
The PayPal option helps you to automatically add tracking numbers to the PayPal transactions. This option requires the Client ID and Client Secret.

  1. Payment method: Each PayPal plugin you activate will have a corresponding payment method in this column.
  2. Is sandbox: Enabling/Disabling this option depends on whether you’re using the sandbox mode or not
  3. Client ID: Add the client ID.
  4. Client Secret: Add the Client Secret
  5. Action: Test the connection to make sure the function works. If all the required fields are correct, the green notice “Successfully” will appears.
  6. Debug: If enabled, each time there is an error, a raw request to the PayPal API will be logged.

Note: In case you’re using different PayPal plugins, which creates different PayPal payment methods, you just need to fill in the Client ID and Client Secret of Default Live API and/or Default Sandbox API, and the other payment methods will use these APIs to work, depends on which mode you’re using. In case you don’t want to use the mutual APIs, please fill each payment method with their own Client ID and Client Secret to make it work

How to add orders tracking information on PayPal transaction, testing with a sandbox account: