Design and customize your card templates here
- Paper size: Select one of the built-in sizes, or make your own size with “Custom” option
- If “Custom”, fill in the “Width” and “Height” fields.
- Margin: Set up margin for Top, Right, Bottom, Left sides
- Add image: Add the image here.
- Add text: Click “Add text” button to start adding text content. Then click the added text to edit
- To change text content position, either adjust the Pos X/Pos Y or drag the text in the editor zone to the place you want. If the second action, Pos X/Pos Y will change accordingly. The posX and posY properties define the position of the upper left corner of the form item on the x and y axis of the form.
- To change text content, edit the “Content” input field
- Change the text field width in “Width”
- Align the text
- Change text color
- Adjust font size
- Adjust font weight