WooCommerce Existing Fields

Click to Billing, Shipping sections, Additional  information to edit checkout fields. Normally, the default checkout fields in Billing and Shipping sections include:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company name
  • Country/Region
  • Street address
  • Apartment/ suit/ unit etc.
  • Town/ city
  • State
  • Zip code
  • Phone
  • Email address

With FEWC – WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields, you can easily edit the WooCommerce existing fields, including:

  • Drag and drop among fields to reorder the fields in a section
  • Edit fields: Click on the  icon to edit each field, then the popup field detail will expand
  • Show/hide fields: Click on the icon to show/hide fields
  • Design fields: There is a design section in each detail field for designing

The field detail normally includes:

  • General
    • Enable: Toggle to display or hide this field on the checkout page
    • Required: Enable if adding information in this field is mandatory
    • Label: Edit the field lable
    • Placeholder: Enter the example value which to demonstrate customers about this field
  • Design
    • Class
    • Label class
    • Input class