How to attach additional info

Before scrolling down for details below, you can see this tutorial video or read this article


If you’re using a 3rd plugin that add additional information to WooCommrerce Email, you can use WC Hook to attach this information to our template. For example, the custom fields like Gender; Date of birth; CIF/NIF number… Specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: Locate the position of additional info in WooCommerce default email.

In this step, you would need to deactivate our plugin to locate the position of the info. The most common way is to create a test order with that info filled, and see where it’ll show in the WooCommerce email.


Step 2: Drag the hook to the corresponding place on the template.


Step 3: Select the correct hook. Based on the info, you would need to test with each hook and see with which one the additional info is shown.


The result will come out like this



Note when you use WC Hook:

    • The WC Hook does not inherit the rule for language. If you’re using a multilingual plugin, like WPML or Polylang, and there’s valid translation for the additional information. Then once you get the correct hook in the email template, the hook will display the info in the user’s selected language, no matter the template language.
      So you must create a template for each language, and each template must include the WC Hook, in order for the info and the template language to match.
    • If there are multiple info show in the same place, and they may use the same hook to be displayed. Then you only need to add one hook. If for example, you have 2 different pieces of info created by 2 separated plugins, but they all display below the order table, and you realize they use the same hook woocommerce_email_after_order_table, then only one hook should be added.
      If you add 2 same hooks, the info will be duplicated.
    • If you want to display the payment instruction, simply drag the WC Hook to any place on the email template, and select this hook woocommerce_before_order_table
    • All settings with WC Hook component should be test with a real email sending.  The hook which is added to a position with no additional info attached will be hidden in a real email, but will show in a test email.