B – JS

1 – Add a new category in sidebar components.

ViWec.Components.registerCategory($id, $display_name);


2 – Add a new component

    category: 'category_id',
    type: 'component_type',
    name: 'component_name',
    icon: 'component_icon',
    html: '<div class="target_selector">HTML after stop drag</div>',

    properties: [
            key: "unique_key",
            inputType: SectionInput,
            name: false,
            section: contentSection,
            data: {header: "Section header"},
            key: "option_key",
            htmlAttr: 'innerHTML',
            target: '.target_selector',
            section: contentSection,
            col: 16,
            inputType: TextInput,
            renderShortcode: true,
            data: {shortcodeTool: true}
            key: "padding_header",
            inputType: SectionInput,
            name: false,
            section: styleSection,
            data: {header: "Padding (px)"}
            name: "Left",
            key: "padding-left",
            htmlAttr: "style",
            section: styleSection,
            col: 4,
            unit: 'px',
            inputType: NumberInput,
            data: {id: 20, max: 250},
            name: "Top",
            key: "padding-top",
            htmlAttr: "style",
            section: styleSection,
            col: 4,
            unit: 'px',
            inputType: NumberInput,
            data: {id: 20},
            name: "Right",
            key: "padding-right",
            htmlAttr: "style",
            section: styleSection,
            col: 4,
            unit: 'px',
            inputType: NumberInput,
            data: {id: 20, max: 250},
            name: "Bottom",
            key: "padding-bottom",
            htmlAttr: "style",
            section: styleSection,
            col: 4,
            unit: 'px',
            inputType: NumberInput,
            data: {id: 20},
    inheritProp: ['text', 'alignment', 'margin']


Type Identify for element
Category Group elements in order
Name Name displayed in element list
Icon Icon
html html of components after dragging to view area
Properties Declare attributes of components
Onchange Processing functions when an attribute changes
Key Attribute (href, padding, border,… or other spontanous values)
Name Display name of attributes or group of attributes
htmlAttr Classify attributes: inner HTML, style, child Style, other(href, data-*,…).
When attribute values change, the result is:
– inner HTML: Value will display in view side.
– style: set style for div cover outside of component.
– childStyle: set style for component inside as the selector declared (target)
– other: set attribute for component as selector.
Target Class or id of child component needs to edit
Section Declare group which property belongs to (content Section or style Section)
Col The display width of property control (4, 8, 16)
Input Type Input control types can be rendered: Section Input, Number Input, Text Input, Img Input, Color Input, Select2Input, Select Input, Checkbox Input, Text Editor
Data Pass data to control (Mainly pass options to select input type)
Unit Some properties need unit like padding, margin,…
OnChange Hook when occurring events with input