DEPART – Deposit and Part payment for WooCommerce

Created: 07/2024

Last updated: 7/2024 – Updated version: 1.0.0

By: VillaTheme

Thank you for using our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to request support at our Support Forum. Thanks so much!

System Requires:

Make sure that those limits are to a minimum as follows for free-trouble while installing:

  • WordPress 5.0 or higher
  • Woocommerce 7.0 or higher 
  • PHP Version 7.0 or higher


Install the plugin: 

Go to Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New Plugins. You have 2 ways to add DEPART:

  1. Upload the zip file downloaded from this official source.
  2. Or search the keyword DEPART and install it directly from the list

See this instruction for more details.



DEPART is a powerful plugin for WooCommerce users that allows you to offer flexible payment options to your customers. By splitting product price that customers have to pay in installments or make a deposit; instead of forcing users to pay all at once, you can increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce cart abandonment.

Understanding “Deposit”, “Installment” and “Payment Plan”

  1. Deposit: Deposit is the initial payment. A deposit is a partial payment made by a customer at the time of purchase for a product. This initial payment secures their order and ensures the product is reserved for them. It’s essentially a down payment on the total cost of the item.
  2. Payment Plan: A payment plan is a structured arrangement where the remaining balance of a product’s price is divided into multiple installments. These installments are made over a specified period, allowing customers to spread the cost of the product over time. Basically, a payment plan outlines the subsequent payments to complete the purchase
  3. Installment: An installment is a small part of a bigger payment. A payment plan might include multiple installments

Example: If you buy a bike that costs $100: Instead of paying the whole $100 at once, you can break it down into smaller payments. Build a payment plan with each of these smaller payments (installments). E.g. you could pay $25 each month for four months. Then that is a payment plan with 4 installments, including the initial deposit that the customer pays when they purchase the product.

By offering deposits and payment plans, DEPART helps online stores improve sales by providing flexible payment options to customers.


Features of Deposit and Part Payment for Woo

  • Accept deposits on products in your store.
  • Flexible Payment Plan: Users can set up customized payment schedules according to their preferences, allowing them to choose the frequency and duration of installment payments.
  • Offer payment plans to specific users and products by Deposit rules
  • Add Exclusive Payment Plans for products on product level custom.
  • Automatic Payment Processing: Automatic the installment payment process, making it hassle-free for both the customer and the merchant. It integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe
  • Reminders and Notifications: Sending reminders and notifications to customers about upcoming installment payments, helping them stay informed and organized.
  • Disable specific payment gateways when there’s a deposit in cart
  • Compatible With : WooCommerce, WooCommerce Stripe Gateway, WooCommerce Email Template Customizer.



Watch this tutorial video for installation and more.

Once you install DEPART, the plugin creates:

  1. Two custom order status: Visit this documentation.
    1. Installment (Installment Plan): If an order has products with deposit payment, after placing order, the order status is set to “Installment Plan” by default. This status will be kept till all of its suborders are completed.
    2. Overdue: This status is assigned when a partial payment is not completed by its deadline, the parent order status will be changed to Overdue.
  2. Two email types:
    1. DEPART – Partial payment received: This email is sent when an installment plan is paid successfully.
    2. DEPART – Partial payment reminder: This email can be sent, either manually under “Reminder email” column in WooCommerce Orders dashboard or WooCommerce Suborder dashboard; or automatically when an order/suborder is marked as “Overdue” or is due today.
  3. Suborders menu under WooCommerce Orders
  4. PAY button in My account >> Orders to let users complete their installments.


And, there are 2 types of deposit you can configure:

  1. Global Deposit: This type is basically the general settings that you configure in Payment Plans and Deposit Rules. Once a product have all conditions of a deposit rule fulfilled, the associated payment plan will show up available for that product on frontend. The common flow is:
    1. Build your Payment Plans
    2. Set up Deposit Rules and assign specific payment plan for each rule.
  2. Custom Deposit: This is setup in an individual product. Visit this documentation for more details.
    Note: Unlike Global Deposit Rules with multiple conditions, Custom Deposit works based on product.


For customers, they can view the assigned payment plans for products on the front end and create deposit orders as desired. Visit this documentation for details.

For admins, learn about global deposit rules, general settings, and how to configure them as suggested above.



How to make a deposit order

  1. On single product page
  2. Select plan
  3. Add to cart and Place order

On single product page: 

When a product has deposit rules applied, customers will see a dedicated section on the product page, above the “Add to cart” button, that includes:

  1. Deposit check: A “Deposit payment” checkbox for customers to indicate if they want to make a deposit
  2. Deposit option: It’s the “Select plan” button next to the “Deposit payment” checkbox. This includes all the available deposit plans for the product


Select plan: 

Either you check the “Deposit payment” checkbox or click the “Select plan” button, a popup that shows available plans will appear, simply choose your ideal plan:


Add to cart and Place order: 

Now the “Add to Cart” button changes to “Add to Cart (Deposit).” This indicates that the product will include a deposit, and if you place an order with this product, it will become a deposit order. However, the workflow remains the same as for a regular order.

On mini cart

On Cart page

On Checkout page

On Order received page


That would be it. Now that the deposit order is placed, the customer can see its details in their My account >> Orders page.

Payment Plans

DEPART ‘s core functionality is to break the total amount of a product into smaller payments that can be paid multiple times instead of all at once. Payment Plans settings allow you to customize your payment plan options, including deposit amounts, installment schedules, and other related settings.

  1. Manage Payment Plans

Manage Payment Plans

First, access the list of Payment Plans by going to Dashboard >> DEPART >>  Payment Plans

All the payment plans you create are listed here.

  1. Add new plan: Click this button to add a whole new plan. It redirects you to the “EDIT PLAN” page of that new plan instantly.
  2. No.: The unique identifier for the payment plan
  3. Plan name: The name of the payment plan.
  4. Duration: The total length of time the payment plan lasts
  5. Status: Enable or disable the payment plan.
  6. Action: Remove the plan or navigate to the plan editor to configure its settings.
    • Trash icon : Click this button to remove a plan
    • Edit icon : Click this to be redirected to the plan editor “EDIT PLAN” below.



This is the plan editor where you are directed to after clicking the edit icon under “Action” column above.

  1. Plan name: Enter the plan name. This field is required and will be visible to customers on the product page when selecting a plan.
  2. Active plan: Enable or disable this option to indicate if the plan is in use. This status will be reflected under “Status” on the Manage Payment Plans page above.
  3. Plan description: Provide a description of the payment plan
  4. Plan schedule
    • Payment Amount (%): Specify the percentage of the total amount to be paid in each installment
    • Payment Interval Each Time: Set the time interval between each payment. The first line is always set to “Immediately” because it represents the initial payment made at the time of purchase, and it cannot be removed or changed. From the second installment onward, you can configure the time interval by days, months, or years.
    • Fees (%): Indicate any additional fees as a percentage of the payment amount. This value is calculated based on the Payment Amount (%) of the associated installment.
    • Total: The total amount of the payment plan, which is the sum of all installment amounts within the plan (defined in Payment Amount (%)). This value must equal 100%.
    • Duration: Define the overall length of the payment plan. This value is the sum of the durations specified in each payment interval (in Payment Interval Each Time).
    • Plus icon   :  Click to add new payment schedules or intervals.
    • Trash icon : When you Plan schedule has more than 2 installments, this button will be visible allowing you to remove any line, except for the first default line.



Deposit Rules

Go to Dashboard >> DEPART >> Deposit Rules

In this section, you can create and manage global rules for deposit payments. Each rule specifies conditions, under which certain payment plans apply, based on criteria such as product categories, user roles, or individual products.

  1. Manage Deposit Rules


Manage Deposit Rules

  1. Add new rule: Click this button to add a new empty rule
  2. Deposit rule notice: Important notes for deposit rules.
  3. No.: A unique number assigned to each rule. Hover over the rule or its number, then drag and drop to change the rule’s position.
    Note: This number is to defined rule priority – The higher number, the lower priority
  4. Rule Name: Give the rule a name in rule editor.
  5. Apply for: Specifies the parts this rule applies to, such as categories, user roles, or products.
  6. Plans: Displays the payment plans selected for the rule
  7. Status: Enable or disable the rule.
  8. Action:
    1. Trash icon  : Remove the rule
    2. Edit icon  : Click to go to the rule’s editing page (EDIT RULE page).



  1. Rule name: Enter a name for the rule in the rule editor. This field is required and defined by the admin.
  2. Active rule: Enable or disable this option to activate or deactivate the rule. This setting is also reflected under “Status” in the Manage Deposit Rules section
  3. Price range: Specify the minimum and maximum price range for products to which this rule will apply.

    • Each rule can only have one price range setup. To apply similar conditions to different price ranges, create separate rules.
    • Leave both the Min and Max fields blank to apply the rule without limiting the price range.
    • Leave the Min field blank to apply the rule to products priced from 0 and higher.
    • Leave the Max field blank to apply the rule to products priced at any amount higher than value in Min.
  4. Payment plans: Select the payment plans that will be applied when the conditions of this rule are met.
  5. Include categories: Choose the product categories that will be included under this rule.
  6. Exclude categories: Choose the product categories that will be excluded from this rule.
  7. Include user roles: Specify the user roles that will be included under this rule.
  8. Exclude user roles: Specify the user roles that will be excluded from this rule.
  9. Include products: Select specific products that will be included under this rule.
  10. Exclude products: Select specific products that will be excluded from this rule.


Custom Deposit in WooCommerce products

Note: Unlike Global Deposit Rules with multiple conditions, Custom Deposit works based on products.

There are deposit settings available for each simple and variable product in WooCommerce, allowing the admin to create unique payment plans specific to that product.

This means that a product can have its own payment plans independent of global deposit rules.

Custom deposit settings in individual products always take the highest priority. If a product has a custom deposit rule and payment plan set up on its editing page, those settings will override any global deposit rules.

Under Product data >> Deposit:

  1. Disable Deposit: Check this checkbox to disable the deposit feature for this product only. This means that neither global deposit rules nor custom deposit rules set up below this option will be applied to this product.
  2. Deposit type: Choose between two types
    1. Global: Use the global deposit rules, if any
    2. Custom: Exclude this product from any global deposit rules and use the plan(s) selected in option 3 below instead
  3. New custom plan: This option appears only when “Custom” is selected in option 2 above. Select specific payment plans for this product only.

>> Then hit the “Save plans” button before updating product.



Settings – General

Go to Dashboard >> DEPART >> Settings >> General

You will see the table below for the general settings. Scroll down to read explanation for each option in this setting page.

  1. Enable: Turn this option on to use the whole features of the plugin.
  2. Partial payments disorder: Use this option to allows customers to make partial payments without a fixed schedule, giving them flexibility to pay at their convenience
  3. Show reminder email column: There’s a column called “Reminder email” in WooCommerce Orders list. Use this option to enable/disable this column. Read this part for more details.
  4. Show fees in frontend: In payment plan settings, there’s an input field for Fee associated with each payment interval. That fields shows the amount customer has to pay along with the installment (read option 4 in this documentation). Use this option if you want to show/hide that fee to/from the customers.
  5. Automatic Payments: Enable this option to have customers’ deposit payments processed automatically on the scheduled dates. This ensures timely payments without the need for manual intervention.
    Note: Works with specific payment methods only.
  6. Exclude Payment method: This option prevents certain payment options from being available for this order, ensuring only preferred payment methods can be used
  7. Coupon Handling: How coupons apply to deposit orders, with future payment, with the deposit, or can be split between both
  8. Tax Collection: The tax fee can be assigned with future payment, with the deposit, or can be split between both
  9. Fee Collection: The fee collection can be assigned with future payment, with the deposit, or can be split between both
  10. Shipping Handling: The shipping handling fee can be assigned with future payment, with the deposit, or can be split between both
  11. Shipping Tax Handling: The shipping tax fee can be assigned with future payment, with the deposit, or can be split between both



Settings – Email

DEPART offers two email types for customer communication. You can enable or disable these emails or adjust their settings by navigating to Dashboard >> DEPART >> Settings >> Email

Scroll down to view the details.

  1. Partial payment received: This email notifies customers when a partial payment has been successfully processed. It can include details of the payment amount and remaining balance, depends on how you set up its content in the option “Edit email” below
    • Enable/Disable: Use this option to send/not send the email to the customer when the partial payment is successful.
    • Edit email: This button redirects you to the email editor. You can edit the email content there. Visit this documentation for details.
  2. Payment reminder: This email alerts customers about failed or overdue payments. It can include details about the amount due and the payment deadline, depends on how you set up its content in the option “Edit email” below
    • Enable/Disable: Use this option to send/not send the email to the customer when the partial payment is failed or overdue
    • Edit email: This button redirects you to the email editor. You can edit the email content there. Visit this documentation for details.



On WooCommerce Orders dashboard

In this part, we will see what we can do with deposit orders in:

  1. WooCommerce Orders list
  2. Order editor


WooCommerce Orders list

In Orders list under WooCommerce dashboard, scroll down to see what you can do:

  1. For the two custom order statuses created by DEPART mentioned in this documentation, you can click here to quickly filter orders with these statuses, just like common WooCommerce orders
  2. Click the “Deposit Order” button to filter deposit orders that include products with a payment plan.
  3. The “Reminder Email” column appears when you enable the “Show reminder email column” option under General Settings and check the “Reminder email” checkbox in Screen Options (located at the top right corner of your screen). Here, you can manually send the “DEPART – Partial Payment Reminder” email to the customer.


Order editor

When you access the order editing page of a deposit order, you can see the deposit amount, the future payment amount, and any fees for order items with a payment plan.

And scroll down to the “Installment Plan” table below to see the details.

  1. ID: The IDs of the suborders created with the parent order.
  2. Payment date: The date of payment for each suborder.
  3. Payment method: The payment method used for each installment plan.
  4. Amount: The amount of each installment plan. Value under this column already includes fee if any.
  5. Status: The current payment status of each payment plan.
  6. Completed: Check the “Completed” checkbox to manually mark a suborder as completed, then click “Update”.



On WooCommerce Suborders dashboard

DEPART creates a menu called “Suborders” under WooCommerce dashboard.

A suborder refers to the individual installment orders created as part of a payment plan. Each suborder represents a specific payment that is part of the overall payment plan for a product or service.

Basically, the Suborder menu functions similarly to the WooCommerce Orders menu:

  1. Suborders list
  2. Suborder editor


Suborders list

This page displays all suborders associated with your deposit parent orders. Scroll down to see what you can do in this page, and the overview info of each suborder it can give you.

You can:

  1. Quick filter orders by:
    1. Suborder status
    2. Due Date and/or Customer
    3. Due date – Due today
  2. Take action of:
    1. Bulk change suborder status
    2. Click the eye to quick view the parent order details
    3. Manually sending  “DEPART – Partial payment reminder” email
    4. Quickly setting a suborder status to Processing or Complete

And you have a overview of these details in a suborder:

  1. Order: The Order ID. Click here to be redirected to the suborder editing page for detailed information.
  2. Parent order: The parent order associated with the suborder
  3. Due date: The due date for the suborder
  4. Status: The current status of the suborder
  5. Total: The total amount for each suborder


Suborder editor

This page allows you to view and manage the details of a specific suborder. Use the options to update and review the suborder information just like a WooCommerce order.


Once you install DEPART, the plugin offers 2 email types, which are DEPART – Partial payment received and DEPART – Partial payment reminder. In this part, we will learn about:

  1. DEPART – Partial payment received: This email is sent when an installment plan is paid successfully
  2. DEPART – Partial payment reminder: This email can be sent, either manually under “Reminder email” column in WooCommerce Orders dashboard or WooCommerce Suborder dashboard; or automatically when an order/suborder is marked as “Overdue” or due today
  3. Supported placeholder explanation
  4. Edit email template using WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin

Configure them under Email settings of DEPART, or Emails settings of WooCommerce (go to Dashboard >> WooCommerce >> Settings >> Emails)


DEPART – Partial payment received

  1. Enable/disable: Enable this email notification. This option configuration is reflected under Email settings of DEPART and vice versa.
  2. Subject: This controls the email subject line. Placeholders supported: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  3. Email heading: This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. Placeholders available: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  4. Email text: Fill in the content you wan the email to represent. Placeholders available: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  5. Payment text: Fill in the content you wan the email to represent. Placeholders available: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  6. Email type: Choose which format of email to send. Options include:
    • Plain Text – A stripped-down version of the email without any HTML formatting.
    • HTML – A version with rich formatting for images, different fonts, and layouts.
    • Multipart – Sends both HTML and plain text versions of the content. The recipient’s email client will choose which version to display based on its capabilities and settings.

Here’s an example of a real DEPART – Partial payment received email with the sample content above:


DEPART – Partial payment reminder

  1. Enable/disable: Enable this email notification. This option configuration is reflected under Email settings of DEPART and vice versa.
  2. Subject: This controls the email subject line. Placeholders supported: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  3. Email heading: This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. Placeholders available: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  4. Email text: Fill in the content you wan the email to represent. Placeholders available: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  5. Payment text: Fill in the content you wan the email to represent. Placeholders available: {site_title}, {site_address}, {site_url}, {order_date}, {wdp_parent_order_number}, {wdp_suborder_number}, {wdp_part_payment_link}, {wdp_payment_due_date}, {wdp_deposit_amount}, {wdp_partial_amount}, {wdp_full_payment}, {wdp_paid_amount}, {wdp_remaining_amount}, {wdp_fee_total}
  6. Email type: Choose which format of email to send. Options include:
    • Plain Text – A stripped-down version of the email without any HTML formatting.
    • HTML – A version with rich formatting for images, different fonts, and layouts.
    • Multipart – Sends both HTML and plain text versions of the content. The recipient’s email client will choose which version to display based on its capabilities and settings.

Here’s an example of a real DEPART – Partial payment reminder email with the sample content above:


Supported placeholder explanation

  1. {site_title}: The title of your WooCommerce store
  2. {site_address}: The address of your WooCommerce store which is in WooCommerce Settings >> General
  3. {site_url}: The URL of your WooCommerce store’s website
  4. {order_date}: The date when the order was placed
  5. {wdp_parent_order_number}: The order number of the parent order associated with the deposit
  6. {wdp_suborder_number}: The order number of the suborder or installment payment
  7. {wdp_part_payment_link}: A link for the customer to complete their next partial payment
  8. {wdp_payment_due_date}: The due date for the next installment payment
  9. {wdp_deposit_amount}: The amount of the initial deposit payment
  10. {wdp_partial_amount}: The amount of the partial payment for the current installment
  11. {wdp_full_payment}: The total amount that needs to be paid for the order
  12. {wdp_paid_amount}: The amount that has already been paid towards the order
  13. {wdp_remaining_amount}: The amount that remains to be paid for the order
  14. {wdp_fee_total}: The total amount of any fees associated with the payment plan


Edit email template using WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin

DEPART is compatible with both WooCommerce Email Template Customizer and Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce

When you install DEPART and one of the two email template customizer plugins above, you can edit emails created by DEPART in their template:


You can access the template either from WooCommerce Emails settings or under DEPART Email settings

Deposit orders on My account

Customer can view their deposit orders and complete the installment plans in their Orders list under My account page.

1. Go to My account >> Orders: Deposit orders are assigned a specific status – Installment Plan or Overdue


2. They can also see that in the order details page


3. Simply click that “PAY” button, then the customer is redirected to the checkout page to complete their installment.



Plugin Author Compatible
WooCommerce Stripe Gateway WooCommerce Automatic payment
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer (both free + pro) VillaTheme Customize email reminder/notification template

Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.