Filter By Taxonomy

  1. Choose taxonomy: Choose one option of taxonomy.

  2. Choose term: You can add terms of category or tag based on your selection above manually. Or use Add all Button to add all available terms.

  3. Show type: Type to display taxonomy filter. There are 6 options: Button, Checkbox, Select, Color Swatches, and Images.



When you choose this type, Taxonomy will display as a button.

  1. Customize term:
    • Name: After you add a term, the name of the term will appear in this column.

    • New Label: Add a label for the term. This field is optional and will appear on the frontend when you show Filter. If this field is empty, it will take the Name to display

    • Tooltip: Add tooltip. This field is optional. It will appear on the front end when the user hovers the mouse over the term.
  2. Order by: Sort the terms based on their name, slug, ID, or default order.
  3. Order type: ASC or DESC
  4. Show count of items: Enable to show the number of items
  5. Allow multiple selection: Enable this if you want to allow customers to choose more than 1 option
  6. Multiselect relation: If you enable “Allow multiple selection”, choose a relation “And” or “Or”
    If “And”: Products after being filtered MUST include all filter values selected
    If “Or”: Products after being filtered may include one/particular/all filter values selected.
  7. Display Type: Choose the display type for your filter block – Vertical or Horizontal
  8. Show “clear” button: Enable to show the “Clear” link above the filter block
  9. Show as toggle: Enable if you want to show this filter as a toggle
  10. Show “view more” button: Show view more item (Only works if show type is button or checkbox)




When you choose this type, Taxonomy will display as checkboxes.

  1. Customize term:
    • Name: After you add a term, the name of the term will appear in this column.

    • New Label: Add a label for the term. This field is optional and will appear on the frontend when you show Filter. If this field is empty, it will take the Name to display

    • Tooltip: Add tooltip. This field is optional. It will appear on the front end when the user hovers the mouse over the term.
  2. Order by: Sort the terms based on their name, slug, ID, or default order.
  3. Order type: ASC or DESC
  4. Show count of items: Enable to show the number of items
  5. Allow multiple selection: Enable this if you want to allow customers to choose more than 1 option
  6. Multiselect relation: If you enable “Allow multiple selection”, choose a relation “And” or “Or”
    If “And”: Products after being filtered MUST include all filter values selected
    If “Or”: Products after being filtered may include one/particular/all filter values selected.
  7. Display type: Choose the display type for your filter block
  8. Show “clear” button: Enable to show the “Clear” link above the filter block
  9. Show as toggle: Enable if you want to show this filter as a toggle
  10. Show “view more” button: Show view more item




When you choose this type, Taxonomy will show up as selections.

  1. Customize term:
    • Name: After you add a term, the name of t the term will appear in this column.

    • New Label: Add a label for the term. This field is optional and will appear on the frontend when you show Filter. If this field is empty, it will take the Name to display

    • Tooltip: Add tooltip. This field is optional. It will appear on the front end when the user hovers the mouse over the term.
  2. Show search field: Enable to show search field.
  3. Order by: Sort the terms based on their name, slug, ID, or default order.
  4. Order type: ASC or DESC
  5. Allow multiple selection: Enable this if you want to allow customers to choose more than 1 option
  6. Multiselect relation: If you enable “Allow multiple selection”, choose a relation “And” or “Or”
    If “And”: Products after being filtered MUST include all filter values selected
    If “Or”: Products after being filtered may include one/particular/all filter values selected.
  7. Show “clear” button: Enable to show the “Clear” link above the filter block
  8. Show as toggle: Enable if you want to show this filter as a toggle, and choose toggle style.




When you choose this type, taxonomy will show up as colored buttons.

  1. Button template:  Customize button by changing the value in Width, Height, and Border-radius columns.
  2. Color separator: When you add more than one color variant for one term (maximum 3), choose a separator to separate the colors.
  3. Customize term:
    • Name: After you add a term, the name of the term will appear in this column.

    • New Label: Add a label for the term. This field is optional and will appear on the frontend when you show Filter. If this field is empty, it will take the Name to display

    • Tooltip: Add tooltip. This field is optional. It will appear on the front end when the user hovers the mouse over the term.
  4. Order by: Sort the terms based on their name, slug, ID, or default order.
  5. Order type: ASC or DESC
  6. Show count of items: Enable to show the number of items
  7. Allow multiple selection: Enable this if you want to allow customers to choose more than 1 option
  8. Multiselect relation: If you enable “Allow multiple selection”, choose a relation “And” or “Or”
    If “And”: Products after being filtered MUST include all filter values selected
    If “Or”: Products after being filtered may include one/particular/all filter values selected.
  9. Display type: Choose the display type for your filter block – Vertical or Horizontal
  10. Show “clear” button: Enable to show the “Clear” link above the filter block
  11. Show as toggle: Enable if you want to show this filter as a toggle
  12. Show “view more” button: Show view more item (Only works if show type is button or checkbox)




When you choose this type, Taxonomy will display as images.

  1. Button template:  Customize image display by changing the value in Width, Height, and Border-radius columns.
  2. Customize term:
    • Name: After you add a term, the name of the term will appear in this column.

    • New Label: Add a label for the term. This field is optional and will appear on the frontend when you show Filter. If this field is empty, it will take the Name to display

    • Tooltip: Add tooltip. This field is optional. It will appear on the front end when the user hovers the mouse over the term.
  3. Order by: Sort the terms based on their name, slug, ID, or default order.
  4. Order type: ASC or DESC
  5. Allow multiple selection: Enable this if you want to allow customers to choose more than 1 option
  6. Multiselect relation: If you enable “Allow multiple selection”, choose a relation “And” or “Or”
    If “And”: Products after being filtered MUST include all filter values selected
    If “Or”: Products after being filtered may include one/particular/all filter values selected.
  7. Display type: Choose the display type for your filter block – Vertical or Horizontal
  8. Show “clear” button: Enable to show the “Clear” link above the filter block
  9. Show as toggle: Enable if you want to show this filter as a toggle, then choose toggle style
  10. Show “view more” button: Show view more item (Only works if show type is button or checkbox)