Sidebar Cart Footer

Design Sidebar Cart Footer:

1. Background color: set the color of footer background.
2.Footer Border Style: Set the style of Footer Border. There are four styles: No border, Solid, Dotted, Dashed
3.Footer Border Color: Set the color of Footer border
4.Price to display:  Choose the price to dislay: Total or Subtotal
5. Total Color: Set the color of Total
6. Price Color: Set the color of price
7.Button Enable:  Choose to enable the View cart button or checkout button.
8.Checkout Button Text: You can add the text of checkout button as you want
9.Button background color: set the color of checkout button background
10.Button text color: set the color of checkout button text

11. Button Hover Background: Set the color of  background button when hovering over
12. Button Hover Text Color: set color of button text when hovering
13. Button radius: Set the radius of update cart button
14. Custom message: add the message you want to display, it also supports the shortcode.
15. Show products Plus: choose the type  of suggested products: Best selling products, Recently viewed products or top-rated products.
16. Product Plus title: Enter the name of suggested product title on sidebar cart footer
17. Product Plus Title Color: Set the color of product plus title
18. Number of  products to show: Add the maximum number of suggested products you want to show. You can not display the number of products bigger than 15

19. Cart button text on Product Plus:  Change the text of Add button on Product plus as you want. You also use the shortcode {cart_icon} to add cart icon to the button
20. Cart icon Type on Product Plus: Choose the type of icon for the the Add button. There are 20 icons to choose
21. Cart button background Color on Product Plus: Set the color of Cart button background on Product Plus
21. Cart button text Color on Product Plus: Set the color of Cart button text on Product Plus
22. Cart button hover Color on Product Plus: Set the color of Cart button on Product Plus when hovering over
23. Cart button hover text Color on Product Plus: Set the color of Cart button text on Product Plus when hovering over