Filter Based on Order Properties

Similarly, you can bulk edit orders with functions and tools the same as bulk editing products. They include Filter order properties, Settings, Meta fields and history.

First, to quickly call out (an) orders rows you can filter orders based on the properties of the order. They are ID; Customer’s email; Customer note; Order date; Order status; Transaction ID; Billing first name, Billing last name, Billing address, Billing City, Billing  postcode, Billing country,  Billing state, Billing company, Billing phone; Shipping first name,  Shipping  last name, Shipping address, Shipping city, Shipping postcode, Shipping country, Shipping state, Shipping company, Shipping phone.



1. Click on the filter icon to open the filter fields to select.

2. Select, enter property values to filter.

3. Filter.

4. Clear all selected or entered property values.

5. The return results after filtering.