
The plugin provides 2 layout carousel and list.


  1. Layout: select the carousel layout or the list layout.
  2. Infinity loop: the carousel product list will create a loop to display. Avoid interrupting when viewing products.
  3. Autoplay: the plugin will automatically display all suggested products. If this option is turned off, customers will need to move to the next product by hand.
  4. Show next/prev buttons: display the next/previous button, allow customers to switch to next product on front-end.
  5. Items on Desktop: select how many product you want to display on the desktop screen at one time.
  6. Items on Tablet: select how many product you want to display on the tablet screen at one time.
  7. Items on Mobile: select how many product you want to display on the mobile screen at one time.
  8. Navigation Location: select the position you want to display the navigation. There are 3 positions to choose top right, top left and center.
  9. Product Items Layout: there are 2 layouts to select horizontal and vertical.


  1. Select the list layout
  2. Select how many columns you want to display on desktop devices.
  3. Select how many columns you want to display on tablet devices.
  4. Select how many columns you want to display on mobile devices.
  5. Select the product item layout. There are two options to select horizontal and vertical.