On WooCommerce Suborders dashboard

DEPART creates a menu called “Suborders” under WooCommerce dashboard.

A suborder refers to the individual installment orders created as part of a payment plan. Each suborder represents a specific payment that is part of the overall payment plan for a product or service.

Basically, the Suborder menu functions similarly to the WooCommerce Orders menu:

  1. Suborders list
  2. Suborder editor


Suborders list

This page displays all suborders associated with your deposit parent orders. Scroll down to see what you can do in this page, and the overview info of each suborder it can give you.

You can:

  1. Quick filter orders by:
    1. Suborder status
    2. Due Date and/or Customer
    3. Due date – Due today
  2. Take action of:
    1. Bulk change suborder status
    2. Click the eye to quick view the parent order details
    3. Manually sendingĀ  “DEPART – Partial payment reminder” email
    4. Quickly setting a suborder status to Processing or Complete

And you have a overview of these details in a suborder:

  1. Order: The Order ID. Click here to be redirected to the suborder editing page for detailed information.
  2. Parent order: The parent order associated with the suborder
  3. Due date: The due date for the suborder
  4. Status: The current status of the suborder
  5. Total: The total amount for each suborder


Suborder editor

This page allows you to view and manage the details of a specific suborder. Use the options to update and review the suborder information just like a WooCommerce order.