The Knowledge Base Categories page lets you create and organize your KB categories.
Add New Category
Use the options under “Add New Category” section on the left to create new KB categories
- Name: Enter the name of the category
- Slug: Slug can be auto generated by categories name. Should be entered in lowercase, typically separated by hyphens.
- Parent Category: Select a parent category if you want to create a hierarchical structure. This allows you to nest subcategories under a main category, helping to organize articles more effectively.
- Description: Provide a brief description of the category. This helps users understand what type of articles or content they can expect to find in this category.
KB Categories list
The KB Categories list section on the right provides an overview of all the categories used in your Knowledge Base, allowing you to manage and organize them efficiently.
- View Categories: See a list of all Knowledge Base categories. This view includes the category name, slug, parent category (if applicable), and description.
- Edit or Delete: Modify existing categories or remove those that are no longer needed. Click the edit button to update details or the delete button to remove a category.
- Search and Filter: Use search and filter options to quickly find specific categories or view only those that meet certain criteria.
- Category Details: Click on a category name to view and manage the articles associated with it. This allows you to easily access and organize the content within each category.
- Count: Number of KB articles with a specific category assigned. Click the number to see the list of those articles.
This page is essential for managing the structure of your Knowledge Base, making it easier for users to find relevant information and improving the overall user experience.