This tab allows the point manager to manage the general settings of the plugin: scoring rules, ranking order, and other settings.
- Enable: Enable/Disable the plugin.
- User’s roles can approve point: Users with selected roles can approve points when points need manual approval.
- Use lock point type: With this point type, users cannot transfer to other users.
- Transfer to other users: Allow users to give their points to others.
- Transfer fee: The point values a user has to pay for transferring the point.
- Expire after: Expiry date of the point earned. If this field is empty, the point has no expiry date.
- Rank enable: Enable the ranking system.
- Rank: Build your own ranking system here, this table will appear when the “Rank enable” option is enabled.
- Rank Title (compulsory): Set your title for each rank.
- Point to reach rank(compulsory): The minimum qualification score a user must accumulate to reach the rank
- Reward when rank reached (optional): Point values that are given to customers when they reach the rank
- Icon: Set your own icon.
- Actions to accumulate point: Select behavior users can earn points with.
- Restrict user’s roles: Select particular user roles to restrict them that they can not earn points by doing these actions above
- Restrict users: Select particular users to restrict them that they can not earn points by doing these actions above
- Block user time: When you block a user in the User’s points settings, manage the time to block them here.