
Help your customers reach out for you easier with the Contact component.

A. Content


  • Icon: Add the home icon format: Black; White; White/border; Black/border; Black/White; White/Black.
  • Text: Enter text you want to your homepage to be displayed, it can be an URL link or your homepage name.
  • URL: Enter a link URL of your homepage.


  • Icon: Add the Email icon format: Black; White; White/border; Black/border; Black/White; White/Black.
  • Email: An email type. Includes validation for email.


  • Icon: Add the Phone icon format: Black; White; White/border; Black/border; Black/White; White/Black.
  • Number: A telephone number type.


B. Style

  • Text: Font size (px); Font weight; Color; 
  • Alignment: Align the text to the left, right, center.
  • Padding: Type space between the border of  and the content inside it.
  • Background: Set Image or  color for contact background if it is necessary.