Google Map

Go to Dashboard > VIC Real Estate > Settings > Google Map

  1. Google map API key: Follow the link in the note to get the Google ReCAPTCHA link
  2. Default map zoom: You can change the map’s zoom level to see where the property is located. The higher the zoom, the more visible the property is on the map.
  3. Style for Google Map: You can change different styles for google map. Just go to the link in the note, it will be redirected to this website, where you can explore different styles of Google map. Then click a prefer one, expand the Javascript and paste into the blank frame
  4. Map marker icon: You can choose the default marker icon, or upload one from your site
  5. Enable Travel time: Enable to use the travel time feature. It can estimate the distance between the location of the property to a certain spot by Driving, Transit, Walking, Cycling.
  6. Distance units: Choose a unit for the distance. It can be Kilometer or mile.