General Settings

In General, you can set up the main features of WooCommerce Name Your Price and Offers


  1. Enable: Enable the plugin to allow your customers to make another offer price that you give in your products.
  2. Quickview: If you use a theme or plugin with quick view, you should enable it.
  3. Setting for variable products: Enable to set global for all variations by setting for parent products instead of configuring for each individual product.
  4. Allow free purchase:  If you want your customer can be purchased for $0 or the price field is empty then enable it.
  5. Hidden product price: Enable this option to hide the price of the product, the plugin will use the price of the product as the default price of the Name Your Price
  6. Input price step: When you setting it any to number, in the frontend your buyer will no longer need to write the value but instead, when they clicking on it and using the up or down arrow on the keyboard it will change according to the number you have set.
  7. Custom CSS: Allow you to add your own CSS code to design the currencies bar or widget.