,31: Set up the text alignment, color, background color for the values.