
  1. Select Post Type: Select a post type from your WordPress site to display on notifications.
  2. Select Items: Select specific items of the above post type to show on the notification.
  3. Virtual First Name: Enter your virtual customer first names. Each first virtual name on a line.
  4. Virtual Time: Setting the virtual time that how long ago a virtual behavior was processed towards a post. The purchase time will be picked randomly between this time threshold.
  5. Address: you can use the auto-detect address or make the virtual address of the customer.
    • For selecting “auto-detect address“, you need to fill in the “auth key”, which you can get at If you do not fill in your auth key, the system will enter the default value. We recommended signing up and entering your key. The plugin will detect customers’ countries and/or cities base on their IP Addresses and display the countries and/or city addresses of the customer on the popup notification.
    • For selecting “virtual address“, you need to configure Virtual City and Country. You can enter many different cities but only one country. Then the system will automatic to show randomly virtual first names and virtual cities in the notification form.
      • Virtual cities: You can use the auto-detect address or make the virtual address of the customer.
      • Virtual Country. There are 3 options to choose from:
        • Virtual: You can enter many different cities but only one country. Then the system will automatic to show randomly virtual first names and virtual cities in the notification form.
        • WooCommerce geolocation: The address on the notification will get from WooCommerce geolocation.
        • Auto-detect: The plugin will detect customers’ countries and cities base on their IP Addresses and display customer addresses on the popup notification. You need to fill in Ipfind Auth Key, which you can get at
  6. Featured Image Size for Post: Select the image size on pop-ups.
  7. Non-Ajax: Load popup will not use ajax. Your site will be load faster. It may create caches.